Mother, Baby & Kids

Mums With Mums – Busting Breastfeeding Myths Together

It’s World Breastfeeding Week 2020, Mums!

Photo Credit: WABA

August 1–7, 2020 occasioned the celebration of the 28th World Breastfeeding Week (WBW).

This week-long annual initiative started in 1992, and has focused on themes, such as healthcare systems, ecology, and economy, among many others. Following their current trend, this year’s concept incorporated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and hence, the theme: Support Breastfeeding For A Healthier Planet.

After all, breastfeeding is best for baby, and best for you.

Having said that, while breastfeeding is good for the environment, there are mums who cannot, or perhaps do not breastfeed, whatever the reason (the writer falls into this bracket). We are not judging anyone. Every mum is different; but every mum wants the best for her children. On that, we can all agree!

We are here to celebrate mums, being mums, all the time.

Presenting The ‘Mums With Mums’ Series

And in conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week 2020, Philips AVENT recently launched a ‘Mums with Mums’ series for mothers, by mothers, where they covered topics about all things breastfeeding and answered every mum’s most frequently asked questions.

And the hosts were none other than gorgeous mums, Che Puan Sarimah Ibrahim and Megan Tan.

Che Puan Sarimah needs no introduction; having been a television host, actress, singer, and radio announcer for years. She is the proud mother of Tengku Sofia Najihah and you can follow her on Instagram. This writer enjoyed listening to her on MixFM, back in the day. And even her children adored her when she hosted for Disney Channel. 

Megan Tan is the proud mother of 2. She is full on as a TV personality, host, entrepreneur, on top of being a mum. To know more about her, visit her at Megmesh.

Join them on their breastfeeding journey!

For more episode and promotion, visit Philips Avent Brand Page

Breast is Best… But I Have So Many Questions!

While breastfeeding is natural, the process of settling into the rhythm of breastfeeding is not. If you have faced difficulties in starting and establishing breastfeeding, you are not alone!

Now there are many myths floating around out there. We have tackled a few in this article in the hope of bolstering your spirit and allaying fears you may have.

Natural, But Not Naturally?

Photo Credit: Vector Boston Children’s Hospital

While breastfeeding is natural, getting the hang of it, usually, is not.

Teething problems arise, and they are common. Whether it is the difficulty of baby latching on, worrying about the quality of your milk, or your general exhaustion, they can muddle your mind, and keep you second guessing all the time.

If you have faced these problems or others, you are in good company. The best advice we can share is to just keep at it. We cannot guarantee instant success, but we can tell you that things, with time, perseverance, and heaps of patience, will get better.

If you feel your spirit lagging, seek help. Speak to your mum or her friends for advice. Alternatively, if your friends have experience, open up to them. Join a Facebook Support Group for helpful advice and hints. Mums are always happy to help out others like them where they can. 

Can I Breastfeed When Pregnant?

Photo Credit: MomJunction

Megan discovered she was pregnant with Baby no. 2, while still breastfeeding. Initially, she continued at it for a month. Soon after, she started getting cramps as baby suckled. When that happened, she consulted her gynaecologist who advised her against it.

But, you can do it!

Some Mums breastfeed for years, and right through pregnancies. To do so, it is always advisable to check with your gynaecologist. If he is okay with it, you are good to go.

Just a heads up; hormones in pregnancy are different than when lactating. As such, the quality of your milk may change. Not to worry though, at that age, your little one is big enough to get her nutrients from the food she eats.

Should I Enrol In A Class?

Photo Credit: Gleneagles Hospital

The jury is out on that one. While there are many classes, online tutorials, and Facebook groups out there, the choice is really yours.

Both Sarimah and Megan did not take classes. But, I know of many who did, and others, who enlisted the help of breastfeeding consultants to help them out in the first few weeks. 

Do whatever feels most comfortable, and best for you.

However, few things are key:

(1) Relax

Babies, even newborns, are perceptive toward emotions. If you are tensed, worried, or anxious when breastfeeding, they will pick up those vibes, and may fuss, and refuse to latch on. When that happens, your stress levels will rise, which in turn, make them fuss even more. And so, the cycle starts.

Give your little one space, and time to settle down to nurse. Some, like Sarimah’s little Sofia, had no problem latching on immediately. Others may need a little more time. 

Take the challenges which present themselves with an open mind, and remember to keep calm and relax.

(2) The Right Place

Photo Credit: Verywell Family

Designate a few quiet spots at home as breastfeeding areas. Look for spaces, which are cool, naturally bright, and outside the main thoroughfares of the home. While some babies are not bothered by the din and clatter of their environment, others are.

It may also be a good idea to switch off your phone while nursing – making this a special time between mum and baby. Additionally, invest in a comfortable armchair, with good back support. If you like, get a stool to rest your feet up, as well.

Take your time. Enjoy the moment.

Do I Have To Give Up Coffee?

Photo Credit: MomJunction

If there ever was a loaded question, this would be it.

