Mother, Baby & Kids

Here Are the Secrets on How You Can Become an Organised Supermum!

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Believe it or not, we are all trying to be ‘that’ mum. You know, the kind of mum who may be wearing a superhero costume because that’s how she’s all together.

Okay, here’s the good news: To become an organised mother, you don’t need a cape or supernatural powers!

Let’s be honest here, we are not perfect and I still look for ways to be a mum who is more organised.

My mum’s duty schedule is pretty complete – between working a full-time job, maintaining a happy life, and trying to keep up with the kids.

Then throwing in the need to get a proper eat and sleep. So, some stuff can easily get lost in the shuffle.

Normalising ‘That’ Messy Motherhood Life

Motherhood can be stressful, and even more so when you see how many of your friends (and all the other masterly organised mums on Instagram or Facebook) have things that are so well held together.

I truly understand because I have been there too.


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The entire time, my home looked like a mess, and I was exhausted all the time. I admit that it takes quite some time for me, but at last, I managed to become one of those organised mums, and you can too!

But, before that, let’s have some typical-mum conversation. It is absolutely OKAY if you choose not to be an organised Mum. You don’t have to allow other people’s opinions and comments to affect you or tell you what to do. 

Other people’s opinion is not an obligation for you and what matters the most is you are being you.

So, Do You Want To Be An Organised Mum? 

These are some of the tricks and hacks that I have practised to help me get on track again. I can’t say I became a perfect organised mum, but once I adopted some of these tricks and changed some of my habits, things improved greatly. 

I’m sure you will be inspired by some of them too! You don’t have to adopt all of them, only those that you think are going to help you.

Try them out, change them to suit you and your family, and hopefully, before you know it you will be a more organised mom.

Most importantly, remember that some things may be helpful to and some may not. So, choose any tips that you think would be able to help you.

5 Guides On How To Become An Organised Mum!

1) Get Yourself Ready First

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Honestly, it’s pretty easy. Well in the beginning, maybe not – but I promise that you will get used to it.

Set your alarm earlier than your family to meditate, workout, drink a nice warm cup of coffee, take a leisurely shower and get ready.

Start cooking breakfast for half an hour before the rest of your family wakes up (or one hour if you can!) and use the time to prepare yourself for the day. 

Trust me, you should try this. You won’t believe at the difference it makes to you and your family. Personally, it was hard at first but with a day-to-day practise, it gets easier each day.

Consistency is the key and the benefit is, I get my ‘me time’!

2) Teach Your Children to Get Ready by Themselves

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Chaotic mornings are one of the most common complaints among busy moms. It takes a little thought, but you can easily overcome the morning beast.

First, get your children into the habit of a particular morning routine. Discuss with them about the things that you think your kids can do – start from the things that they prefer to do and add in some new routines each day. 

Below are some of the routines that my kids have been doing:

  • Wake up
  • Make the bed
  • Use the bathroom
  • Wash face and brush teeth
  • Shower
  • Get dressed
  • Brush hair
  • Have breakfast together with the whole family

I learned this from my own mother who used to apply this rule when I was a little girl. This way, you are not running around taking care of your chaotic children.

Well, it will be a bit different if you have a little baby – make sure that you settle them first! 

3) Get a Planner or Notebook

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You may think that this is an ‘old school’ trick but it surely helps in planning your day, week or month.

I used to be terrible at trying to carry the plans all in my brain. Eventually, I knew that I had to find something that would work better after a few things began to fall through the net. 

Basically, the planner or notebook will help to break down your plans accordingly. You can plan what to do for the day, what to cook for the week and even grocery errands.

By doing this, you will be able to remember efficiently and be more organised! But, what if you don’t like the notebook or journal?

Worry not, we are living in this technological era so you can use any apps in your smartphones such as Evernote, Wunderlist and Google Calendar. 

4) Distribute Task to Other Family Member

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The more work you can clear off your desk, the simpler it becomes to be a more organised mother. Many of the items on this list are meant to lighten the load, but this one is the most relevant.

You can start by teaching your children doing simple chores like sweeping, washing the dishes or anything that suits their age (you can reward them too!).  

And personally, I would ask my partner to help with cooking while I do other household chores or vice versa. Don’t be surprised if you discover some other talent in your partner! 

5) Don’t Procrastinate!

Easier said than done right? But we ALL procrastinate and then feel guilty about it. I had done it too and honestly, not getting anything done and delaying things makes me feel uneasy about myself.

Here is a tip: try to settle everything by the end of the day. Maybe you can finish your chores late in the evening and by night time, you would be able to enjoy some quality time with your family. 

You can have a movie night with the whole family and also strengthen the relationship. By doing this, you will be able to have your much needed early sleep and wake up early the next day. 

Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.

—Gilda Radner

Remember to follow your own pace in your motherhood journey and don’t feel pressure to be like all those influencers and celebrities on Instagram or Facebook; who seems perfect at everything.

Sometimes, you have to remember that being a mother is not going to be perfect because after all, you are still a human being with flaws. 

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The fact that you are able to do everything for your family shows how amazing you are as a mother. If being an organised mum makes you happy, just do it! But if you are not, that is completely normal.

Never let society determine the person who you really are because being a mother is never an easy job.