Mother, Baby & Kids

Maintain Your Child’s Immunity: Staying Healthy & Strong with Scott’s Emulsion

Dear moms, have you ever wondered if your child managed to consume the daily recommended nutrients to help them grow healthily?

You’ve heard so much about how important it is for children to take Vitamin A, D, and DHA but do they really need them all?

You know improving your children’s immunity is so important now that they start going to schools and daycares, but what can you do other than preparing nutritious food for them?

You run a very tight work-family schedule, how can you then make sure your children are eating a well-balanced diet with all the nutrients required?

These are but a few questions all moms struggle through on a daily basis and it all comes from a place of love for our precious children. And in times like this where new diseases are plaguing our world, parents are naturally on guard to make sure their children are well immune to stay strong and healthy.

How Does The Immune System Work?

The immune system is our body defence to fight off pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites that can cause infections and diseases. When our bodies are alerted of foreign substances, our immune system will get to work to get rid of them. This is why it is important to keep our immune system in tip top condition – especially that of children’s – for a healthy and happy life.

Why Is Vitamin A & D Important?

To maintain good immune system, there are a couple of Vitamins to be spotlighted here.

Vitamin A promotes the healthy growth of cells and tissues in the body such as nails, hair, and skin; it also plays a very important part in protecting our bodies from sicknesses besides maintaining good vision and healthy bones.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb and retain calcium and phosphorous – both an important building block of healthy bone and teeth, without which can lead to oral and bone-softening diseases. Now if you think that your child gets enough Vitamin D because he drinks milk and plays outdoor then you may want to reconsider. Vitamin D deficiency may happen due to various factors such as the use of sunscreen, obesity, or when you are dealing with a fussy eater.

Are My Kids Eating Right?

Eating well and eating right has always been one of many parents’ greatest headaches because children do not necessarily readily accepts a variety of healthy food offered. So it is difficult to ensure children achieve their recommended amount of vitamins, minerals, and DHA, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) – an omega-3 fatty acid that helps the tissues in the brain and eyes to function optimally – intake through food alone. Healthy eating and dietary requirements may be disregarded too due to our busy, modern lifestyles.

Hence it becomes increasingly important to supplement our children with the right dosage of nutrients to make sure that their immunity and physical development is not disrupted.

Scott Who?

No stranger to Malaysian households, Scott’s Emulsion has been a trusted brand by parents of many generations to provide quality dietary supplement. Scott’s Emulsion is a blend of Cod Liver Oil which contains Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA + EPA), Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and calcium.

Scott’s Emulsion is pre-emulsified – this means the Cod Liver Oil in the blend is broken down into tiny droplets that are evenly mixed through the formulation. The process of emulsifying Cod Liver Oil into droplets are similar to how our body breaks down oils, which makes it easier for our body to digest the nutrients in Scott’s Emulsion.

A Spoonful A Day…

No doubt, it takes more than our diets to maintain a healthy immune system. It is also important for parents to continuously create awareness in our children on how important it is to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and keep our hygiene by showering and washing our hands regularly. And when complemented daily with quality dietary supplements such as Scott’s Emulsion that are fortified with Vitamin A and D, we are essentially shielding and guarding our children’s health, giving them a strong foundation to grown on and fight off viruses and diseases.

To find out more about Scott’s Emulsion and its innovative range of products, visit today and get your family started on a journey of healthy living!