Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Old Wives’ Tales About Pregnancy: Should You Believe Them?

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Pregnancy is undeniably a woman’s most glorious, exciting, and cherished moment. Interestingly enough, it also often invites a set of comments or opinions in the form of myths and tales from relatives or friends that certainly add a lot of colours to any pregnancy journey!

Let’s admit it: To some extent, we all have heard about some local folklore, urban legends, myths, superstitions, or old wives’ tales surrounding pregnancy. Most of them have been passed down from generations to generations and vary from regions to regions. When the pregnancy outcome happens to be consistent with a specific pregnancy tale, the tale will spread further and automatically deem valid.

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But here is the catch: While some old wives’ tales on pregnancy are generally fun and entertaining to listen to or talk about, they are not always grounded on facts nor scientific or medical studies.


The following is a list of five common pregnancy tales that are frequently circulating in the community and their accompanying facts you should know:

1. Sharp-looking pregnant bellies usually carry boys and round-looking bellies carry girls.

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Fact: The shape of your pregnant belly doesn’t determine your baby’s gender. When it comes to predicting the baby’s gender, there is nothing more accurate than your ob-gyn’s ultrasound scan or blood screening results.

Parents usually can learn about the sex of the baby between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. After 18 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, ultrasounds have an accuracy rate of more than 90% reliability for gender prediction. The prenatal cell-free DNA screening also reveals information about fetal sex in an accurate manner. This blood test is typically done on women who are at least 10 weeks pregnant and used to detect any risk of chromosomal abnormalities so that problems can be found early in pregnancy.

2. A pregnant woman must avoid lifting her arms, otherwise, her baby’s neck will be wrapped by the umbilical cord.

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Fact: An unborn baby moves all the time inside the uterus. Fetal movements are a good indication that your baby is growing both in size and strength, and the mother will not be able to control how the fetal moves around in the uterus. An umbilical cord that is wrapped around a baby’s neck in the uterus is called a nuchal cord and usually is harmless. Thus far, there is no way to prevent nuchal cords or unwind them from a baby’s neck in the womb.

Also, according to Ministry of Health Malaysia, to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the pregnancy, a pregnant mother is recommended to do a combination of exercises that is safe yet beneficial to both mother and baby, such as swimming, cycling, prenatal yoga, walking, jogging, and low-impact aerobics.

3. A bumpy car ride may cause a pregnant woman to go into early labour.

Fact: While in the womb, the baby floats in the amniotic fluid. Some of the functions of amniotic fluid are to help the developing baby to move in the womb, prevent pressure on the umbilical cord, keep a constant temperature around the baby, and protect the baby from outside injuries by cushioning sudden blows or movements.

Taking a bumpy car ride will not harm your baby as your baby is well-cushioned by the mother’s pelvis, tummy muscles, and the amniotic fluid that surrounds her. Nonetheless, if you have certain medical conditions that may cause pregnancy complications or early labour, it is wise to get some advice from your doctor before travelling far or taking a car ride that is likely to jolt you around.

4. Drinking plenty of coconut water during pregnancy can guarantee a smooth delivery and baby’s fair complexion.

Fact: Baby’s complexion is genetic and there is no scientific evidence that coconut water aids with easy labour. However, coconut water does contain some important nutrients and has several benefits when consumed during pregnancy. Coconut water is good for preventing dehydration, replacing lost fluids and electrolytes from morning sickness, soothing pregnancy-related heartburn, improving digestion, and many more!

5. Eating too much watermelons or oranges when pregnant will make the baby born with a phlegmy throat.

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Fact: More than just a pretty pink fruit with sweet juicy taste, watermelon is a source of carbs, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds. It also comprises around 91% water, which makes it a particularly hydrating fruit, and is loaded with lutein and lycopene – two types of antioxidants that help protect your body against damages and diseases.

Same goes with oranges. These popular citrus fruits are safe to enjoy during pregnancy. Oranges are a great source of folate or folic acid, a type of B Vitamin that helps prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida). Oranges are also particularly known for their high Vitamin C’s content, an antioxidant that aids in preventing cell damage and helps your body absorb iron.

Alas, the general principles of good nutrition still apply when it comes to eating well during pregnancy – a varied and balanced diet consumed in moderation is the key to healthy pregnancy.


You might have heard one or more of the above pregnancy old wives’ tales from your pregnant friends, coworkers, or relatives. Curious and cannot wait to confirm or dispel those tales with your own pregnancy experience?

If you are trying to conceive, it is imperative for you to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible after you have missed one period. The earlier you confirm your pregnancy, the sooner you can take the necessary steps to properly care for yourself and your baby’s health with your doctor.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed using a home pregnancy test as early as two weeks after conception. A pregnancy test detects the surge of hCG hormones that are released in the body the moment a woman has conceived.


One of the fastest and convenient ways to find out whether you are now a mum-to-be is to use a reliable home pregnancy test, such as Clearblue® Plus Pregnancy Test!

Clearblue® Plus Pregnancy Test is a midstream urine test, which 9 out of 10 women say is “easy to use”. It is convenient and provides rapid results with 99% accuracy in 3 minutes!

All Clearblue® pregnancy tests detect the amounts of human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) in your urine and are clinically-proven to be over 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy from the day you expect your period.

Remember to use Clearblue® Plus Pregnancy Test when you are seeking a certainty for your pregnant or not-pregnant answer!

Interested to learn more about Clearblue® Plus Pregnancy Test? Visit Clearblue®’s official website today for more details.

To read more stories on conception, ovulation, and pregnancy, read here!