Mother, Baby & Kids

Am I Pregnant? – 10 Pregnancy Symptoms To Look Out For

pregnancy symptoms

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To have a baby of your own is such a blessing from God. Some women have it easy while some did not. For those who are trying to conceive, doing a pregnancy test has become a monthly routine without miss.

It is without doubt that pregnancy test can give the most accurate result. However, there are a few pregnancy symptoms that mums-to-be can observe which indicates that a little soul is growing inside you.

10 Common Pregnancy Symptoms

1. Spotting and Cramps


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This is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. During early pregnancy, when your fertilised egg is implanting itself on the endometrium, a light bleeding will occur.

This stage is called the implantation bleeding or spotting which likely to happen in the first month of your pregnancy.

During this process, some women might experience pain such as cramps, which some may confused it with menstruation and menstrual blood.

However, you can tell the difference from its colour as it is likely lighter than your monthly period.

2. Missed Period

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This is one of the most noticeable signs of pregnancy. In fact, most women notice their pregnancy after they had missed their period.

As stated by, after your fertilized egg is implanted well in the lining of your uterus, your body will start to produce a hormone which help in sustaining your pregnancy.

One of this hormone’s functions is to signal your ovaries to stop delivering mature eggs. So that is why you will not menstruate throughout your pregnancy.

3. Fatigue

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Due to hormonal changes, your body will get tired easily. Even by doing light activities, you might get really exhausted as if the energy is drained out of you. 

According to, this can start as early as in the first week after conception. Well, it is much likely to lose a lot of energy while growing and carrying the little one here and there.

4. Increased Body Temperature

When you are pregnant, your body temperature is likely to be higher. This is especially if the temperature is hotter and when you are being active, such as exercising or doing household chores. 

There are a lot of changes happening throughout your body and this might cause you to feel hotter than usual. According to, one of the reasons is because during pregnancy, the amount of blood in your body increases.

5. Changes in Breast

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Just like some women experience changes to their breasts prior to and/or during period, it can be the same for pregnancy. One of the pregnancy symptoms is changes in breast.

For example, your breast might get tender and swollen. Also, you might experience some aching and tingling sensation around them as well due to those hormonal changes.

By time, they will grow bigger and change colour especially around the areola and nipple. It is nothing much to worry as these are all normal for pregnant women.

However, if it causes you any discomfort, do seek professional helps in case there are underlying problems that you are unaware of.

6. Frequent Urination

As you are growing the little one in you, the amount of fluid in your body increases. This will pressure your kidney and bladder which in turn causing you to urinate more often than you usually do. 

At some point, you could lose control of your bladder such as when you are lifting heavy stuffs and coughing. This might lead to urine leakage which is pretty normal for pregnant women.

7. Mood Swings

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Another sign of pregnancy is having mood swings. Pregnant women are most likely fragile physically and mentally. They get emotional and triggered easily. 

The high level of hormones affects their mood and it causes them to be more sensitive of the surrounding and their own thoughts. For instance, they can change easily from feeling happy to being sad.

8. Constipation and Bloating

Throughout your pregnancy, your digestive system and bowel movements undergoing changes as well. This in turn might cause you to feel constipated and bloated.

In comparison, the symptom is similar with the uneasy feeling that you experience around your abdomen during your period.

9. Nausea, Vomiting and Morning Sickness

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People always associate vomiting as a sign of pregnancy. This pregnancy symptom often happen during the first three months.

Pregnant women might feel nauseated and having the urge to vomit frequently. This might be due to their heighten sensitivity of smell. 

Different women have it differently. Some have mild morning sickness, some have it quite severe while some are just fine.

Also, the period can differ as well. Certain women experience morning sickness in their second trimester instead of first.

10. Abnormal Blood Pressure

One of the effects of the changes in your body during pregnancy is abnormal blood pressure. It is either an elevated or lower blood pressure. Both can be dangerous to your pregnancy as they might lead to other medical problem such as preeclampsia.

While to get the best reading is by taking a test, you can watch for certain signs which might indicate the abnormality of your blood pressure.

For example, if your blood pressure is higher than usual, you might experience changes in your vision and if lower, you might feel dizzy. However, if it happen in a short duration, it can be considered as normal.

But if the sign continues for quite some time, it is best for you to seek immediate medical helps.

If you are having any of the pregnancy symptoms above, doing a pregnancy test is undoubtedly the best way to get an earlier result. You may get any pregnancy test kit from the pharmacy and follow this guide on how you can do it properly at home.

For a better and accurate result, it is advisable for you to check with the Gynaecologists . Also, do consult your medical practitioner if the symptoms are disturbing and giving you any discomfort.