Mother, Baby & Kids

7 Key Ingredients That Keep Pregnant Mothers’ Skin Moisturised & Stretch Mark Free

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During pregnancy, women often receive compliments of how their skin looks radiant with that distinctive ‘pregnancy glow’. Little do some of us know of the unpleasant realities of pregnancy – dry skin, itchiness and worse, stretch marks!

A discerning pregnant mother should be well-accustomed with the essentials of a basic skincare routine. For her wellbeing and the safety of her unborn child, some skincare ingredients are effective and safe to use, some are just simply not!

To prevent or reduce dry skin, itchiness or stretch marks; please choose skincare that contains these ingredients for a better and safer outcome:

  1. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is undoubtedly one of the most prized ingredients in the skincare industry. Although referred to as an oil, it is actually a liquid plant wax that can be quickly absorbed into the skin. Jojoba Oil, akin to human sebum, deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin while keeping oil levels balanced. This helps restore the skin’s natural moisture; keeping the skin looking soft and supple while adding a healthy glow.

  1. Safflower Oil

Safflower Oil, a rich source of linoleic acid, is an ideal emollient ingredient. It is a good base oil that lubricates the skin and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. This helps moisturise and soothe dry skin, reduce inflammation as well as clear up blemishes thereby reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

  1. Natural Vitamin E

Natural Vitamin E has been clinically proven to work on scars with good results. Its antioxidant properties are essential in supporting the skin’s elasticity. This allows it to help repair and protect the natural collagen in the skin against harmful UV and free radicals thereby preventing stretch marks.

  1. Crowberry Extract

Crowberry helps protect the skin against damage from the sun and the natural degradation of age that occurs when free radicals are present in the body. This helps improve skin health and regenerate skin cells which reduces the appearance of scars, quicken wound healing and add a healthier natural glow to the skin.

  1. Shea Butter

Shea Butter is considered a skin superfood; rich in natural vitamins and nutrients necessary for collagen production. This helps nourish and moisturise the skin to prevent dryness whilst protecting the skin’s natural oils. Further, Shea Butter helps reduce skin inflammation and may also help avoid skin mutations.

  1. Argan Oil

Argan Oil has high concentrates of oleic acid which improves the skin’s permeability and assist other ingredients better penetrate the skin. Like Safflower Oil, it is rich in linoleic acids. The combination of these two nutrients helps moisturise the skin and promote healthy skin cell growth; preventing and treating the appearance of stretch marks.

  1. Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil, rich in omega-6 fatty acids and Vitamin E, is a wonderful emollient to reduce signs of ageing, dry skin and discolouration. Grapeseed Oil penetrates the skin quickly and helps ensure skin barrier functioning. This helps protect and repair damaged skin tissues which typically results in stretch marks.

There is a wide variety of products promoted as ways to prevent and reduce stretch marks or relieve dry skin and itchiness. The challenge has always been to find the right product with all the needed qualities to alleviate the adverse effects on the skin during pregnancy.

Look and say no more, enter – Garden of Eden’s Jojo E Stretch Mark Skincare. 

Even these gorgeous mothers love it! 

The Power of Nature’s Extract in Jojo E

Garden of Eden, widely known for their highly-concentrated facial serums, specialises in plant-based products that are potent, natural and safe. Jojo E Stretch Mark Skincare was developed to treat and reduce dry skin, itchiness and the appearance of stretch marks. The skincare comprises a serum and a cream which are independently effective, together with amazing.

Jojo E Stretch Mark Serum is a 100% all-natural plant concentrate and has been dermatologically tested for sensitive skin! As effective as their facial serums, it provides intensive and deep skin hydration. The non-greasy quick absorption instantly relieves very dry and itchy skin while strengthening collagen and protecting against stretch marks.


For pregnant mothers who are constantly on-the-go or simply prefer body cream, Jojo E Stretch Mark Cream is an easy-to-apply solution that provides soothing relief to dry and itchy skin and stretch mark protection. The non-sticky and non-staining cream absorb quickly into the skin; leaving the skin moisturised, soft and comfortable.

While each of them is effective on its own, the effectiveness is doubled when you use both cream and serum together! We recommend the application of the cream during the day as and when needed but, before you tuck yourself in, protect yourself through the night with the serum. After regular application, your skin will be healthier, well-hydrated and supple. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to apply the serum followed by the cream for best results.

With powerful natural active ingredients, Jojo E Stretch Mark Skincare helps prevent and reduce stretch marks as well as relieve dry skin and itchiness. For more information, please check out the latest promotion here.

Join JOJO E Mums Club for pregnancy tips at Facebook @JojoEMumsClub!

This article is published for Garden of Eden.