Many cannot function without caffeine, so giving up coffee is a big sacrifice. While some mums have gone cold turkey, others have had their daily cuppa, or two, right through.

There is no hard and fast rule, but, once again, it is always best to consult your paediatrician, and breastfeeding consultant, if you have one, to be sure. To help you in your decision, observe the effects caffeine has on your little one. If she gets hyperactive after your cuppa, it may be better to hang up your cup for the time being. If she is fine, feel free to indulge in your favourite cup of joe. 

Mums, you know best!

Can I Breastfeed If I Take Medication?

Photo Credit: Pharmacy Meds 24h

If you do fall ill, it is important not to self-medicate when breastfeeding. Always pay a visit to your family doctor to have him examine you, and prescribe the best medication to get you feeling better. Doctors know best since they understand the chemical compounds of the medication, and also which medicines are safe for baby, and you.

The ready medications you have in your medicine cabinet may not be suitable for use during breastfeeding.

How About Other Than The Breasts?

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you may not be able to offer your breast for baby to nurse. That being the case, investing in a good breast pump is an alternative way to ensure baby gets breast milk all the time. 

Both Sarimah and Megan concur, as does the writer, that feeding baby with stored breast milk is breastfeeding. Do not let mum-guilt trip you up on this one. Baby still gets your breast milk even if she feeds through the bottle, and that is what counts!

What works best for you, is best for baby.

How Often Should I Pump?

While there is no hard and fast rule to this, pumping is best timed according to the feeding schedule of baby. That helps in keeping your milk production stable. Plus, you will not want to go too long without pumping since it may lead to engorgement, which is uncomfortable, and sometimes, painful.

It can seem like a chore having to do this every few hours. At times, it may seem all you ever do is pump, store, and repeat. Hang in there. In time, you will get the hang of it.

Is My Milk Supply Sufficient?

Yes, it is!

As a general rule of thumb, your breast milk production is stimulated by baby’s nursing. Hence, the more she nurses, the more the production. Likewise, when she grows, and her consumption increases, her demand triggers your increased production. As such, your supply is sufficient for her needs.

If you invest in a breast pump, you will be able to see the amount of milk each breast produces, and then, can gauge how much she drinks.

For mums who prefer only the breast, rest assured, baby is getting enough. In her periodic checks with her paediatrician, her feeding habits and growth will be discussed, and measured. Feel free to discuss any concerns at length with her doctor.

So, What Do I Look For In A Breast Pump?

Breast pumps today come in all shapes and sizes, and choices abound. With that in mind, it can be difficult to determine which would be the right choice. Here are some considerations:

(1) Manual Breast Pumps

While small and easy to carry around, it does require some elbow grease on your part each time you pump out milk. If you are already overtired (and which mum isn’t), you may need to consider a different breast pump. Plus, it is one pump per pack. Unless you buy 2 manual pumps, pumping milk will take double the time.

(2) Single Electric Breast Pump

Electric pumps make the job easier.

Single breast pumps are smaller to carry around, and cheaper in cost. However, you lose out on time, since the pump can only work on one breast at a time.

(3) Double Electric Breast Pump… Jackpot!

This wonder works double time to get things done. It comes with its own compact carryall – making transporting the machine with its bottles chic and easy.

It is a very good investment, and can be used for the next babies who come along.

Complement your purchase with additional Philips AVENT’s bottles, and a Philips AVENT’s bottle warmer, to make expressing, storing, and feeding baby a cinch. After all, Philips AVENT is a brand all mothers can trust.

Good News For Mums!

With up to 60% OFF, you can get these breast pumps and other products from Philips AVENT on the Philips AVENT’s Official Brand Page. On top of that, you can also redeem exclusive vouchers with a min. spend of up to RM50.

Visit Philips AVENT’s Official Brand Page on today!

Self-Care… The Best Care

Photo Credit: Freepik

There are huge changes physically, mentally, and emotionally at delivery, and in the days thereafter. To counter this internal seismic shift, self-care is essential. 

To be your best self for baby, and your family, you need to take a little time out for yourself. Work out a schedule with those at home so that you get some time to rest and recover. Do not let mum-guilt get you down. After all, you cannot give what you do not have.

Other than time off to relax and unwind, it is important to eat well and eat right.

If you can hack it, consider exercising. Depending on your energy levels, attempt a workout, do yoga, or just go for a walk. Exercise brings out endorphins, which relieves stress and brings about feelings of well-being.

Alternatively, take a well-deserved nap, practice meditation, and do things to spark joy.

Keep a sharp eye out for postpartum blues. Sometimes they can creep in without you being aware. If you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and a little blue, reach out for help. Keep an open mind. Sometimes, professional help can give you the boost you need.

Be kind to yourself. You will have good days, and bad days, throughout motherhood. Just roll with the punches, remembering that you are trying to be the best of your self, every day.

Motherhood is a great adventure; a journey of a lifetime!