Mother, Baby & Kids

Lightness of Body, Mind, and Energy -Shailaja Menon, A Certified 500-hr Manasa Yoga Teacher

June 21 commemorated International Yoga Day. Yoga got its due recognition in 2014, when India’s prime minister proposed the idea to the United Nations General Assembly to recognise this day as International Yoga Day. Today, yoga is observed in every part of the globe.

This year, the theme for the event is “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family” which is in line with global concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.At this moment, more than ever, we need to maintain the health of both body and mind.

This International Yoga Day, Motherhood talks to Shailaja Menon, accomplished Yoga Teacher, Author, Speaker and TV Host.

I knew I never wanted the wonderful lightness of body, mind and energy that I had experienced to ever stop.


This was the awakening that mesmerised a young Shailaja Menon, then a college student.

The lightness that Shailaja never wanted to end, led her into a journey of an accomplished Certified 500-hr Manasa Yoga Teacher, Author, Speaker and TV Host with over twenty years of yoga teaching experience.

Looking at Shailaja with a persona that belies her age, one would never imagine that she was once prone to chronic stress headaches, unable to deal with the pressures of life.

On the other hand, she knew that she had to find a way to manage her mind says Shailaja and so she embarked on the passage to yoga which began more than 22 years ago.

Shailaja Menon grew up in Coimbatore, South India, where yoga was the natural way and many of life’s answers were found through its practise.

The Origins of Yoga

Yoga today is widely practised all over the globe. The Practise of Yoga can be traced back to the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.

It was first mentioned in Rig Veda, a collection of texts that consisted of rituals, mantras, and songs which was mainly used by Brahmans, the Vedic priests.

Yoga was slowly developed by Brahmans who eventually documented their practices and beliefs in the Upanishads  (sacred books) that has over 200 scriptures.

In the Beginning

When I finished my first asana (asana is a body pose) class two decade ago, it was like a light had been switched on.

In not wanting to dim the light, Shailaja Menon pursued to study the practise of yoga.  In 2000, she went on to become a certified Integral Yoga Teacher. She then set up her own studio”, Mat & Beyond.

Is there a right age or time to start yoga?

The best age to start yoga is NOW, exclaims Shailaja. No time like the present moment.

Age, flexibility are mere limitations that the mind throws up as obstacles. As a matter of fact, as we grow older, the practice is more important to stay at our peak fitness physically and mentally.

Vrikshasana – The tree pose.

I always tell my students to have a vision of how they want to be at 80; walking, climbing stairs, travelling, peace of mind, centred, for all of that you have to start now.

I have students who are in their 60’s who are in their best ever state; both physically and mentally with the practice of yoga.  We can only get better in all aspects of our life with yoga practice.

Mind-body-breath-energy are deeply connected, therefore, when we step into the yoga practice we become aware of ourselves as not just the body but in all these expanded dimensions of ourselves.

When we work one, we elicit a shift in all. Through the practice we become more conscious beings and with that comes an alignment in thought, word and deed.

All of this allows us to be the best version of ourselves. Express our highest potential.

Can yoga relieve the stresses of life especially in the present pandemic crisis?

Yoga is especially important and beneficial in these difficult times. Due to the stress of life, our bodies are always on a “sympathetic overdrive” or stress response.

One of the greatest benefits of yoga practice is that it activates the parasympathetic nervous system “relaxation response”.

The deep stretching, deep breathing and deep relaxation techniques of the yoga practice activate this relaxation response.

And, that is really the best thing for anyone, especially for those who are facing a challenging situation right now.

We all need techniques to offset stress, find our balance, and move forward with increased consciousness and renewed faith in ourselves and the yoga practice offers us that.

What is your daily routine like?

Shailaja Menon doing the Sirsasana – headstand pose.

For me, the answer to all problems is to practice yoga every day.

It helps us release tension and stress held known and unknown at several dimensions of our existence including physical, mental and emotional and having a regular yoga practice is the key.

Shailaja likens it to having a bath and brushing our teeth every day.

We need an everyday yoga practise to help us release the toxins that accumulate in our bodies and minds every day. Breathing practices, meditation are all different limbs of the yoga practice.

Is it difficult to juggle family with all that you have going on?

There really is no issue with my juggling. I have two sons. My boys are 22 and 14 years of age and they practice yoga too, so they understand what I do.

In fact, they help me with the technicalities of shifting online and in any other way possible they are always there for me.

What else do you do to bring yoga to a wider audience?

In 2018, I authored a book titled Yoga Shakti” Awaken Your Own Power.

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I have always loved writing and have contributed to the local magazines, newspapers and even TV channels on the benefits of yoga and health issues including women’s health.

Since 2020, I have started my podcast In Conversation. I am also a TV Host with Anand TV whose audience are in UK, Europe and North America.

I often speak at educational institutions as well as international organisations like Rotary, Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO) and Yoga Institutions both in India as well as Malaysia.

Personally, I love and believe in the benefits of yoga and what I do in connection with it, so, it’s never work says Shailaja with a beam on her face. I believe sharing the magic and benefits of yoga practice is my life’s purpose, so it is sacred.

“There is no better time than now ” let’s give ourselves a chance to discover the oneness of body mind and soul. Through experiencing calmness in oneself, we will certainly be better equipped to deal with all that life throws at us.