Mother, Baby & Kids

#MumUnscripted: Motherhood Real Talk with Dr Azura and Sharifah Aryana


Motherhood is not at all sunshine and rainbows, and sometimes it’s important to talk about it. 

That’s the gist of #MumsUnscripted, a new podcast series by where mums share their experience and struggles navigating the harsh realities of motherhood.

We invited doctor and influencer, Dr Azura Abas, to share her stories and experience dealing with career, breastfeeding, fertility, and raising a special needs child.

Hosted by fellow mum-fluencer, Sharifah Aryana, #MumsUnscripted touches on controversial (but necessary) topics that will benefit parents everywhere.

Here’s what the two influencer mums shared during this intimate heart-to-heart session.

Career and Motherhood

In the modern world of the working woman, mothers are expected to be both homemaker and breadwinner.

But is this reality even possible? 

Between choosing the path of the career woman or life of a housewife, Dr Azura states that finding a compromise will always be a juggling act.


A contentious topic in the world of motherhood, breastfeeding continues to be hotly debated. 

For Dr Azura, the struggle is an uphill battle. Between problems with latching, finding a lactation consultant, and dealing with societal pressure, breastfeeding has indeed been a challenge. 

Special Needs Children

Raising a normal child is hard enough, imagine raising one with special needs. 

Dr Azura talks about her struggles and the journey of raising a child with autism. From recognising the signs, to accepting the diagnosis, to dealing with therapy and treatments.

Fertility and Conception

Having a baby isn’t as cut and dry for some women.

The journey to motherhood may be fraught with disappointments and setbacks.

The influencer mums talk about the controversial and taboo topic of fertility. From miscarriages and conception, to IVF and societal pressure.

From One Mum to Another: #MumUnscripted

The physical and mental toll of motherhood may seem never-ending. So it comes as no surprise how mums may need a little helping hand every once in awhile.

That’s where BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken comes in. 

Empowering Motherhood with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken

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So get your hands on some BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken today to ensure a smooth and productive motherhood. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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