Mother, Baby & Kids

15 Key Child Safety Rules and Tips for Every Home

Home Safety Rules

Home safety rules are more than just important and keeping your children safe at home is an essential concern as a parent. Even though the child is indoors, that does not mean the child is completely safe. Parents can increase the safety precautions to help prevent their children from being in danger or unsafe situations.

There are various safety rules in the house that can be taught or practised to keep children safe. Parents must consistently establish and implement the rules so children can develop safety habits at home. Let’s explore our list of suggested safety rules and safety equipments that you can use at your home.

15 Safety Rules For A Home with Children

Parents should try to teach their children to be safety-conscious at home where they are comfortable so the rules can be easier to learn. Once children can learn the ways to be safe in a familiar environment, it’s easier for them to practise these habits when they are away from home. Here are 15 safety rules that can help parents to keep children safe at home:

Keep Medication Out of Reach

Parents should keep supplements, capsules, tablets and liquid medication out of reach of children. Toddlers are generally curious and they tend to put objects in their mouths. Loose or poorly stored medication can harm the child if the medicine is ingested.

Children also love the rattling sound that medication bottles might make so they naturally gravitate towards playing with such containers. It’s best to keep any kind of medication out of sight so the child will not be tempted to play with them.

No Jumping and Climbing on Furniture

Young children love jumping on sofas as they like the bouncy feeling. As fun, as it is, jumping on sofas can result in serious injuries. There have been accidents where children have hurt themselves badly by landing on glass tables and hitting their heads on the floor.

Climbing on cupboards is also dangerous as the fall can seriously injure the child. Parents should be strict with implementing the “no climbing and no jumping” rule to prevent accidents.

Store Chemicals Away

Cleaning products like bleach, detergents, powdered soap and other hazardous chemicals must be securely kept away from children. Children like exploring cabinets and most adults prefer to keep such cleaning chemicals under the sink. Try locking the cabinet that has these chemicals or baby-proofing it so the child has no access to these harmful chemicals.

Cover Electrical Outlets

Children like to stick their fingers or other objects into electrical outlets. This can be very dangerous and young children will not understand how harmful electricity can be. Parents can use plastic covers to childproof the electrical outlets to prevent the child from having an electric shock. Inspect all wires of electrical appliances in the home to ensure there are no exposed areas. These can also cause electric shocks and can be a fire hazard.

Kitchen Tools & Appliances

The kitchen is the heart of the home and a child can have many happy memories with their parents in this part of the house. To ensure the child’s safety in the kitchen, parents should keep sharp tools away from their reach. Heatable appliances like kettles, stove tops and cookers are dangerous to children and it’s best to keep them seated safely when the parents are cooking.

Avoid Using Scented Candles Or Incense

Lit candles and incense are dangerous to use in a home where children are running around. Even if you keep these items in a high place, they can be a health and safety hazard. The best solution is not to use these items till the children get older. Other options like humidifiers are safer to use as it doesn’t need an open flame to function.

Keep Windows and Balcony Doors Closed

Falling from heights is a common way children get hurt. Parents should keep all windows and balcony doors locked to avoid curious children getting hurt. The window latches can be childproofed, and parents should always ensure that the child asks permission to go out to the balcony. They should always be accompanied by an adult when they are in a balcony area.

Wire and Cord Management

Long wires and cords are a choking hazard for young children. It is advisable to roll long wires or cords from appliances and tuck them away so children can’t play with them. Wires and cords might not look harmful on the surface but they can easily twist around a child’s neck and cause fatal injuries.

Keep Small Objects Away

Objects like coins, marbles, pins, magnets and other small household items are unsafe for children. These can cause a child to choke so try to have a set container to store such items away from the child’s reach. Older children can be educated to not put these small objects in their mouths, ears or nose to avoid accidents. Good housekeeping practices can help parents to clear these items away from the main living areas.

Turn Off Electrical Appliances

Electrical appliances should be turned off at the main switch when not in use. This can avoid the child from getting injured if they accidentally played with buttons or switches on the appliance. Appliances like a stand fan can cause serious damage to a child’s fingers if they switched it on and played with the blades.

Hide Matches Or Fire Starters

Matches or any other tool that can start a fire should be hidden away from children. Fire fascinates children and sometimes they can’t help themselves from playing with it. Parents should also have several portable fire extinguishers in the home for emergency fires. Educate the child about how fire can hurt them and that it should not be played with for their safety.

Secure the Surroundings

If your home has a staircase, low windows or a balcony it’s best to secure the entrance to these areas with a child gate. Blocking the pathway to these areas of height can help to keep children safe, especially when they are too long to navigate stairs or too curious to keep away from heights.

Gentle with Pets

In a home with pets, the child needs to be taught to be gentle with the animal. Sometimes children think the pet is a stuffed toy and can be handled roughly. Teach the child to be gentle to the pet so the animal doesn’t have to act in defence from the child.

Bath Time Is Always Supervised

Water can be incredibly dangerous to children and parents should not let bathtime be unsupervised. Eliminate the risk of drowning (it only takes two inches of water to drown) by always being present during bathtime. If you have to rush away from the child, bring the child with you. This is very important, especially when it comes to young children playing in the water.

Use Smoke Alarms

Invest in smoke alarms for your home, it can help to protect your family when you are asleep. Smoke alarms can detect a potential fire and wake the adults to bring the children to safety. Be extra safe by having a fire drill at home with the sound of the smoke alarm. You can also teach the child about the emergency exits they can use in case they can’t find any adults.

Super Kids Club

Looking for ways to keep your child occupied in an educational way at home? We have the solution!

Motherhood’s Super Kids Club is a great way to keep young children busy with learning while having fun. The club offers free registration for new members and there are so many amazing benefits to be enjoyed.

New members can look forward to redeeming a 1-day Kids Go Free Legoland voucher and a free Super Kids activity box.

Children will get to enjoy STEAM-based workshops every week that are led by experienced instructors. There are educational videos, exciting printable worksheets and fun annual field trips for all members.

The Super Kids Club offers many interesting activities and games that can occupy a child’s time and keep the parents’ minds at ease.

Rules Keep the Children Safe with Safety Program

Establishing rules at home is a crucial step towards keeping children safe. Parents can help their children to develop a sense of self-preservation and good habits to prevent accidents and injuries.

Basic precautions are important for a child to learn safety skills and parents need to model such behaviours. It will take some effort for the parents to teach and maintain these rules but it’s worth it when the child is safe.

Being proactive about potential dangers is a good way to reduce the chances of accidents happening but it’s important to note that the risk can’t be fully eliminated.

Parents can do their best to keep their children safe by ensuring they learn about how to be safe indoors and outdoors. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry, especially when it comes to a child’s safety. Plus, it is helpful that they will be able to practise safe work environment once they are older!

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