Mother, Baby & Kids

Juggling Work and Kids: Maternal Wisdom from Malaysian Mums


A mother’s work is never done, not even when her kids are all grown up and have started lives and families of their own.

So, for many mums, cherishing those formative years helping their children reach milestones and make memories is some of the precious moments of motherhood they could ever experience.

One day out of the year is hardly enough to commemorate the challenges and triumphs that come with being a Queen of Hearts. Mother’s Day continues to be an important opportunity to highlight all the maternal sacrifices and important experiences.

But in honour of this special time, Motherhood sat down with some Malaysian mums to share with us just what exactly it is to be a mum. As well as some words of wisdom they can share with all the other mums out there who may need them.

Early Childhood Educator Darshene Steven

Darshene works with early childhood education and is a mother of one.

During her free time, she likes eating desserts and catching up on Netflix shows. She also loves taking photos, and engaging in family fun during the weekends, like indoor playgrounds and outdoor activities. She owes her strength in motherhood to her ECE background.

How do you juggle motherhood and career?

Motherhood and career are two different things. Being a mother can be extremely rewarding in many ways.

Being a mum today is certainly not easy. It’s especially challenging when trying to balance work and home life.

My husband and I always take turns in settling our son. Shower, bedtime and feeding.

While you are at work, it’s always full mind in what you are pursuing. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., I’m an educator to my children while 5:00 p.m. onward, I put on my ‘Mum Hat’.

An educator hat never comes off as you are always there guiding and teaching things for the little ones.

That’s how juggling both can be tiring.

In honour of Mother’s Day, please share some advice with your fellow career mums.

These are my three main tips to abide by in juggling my career and motherhood:

Establish Your Priorities and Honour Them

  • Defining your needs and wants is definitely my number 1 rule to my balance life.

Reach Out for Support When Needed

  • I always go out for a girl’s night out twice a month. We would always exchange our lifestyle and also parenting tips. Get together with your squad and have fun.

Practice Self-Care

  • Definitely my top rule for this year. Prioritising your health and physical wellness is the best self-care. Not only manicure, pedicure and hair washes but also putting yourself first is the top self-care gift you could give yourself. I always quote this to myself: “Happy Mummy, Happy Baby”. The more balanced I am, the more I can give to my little one.

Unit Trust Consultant Marwani Mohamed

Marwani is a single mother to 3 wonderful children aged 7 to 15 years old.

She loves to cook and travel. Previously in property development, her current profession is in the financial industry. She is a licensed unit trust and private retirement consultant. At the same time, she also owns an online business selling essential oils.

What was the best advice you’ve ever gotten as a career mum?

Best advice I’ve ever gotten is to give myself ‘me time’ at least once a week or once every two weeks because good health and clear mind is utmost important especially for career mum.

In honour of Mother’s Day, please share some advice with your fellow career mums.

Sometimes life can be overwhelming but always remember to pause and take a breather whenever we feel down/upset.

We can do this, mummies!

Content Creator Shasha Ramnai

Shasha is a mother of two and a full-time freelance content creator. On her off days she enjoys sharing her motherhood experiences on her social media platforms.

An early childhood education graduate, she created The Shaduos as a way of making and sharing fun DIY activities for toddlers.

What was the most challenging part about being a first-time career mum?

The most challenging was breastfeeding, keeping up with house chores, while taking care of a baby and juggling so many responsibilities whilst maintaining a proper pumping schedule is the most challenging part.

In honour of Mother’s Day, please share some advice with your fellow career mums.

Do what makes you and your baby happy, do what works for you. If breastfeeding is difficult, it’s okay to give formula.

It’s okay if your house is messy. It’s okay if you don’t cook every day.

‘Me time’ is very important; always remember, happy mum = happy baby!

Let’s Celebrate the Queens of Our Hearts This Mother’s Day

Mothers come from all walks of life, with jobs and passions and dreams of their own. But one thing they have in common is their undying love for their children.

This Mother’s Day, honour the women that have sacrificed so much to bring you into this world by celebrating their triumphs and learning from their hardships.

And for new, soon-to-be or experienced mothers, may the words of wisdom from our fellow Malaysian mums help you through those tough times.

You’re strong and beautiful. You’ve got this, mummies!

Motherhood wishes all our fellow mummies a Happy Mother’s Day with love!

For more insightful stories and fun recipes, stay tuned to Motherhood Story!