Mother, Baby & Kids

Teaching Kids Proper Toilet Etiquette

The toilet is a facility we often take for granted. Did you know that in this day and age, 4.2 billion people in the world still have no access to proper toilets? They have to eliminate in the open. That means defecating in the streets. Think about it.

We, in Malaysia, on the other hand, are blessed with modern water closets or toilets, offering beautiful porcelain toilet bowls with modern flush system, clean running water to wash, privacy, comfort, and efficient sanitation to take care of waste.

It is important for kids to learn how to use the toilet appropriately so that others who also use the same toilet ─ whether in our homes or in public places ─ can also enjoy the facility left in a clean condition after we have used it.

Teaching Toilet Etiquette from Young


Learning toilet hygiene begins from young.

Learning toilet etiquette begins from young, just like learning good manners or all good habits. However, going to the toilet, learning how to flush, how to wipe, what to throw into the toilet bowl or what not to throw are still skills that are alien to the child. He will have to learn them, one by one, especially when he has just transitioned from the diaper to a real toilet following potty training.

Many preschoolers are expected to be able to go to the bathroom on their own, so your child will benefit from knowing how to use the toilet independently before he starts preschool. Learning to use the toilet by himself also teaches independence.

Here’s How to Do it:

Keep toilet paper accessible and available.

1. Keep Things Accessible

At home, he may need a small stool to reach the toilet. Be sure that it is placed where he expects to find it. Make sure there is toilet paper, a hand towel, soap at the sink and so on.

2. Teach the Need for Privacy

Help your child understand why he needs to close the door. Before this, you were doing all the washing and cleaning for him.  Now he needs to know why privacy is needed. Make closing the door is part of the bathroom routine so that your child will do the same when using the toilet away from home.

3. Teach Removal and Pulling up of Underwear

You may need to show him or her. When first learning to use the toilet, it would be better if he or she wears elasticized pants and underwear for easy pull down. Try to avoid complicated buttons and fasteners that will make it difficult to remove the clothes.

4. For a Boy

Urinals for boys to pee standing up.

It is unlikely that toilets at home have separate urinals for boys. However, outside of home, he may need to stand up to urinate in urinals. He may also prefer to stand up to urinate. Teach him to aim. Lift toilet seat up first. When defecating sit down on the toilet seat.

5. For a Girl

Sit down on the toilet seat for both functions

6. Learn to Wipe

Teach them to tear off a few sheets of toilet paper. Show them the adequate amount ─ not too much and not too little. Fold the paper into an appropriate wad and wipe correctly until clean. Girls should wipe from front to back. Tell them not to reuse the sheet, use toilet paper only once. Drop toilet paper into the toilet bowl.

 7. Flush the Toilet after Use

This is an important etiquette. Children must know that toilets are used by others too and shoukd be left in a clean condition after use. Flushing the toilet after use is a mandatory lesson to be taught at an early age so that we can create a cycle of cleanliness in our community and consideration for others.

8. Wash Hands with Soap

Washing hands after using the toilet should be inculcated at the very start.

Impress on the child that he must wash his hands with soap everytime after he uses the toilet. Infections can be caused by coming into contact with fecal matter or dirty toilet seats. Teach and show how to be hygienic to your child.

Using Public Toilets

Many children are scared of using public toilets, probably because they are intimidated by sights, sounds, smells, and all the people inside who are strangers to him. Furthermore, everything that he has been used to (such as a stool to climb up) are not there, making the toilet, toilet paper and washbasin inaccessible

Fortunately, there is now a kid’s toilet in Sunway Pyramid made specifically for kids to go to toilet independently!


Leo’s Junior Kids Toilet & Baby Room!

Leo’s Junior Kids Toilet & Baby Room is located at LG1, Sunway Pyramid.

Leo’s Junior Kids Toilet & Baby Room is a kid-sized washroom and babyroom. It is located at  LG1 (Near to Merry Merry, Faber Castell and Juicy) and features colourful sanitary wares, kid-height wash basins with sensory taps, kid-height urinals and toilet bowls, air purifiers and lots more.

Go on and discover it.

Here you can teach your kids to take a major step toward independence. However, there are some rules.

This facility is specially designed for children below 6 years old or 100cm.

Kid’s Toilet Rules:

  • This facility is specially designed for children below 6 years old or 100cm.
  • This is a unisex facility.
  • All children must be accompanied by at least ONE parent/guardian.
  • Adults without a child are NOT allowed to enter.
  • For your children’s safety, this entrance is under CCTV surveillance.
  • Call our SECURITY HOTLINE at 03-7494 3170 if you need any assistance.

Watch the Video Below: