Mother, Baby & Kids

Plants to Put in Your Bedroom for a Good Night’s Sleep

(Image Credit: Cora Mueller/Shutterstock)

As a parent, you need all the sleep you can get. Even though having sleepless nights is part and parcel of being a parent, it is still important for you to get sufficient sleep. In fact, sleep deprivation can actually lead to some serious health issues.

To sleep better, it may be beneficial to have a home filled with beautiful flowers and plants. Flowers both look beautiful and bring vitality to your living spaces. With such relaxing and purifying properties, these plants help to promote a healthy sleeping pattern, according to The New Straits Times.

The following bedroom plants can help you sleep better and faster. Plants produce oxygen and naturally filter air pollutants. There are all sorts of benefits such as boosting your mood, minimising stress, and maintaining indoor humidity levels.

  1. Ferns

With a high level of humidity indoors, ferns are capable of growing into green and leafy monsters. The Boston fern is one of the easiest ferns to grow indoors. With leaves that arch gracefully, you can plant it in a hanging pot or basket.


(Image Credit: Jeerayut Rianwed/Shutterstock)

The Boston fern needs moist soil at all times, though make sure it is not too soggy. A balanced diluted fertiliser every two weeks should suffice. Given high humidity, enough indirect sunlight, and warm temperatures, your Boston fern will flourish just fine.

  1. Lavender

Lavender is commonly known for its relaxant properties, especially in helping those who suffer from insomnia, restlessness and other similar conditions. That makes it the perfect plant to induce a good night’s sleep.

(Image Credit: Aleksandr Lupin/Shutterstock)

The foliage and blossoms of lavender are full of fragrant oils that are shown to help people relax, improve mood and make you sleepy.

  1. Jasmine

Similar to the effect of lavender, jasmine gives off a gentle and soothing scent than can reduce anxiety levels. With a strong fragrance that lingers long after the flowers first bloom, you can pluck the flowers and place them next to your bed.

(Image Credit: Nitr/Shutterstock)

Jasmine plants prefer sun-to-light shade sites with well-draining and moderately fertile soil. Placing the pot near the window is an ideal spot so that the plant can get some sunlight. It also needs to be fertilised twice or three times annually.

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