Mother, Baby & Kids

Indoor Camping Joy: Explore 15 Exciting Adventures for Kids Today!

Indoor Camping Ideas for Kids

In this technological-driven age, kids aren’t too keen on participating in outdoor activities. If you are trying to get your kid to be interested in outdoor camping, experiment with indoor camping first! Indoor camping is fun and exciting with many benefits.

Indoor camping can help kids to develop their imagination, critical thinking and problem-solving skills while being fun. It’s easy to have a night of indoor camping fun, all you need is your living room and imagination.

15 Fun and Exciting Ideas to Try When Camping Indoors with Kids

Indoor camping isn’t just for kids, parents can have fun too! It’s a wholesome, family fun time that can help the family to grow closer. Let’s explore these fun ideas to try out with you are camping indoors with kids.

Shadow Puppets


Use a flashlight while in the tent or fort to play shadow puppets with kids. Switch off all the lights in the living room and have an awesome time teaching kids how to make shapes with your hands and fingers. Kids can also learn about how shadows work.

Use Props

Props like flashlights, indoor plants, sleeping bags, water bottles, compasses and backpacks can be used to decorate the indoor camping site. These props can also be used to teach the kid about how they can be used when camping outdoors. Let the kid use some of the safe props so they can grow interested in the camping experience.


Sing-a-longs are part of camping traditions. You can research kid-friendly camping songs and download the lyrics to sing them together as a family. Another way to have fun sing-a-longs is to play the kid’s favourite songs and let them sing a-long at the campsite.

Find And Colour

A variation of a treasure hunt, you can hide camping-themed colouring sheets with colour pencils or crayons around the camping site. Entice the kid by saying there are special papers hidden around the site and if the activity is completed, they get a special prize or snack. This can keep the kid occupied and happy for a while.

Camp Fire

Build a fake fire or fireplace with cardboard, felt or paper to make the experience real. You can let the kid colour in the fire with the material you have chosen. Cut out fire shapes and place them together to make a fire. You can also create wood logs to make them more realistic. The fake fire should be outside the tent so that everyone can sit around the fire to make the ambience cosy.

Tell Stories

Storytime is a classic camping activity and parents can encourage group storytime with family. Sit around the “fire” of the indoor campsite and start telling interesting camping-related stories. It might be best to avoid spooky stories as you wouldn’t want the kids to stay up because they got scared.

Themed Food

A huge part of making the camping experience authentic is ensuring you serve the right food! Camping food is delicious and kids are bound to love s’mores and hot dogs. You can also opt to have a picnic outside the tent or fort to make the experience extra special. Try to make sure that you leave a water bottle nearby for the kid, proper hydration is important and sugary drinks might leave them hyperactive at night.

Get Physical

It’s good to get some exercise anywhere and indoor camping is no exception. You can invent games that include hitting balloons, a safe pillow fight or dancing to get the kid to move around. Getting some exercise during indoor camping can also improve the kid’s sleep.

Arts And Crafts

If your kid loves making art, include an arts and craft activity to make indoor camping fun for them. Give the kid a camping theme and ask them to draw animals, plants, the night sky or any other camping-related pictures. You can also talk about how outdoor camping will feel to give them an idea.

Scavenger Hunt

Parents can hide toys, packed snacks or other fun things for the kid to find. To make the hunt extra fun you can draw out a treasure map or leave clues for the kid to find. A scavenger hunt is a great way to keep the kid occupied and entertained while camping indoors. It can also help to tire the kid out so they can easily fall asleep when bedtime is near.

Build A Fort

Building a fort is a fun camping activity when camping indoors and even adults look forward to this. You can use blankets, bedsheets, pillows, bolsters, cardboard boxes, clothespins and rope to build the fort. Include the kid in building the fort can this can them a sense of accomplishment once the fort is complete. The kid can also decorate the fort with their favourite drawings or artwork to make it more “homey”.

Play Nature Sounds

Create a more immersive experience with nature sounds when camping indoors. Nature sounds can help the child’s imagination to feel like they are truly outdoors. You can use a sound machine or find a playlist on music streaming apps to play these sounds.

Sleepover Indoor Camping

The more the merrier! Organise a sleepover with a group of kids so your kid can have a different experience. Try to secure more sleeping bags or camping tents to accommodate all the kids. Indoor camping with friends can be a different kind of fun when compared to indoor camping with the family. Playing games with a group of kids can be extra fun and can encourage the kids to learn about socializing and teamwork.

Include Stuffed Toys

Kids can be attached to their stuffed toys or plushies. Include these toys at the indoor campsite and let the kid dress the toys as little campers. You can also use the stuffed toys as props to tell a story or play a game with them. If the kid is nervous about sleeping away from their bed for the first time, their favourite stuffed toy can be a source of comfort for them.

Make It Cosy

Image credit: Instagram@Bettyrahmad

Transform the indoor camping area into a cosy play area with pillows, throws and comforters. The area outside the tent or fort should be dimly lit with cosy sitting areas. This can make the indoor camping experience comfortable and fun. You can also drape fairy lights, use soft blankets and add plants to set the right ambience.

Encourage The Spirit of Adventure with Indoor Camping

There is a wide range of benefits that kids can get from parents encouraging imaginative play. Indoor camping can make staying at home exciting for kids while they spend some quality time with the family and make good memories. Aside from having fun at home with indoor camping, this activity can help to foster a love for the outdoors with kids. Kids that have good experiences with indoor camping may be persuaded to give outdoor camping a try. The main objective is for the kid to have a great time and learn new things.