Mother, Baby & Kids

Why Motherhood Can Mean Bye-Bye for Your Sex Life


If you think the late-night fireworks and red-hot passion of the honeymoon phase lasts forever, think again.

As many first-time mothers know, as soon as you pop out a baby, the lovemaking factory grinds to a resounding halt.

And the cause may not be purely psychological in nature as one may believe.

Here’s why you may be having a dry spell when you’re a new mum.

1. Your Hormones Are Out of Whack

If you’ve heard of baby blues (or postpartum depression) a.k.a. that thing that almost every woman goes through after childbirth, then you already have a clear picture of where this is going.

It’s a result of your pregnancy hormones dwindling sometime around your third semester.

This is known as the postpartum hormone crash.

As progesterone and oestrogen drops, oxytocin and prolactin rise so your body can make milk.

In case you didn’t know, prolactin is the number one libido killer in both women and men.

2. You’re Like, in Actual Pain

Oestrogen is the literal lifeforce for women.

It’s that juicy, overflowing elixir that gets you out of, or into bed with your man when you’re in the mood for some naughty time.

When this hormone takes a nosedive, it doesn’t just make you hangry, cranky and leaves you with bad skin.

It literally dries up your libido (and your vagina), making it not only not enjoyable when you do the dirty, but downright excruciating.

Unfortunately, oestrogen dips are common post-childbirth.

3. You’re Exhausted AF

Between diaper changes, 3 a.m. feedings, cracked nipples, and all those other wonderful perks that come with motherhood, you wonder how you have the time to sit down and eat let, alone have sex with your spouse.

‘Sleep deprivation definitely puts me in the mood’, said no one ever.

Your hormones could have stabilised months ago but you just never had the chance to get it done.

Therefore, a lack of libido is definitely not the problem. But a scarcity of time may as well be.

4. You’re Adjusting to Your New Body

When they say motherhood is a metamorphosis, they’re not kidding.

Childbirth doesn’t just rearrange your guts and then puts them back afterwards.

The fundamental dimensions of your body are forever altered.

From your dress size to the shape of your breasts, your hip width and how your feet fit into your shoes.

It can be hard to feel sexy when you’re still deciding if you like your appearance.

Get Your Groove Back

It’s important not to want to have sex because you spouse is pressuring you.

Or worse, if you think that’s something you should want.

But with the right advice, you should be ready to get back under the sheets in no time.

The path to healing your sexual energy is begins with self-exploration; masturbation can be a potent tool for reclaiming your sexual potency.

The surge of feel-good hormones is not only an effective stressbuster. It can also help you sleep better and also acts like a painkiller.

Never underestimate the healing power of a good orgasm.

With a little time and a little luck, you can experience the joys of motherhood without sacrificing all the pleasures that comes with being a woman; in all your sensual, carefree, unapologetic self.

You’ve got this, mummies!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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