Mother, Baby & Kids

Is Your Child Afraid of Bath Time? Try These 4 Tips!

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For some, bath time with their toddlers is like a battle. A battle to get them in, a battle to get them clean and a battle to get them out. Before you start, you’ll need to arm yourself mentally, and then physically, because it may sometimes feel like an extreme water sport. If you are tired and are contemplating just leaving them smelling unpleasantly pungent, you are not a bad mother, you just need some help.

And we want to help you!

If you are considering the cane, we suggest otherwise as a power struggle to outpower your child might make things worse rather than helping the situation.

We need to think in terms of the psychological, physical and emotional viewpoints of your child. Getting to the source of their fear will get you much farther in the long run!

The fear of bathing and water, known as called ablutophobia, it turns out, is very common among toddlers and usually appears around ages one to two.

There’s a reason for that! During these years of rapid brain growth, toddlers develop what seems like a hyperawareness of their surroundings. They get overwhelmed by so much new information in a short time.

That is why we have compiled four tips that will help you ease your child during bath time.

Alleviate their sensitivity

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Some children are sensitive to noise or temperature, and if they are, these are the prime triggers around bath and shower time that might overwhelm them.

Most parents would bathe their toddlers in a tub. When they enter kindergarten, they get introduced to showers. Though these two experiences are different as one requires soaking in a tub and another standing as water beats on their body; they can potentially activate fears in the child.

The sound, the water temperature, and the feeling of water around or beating down their body might be too much for them.

To relieve their anxiety, you can allow them to see you preparing the bath. Maybe get them to sit in the tub as you fill it with water. This will help them acclimate to the water as it envelopes their little body. It will also help them adapt to the temperature and allow you time to make adjustments if the water gets too hot or too cold. If they don’t like the sound of the water gushing out from the tap, let them into the bath when water is already filled to reduce the fear.

Make it a soothing time

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Do you make bath time a chore that needs to be done and over with, ASAP?

The rushing might be giving your child anxiety because they don’t even have the chance to process and enjoy the moment.

Instead, you can make bath time something they look forward to.

Granted, some children do have typical developmental fears around bath time. They will generally respond to parental reassurances, redirection with fun bath toys and some downtime. Consider playing soothing tunes or their favourite ones. You can also tell a story while doing so.

Choosing bath or shower products that contain chamomile and lavender extract may also help. These two ingredients have natural soothing effects and are known to relieve colic symptoms.

Introduce bath and shower products that contain natural fruity scents like peach and melon. It helps children to associate bath or shower time with fun. When they are calm and expect to have a fun time, it will be less daunting for parents.

Follow Me Anti-Bacterial Kids Head to Toe Wash meets the mark when it comes to creating a soothing and fun bath and shower time. It is infused with lavender and chamomile extract and comes in two scents, Bursting Melon and Cutie Peach.

Acknowledge their fear

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As frustrating and unreasonable as your toddler’s fear of water might be, you also need to understand that their emotions are real, despite all your reassurances.

We advise you to avoid the mistake of brushing aside your toddler’s emotions when they act up. Don’t scold them, because they are already afraid. Instead, choose to address their fears. Let them know that mummy knows and understands. Address their fear by highlighting the positives, like how water cleans the body, kills germs and ensures they do not get sick.

If their fear is too great, you might need to go the extra mile and enter the bath (if it is large enough) or shower (yes, that means you’ll be soaking wet, too) with your child to ensure that it is all going to be okay.

Avoid soapy eye disasters

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Some children are okay with bath time, until that fateful day when soap gets into their eyes and sting!

Do you remember the time when it happened to you? What was seemingly a harmless activity suddenly turns scary.

Kids have a good memory for pain, and it only takes one soapy, teary occurrence for them to want to avoid bath time altogether. Besides soapy eyes, many kids don’t like water on their faces. Take precautions to avoid both of these nightmares!

Therefore, we always recommend tear-free products!

Some people think that when they swap normal bath products with tear-free ones, they are also trading effective cleaning. That is not true because Follow Me Anti-Bacterial Kids Head to Toe Wash is tear-free and still offers 99.99% bacteria protection without chemical harshness.

As the last resort, just to give your child who may have had a soapy-eye episode some confidence to get cleaned again, you can consider getting a bath visor. You could also go as far as letting your child wear goggles or even a swimsuit to make it more like “pool” time than “bath” time.

No tears or fears with Follow Me Anti-Bacterial Kids Head to Toe Wash

Fear is crucial to instil in a child so that they will keep away from trouble. However, they do develop fears that are not part of what we are trying to teach them to be fearful of. For example, they may not be afraid of jumping off the cot for the 12987549th time but will cry with fear at the thought of having a bath.

Image credit: Follow Me

That is why we suggest making bath time a fruity-fun time with Follow Me Antibacterial Kids Head To Toe wash. It gives your children 99.99% protection from bacteria without harming their delicate skin. It is also dermatologically tested to be mild and gentle, free from harmful triclosan and parabens.

Infused with lavender and chamomile extract, it helps to effectively soothe the agitation and anxiety they may have while moisturising the skin.

Say hello to a better, calmer and ‘funner’ bath or shower time experience. Purchase Follow Me Antibacterial Kids range products at Follow Me Official Shopee Store here!