Mother, Baby & Kids

How to Avoid FOMO from Interfering with Motherhood


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Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) as a mother can affect anyone, no matter if you’re a stay-at-home mum or a working one.

It is easy to feel left out when you are occupied with housework and/or office work in addition to the busyness of caring for children.

Imagine being stuck with the same family and work routine, then scrolling through your social media to find that some of your old friends are no longer inviting you to meetups.

You see them going for movies, chilling at a karaoke bar, having fun together on short getaways, and engaging in various outings—without you.

That’s when FOMO sets in, seeing how your other friends are having so much fun doing things you used to enjoy and be invited to.

You might even feel as if you don’t have a best friend or close friends anymore because everything revolves around chores, work, and family.

FOMO can be a real struggle, but don’t let it consume you. It may make you feel bad about your life and could lead to depression.

Worse, it could have an impact on how you treat your children at home especially if you subconsciously blame them for it.

But it’s not their fault.

Even so, we understand how you may feel, mummies.

So, take it easy and review some of the tips below to avoid succumbing to FOMO.

Trust There Is a Bright Side

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Positive thinking results in a positive you.

Many things could be going on out there, and the fact that you are not invited is completely normal. Tell yourself it’s okay to miss out and that there’s nothing you can do about it.

You might be missing out on some things, but on the bright side, there must be some situations going on in your life that you won’t be able to replace with other memories.

Embrace those moments and let go of the bad and guilty feelings associated with not being included.

You’ve got this, mummy!

Take a Break from Social Media

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Admittedly, in this day and age, it can feel difficult at times to put your phone away and refrain from checking social media.

However, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

If FOMO is interfering with your daily life, the best thing to do is to unplug from social media. Set a timer to limit yourself, or better yet, don’t open your social media accounts at all.

An even better option? Simply remove those apps for a month or so to avoid temptation to check them.

It should help clear your mind and make you feel better when you’re not actively looking or comparing. Take pleasure in what is going on in your life.

Gathering of Like-Minded Mothers

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Don’t feel sad; you are not alone!

The truth is that if you’re feeling FOMO, chances are your mummy friends may be feeling the same way.

You could probably start by forming a group on any platform where you mums can exchange ideas on how to overcome FOMO.

At the same time, make a plan to find a free time when you can all hang out and do activities together. Numerous activities can be undertaken, ranging from a day trip to a picnic in the park and cooking together.

You mums can also decide to participate in activities with each other’s children.

The kids can play while the mothers get together. How fun!

Turn FOMO into JOMO

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FOMO is one of many buzzwords these days, whether it’s about parenthood, childhood, the workplace, or anything else.

However, let us now give way to JOMO, or Joy of Missing Out!

Yes, you read that correctly; instead of being afraid of missing out, you should rejoice in them.

PSYCOM stated that JOMO is about being in the present moment and being grateful for what is happening right now, both of which are positively associated with wellbeing.

So, go ahead and start compiling your own list of JOMO.

Once you’ve discovered your joy, it will help to distract you from the things that are making you feel excluded.

Seeing Is Not Always Believing

Image credit: Canva

Certainly, what you see online isn’t a complete picture of the people who posted it.

The majority of people will post things that are happy and enjoyable for them rather than things that are disappointing and may cause embarrassment.

After all, no one would want to consciously expose their failure to the online world.

In that regard, don’t let what you perceive to be other people’s happiness influence your life.

Remember that what others are doing does not affect you and that you can always find your own way to get ahead.

SELF-LOVE NOTE FROM MOTHERHOOD: Keep in mind that most mothers experience FOMO to some extent and at some point, in their lives. It’s a completely normal feeling to have.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the feeling and find positive ways to deal with it. That way, you’ll be happier with your lives and less likely to be consumed by fear of missing out.

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