Mother, Baby & Kids

The Importance of an Organic Diet Especially in Early Years

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Adults and children alike, are constantly exposed to chemicals at all times. From environmental chemicals from the household products that we use, to air pollutants, to the very food we consume.

Children tend to be at higher risk for exposure to the abovementioned elements. Due to their smaller sizes, they end up absorbing a larger dose per unit of the chemicals that they are exposed to. Hence, what is deemed safe for adult consumption may not be safe enough for small children, especially ones up to age five.

As much as we may not be able to control all the toxins that we absorb around us, we can do as much in the area of food consumption. By choosing healthier options and better nutritional value foods, we can help navigate our children’s health and developmental path.

In this article, we hope to create more awareness amongst parents on the importance of food choices for our children, and why an organic diet is preferred.

Let’s start by looking into some of the effects and risks that affect children’s growth.

Lack of Appropriate Feeding in Early Childhood Is a Major Risk Factor

World Health Organization (WHO) believes that nutrition plays a crucial role in the early years of life. Appropriate feeding practices is the way to achieving optimal health. A lack of it often results in ill-health throughout the course of life. 

Poor feeding practice has life-long impact on a child, and may result in poor school performance, reduced productivity, impaired intellectual and social development, or chronic diseases.

One of the best feeding practices is offer foods that are produced without chemicals and additives.

Children Are More Vulnerable to Pesticides

Milk is a considered a staple food for most children and they consume it daily throughout their growing years. For our children to benefit wholly from nutrients in milk, it is important for us to understand the process in which milk is derived.

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In conventional dairy farming, cows are exposed to pesticide-treated pastures. Although there may be guidelines as to allowable quantity and types of pesticides used, these pesticide residuals do accumulate in the raised cattle. The transfer of the pesticide residuals into milk is then consumed by human, which could potentially lead to health issues like headaches, birth defects, and added strain on our immune systems.

As for children, they are most vulnerable to the effects of pesticide exposure, due to their still developing immune systems, bodies, and brains. Early age exposure may cause developmental delays, behavioural disorders, autism, motor dysfunction, and harm to their immune system.

The effects and risks stemming from these chemicals would be difficult to reverse or to be rid of. As such, many parents today turn to safer food choices in the form of organic foods. Not only are they safer for our children’s consumption, they also offer some added benefits.

Higher Concentrations of Antioxidants in Organic Produce

A study found that organically grown crops have substantially higher concentrations of a range of antioxidants, such as polyphenolics, flavanones, stilbenes, flavones, flavanols and anthocyanins. 

Scientists think that this is because plants that fight to grow without the help of synthetic pesticides, produce more phytochemical. Phytochemical is a natural defence system for plants, and in turn these phytochemical help us with major health benefits like better heart health, brain function, and lower risk of type 2 diabetes. (Today’s Dietician) 

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This is the kind of quality food we want our young children to consume to build up a healthy body. The earlier they begin to consume healthier options from an organic diet, the better their health foundation to support their growth.

Guaranteed Safety in Food Ingredients

When we choose organic foods, we are assured of the safety due to the many regulations and controls put in place for all organic foods producers. All producers have to comply by these strict standards. Some will go beyond these standards and apply even more stringent standards in order to offer premium quality organic foods.

One such organic producers is HiPP, which applies very strict quality controls (up to 500 controls) to ensure utmost safety of the products for children. It exceeds the EU standards and the owner of HiPP guarantees this with the HiPP Organic Seal, ensuring premium quality milk for children.

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HiPP JUNIOR Organic Growing-up milk formula is fully imported from Germany. It is produced without the use of GMO, chemically synthesised pesticides and insecticides, artificial hormones, artificial fertilisers, and prophylactic antibiotics.

Pure Nutrition for Your Child

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Besides knowing the absence of harmful chemicals in the food children consume, mothers also want to feed them with the best of pure nutrition. As such, it is also important to understand the source of nutrients in our children’s food and milk and the benefits they provide.

HiPP uses premium certified organic sources of nutrition, and the HiPP JUNIOR milk formula contains 100% pure organic lactose, organic Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and natural dietary fibre to support a healthy intestinal flora. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids from natural organic ingredients to support brain and nerve cells development.

Deliver the Best for Our Children

Image credit: Canva

Our children are our world. Every parent feels the need to give them the best they can offer, and see them grow up healthy and happy. The foundation of a healthy and happy life begins with the right input. That’s why we give them nothing but the best in life—the best foods that’s best from nature and best for nature, the best education, the best upbringing that they deserve.

Feeding our children an organic diet in their early lives so that they can grow up healthily to enjoy their best days, and reach their greatest potentials is the best gift we can offer.

This educational article is supported by HiPP, to help mummies like us to be more informed when choosing pure nutrition for our child. HiPP JUNIOR is a trusted choice amongst mothers in over 60 countries, and is now finally in Malaysia!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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