Mother, Baby & Kids

How to Survive a Sick Day as a Single Mum


As the sole caretaker, homemaker and breadwinner of the household, a single mum (or parent) is the literal glue that holds the family together.

Your kids depend on you for everything: food, transportation, homework, and even the occasional boo-boo.

So what happens when you get hit with the seasonal bug, or something much serious and can’t manage those parental obligations on your own?

Here are some ways you can survive a sick day as a single mum.

The Single Mum’s Sick Day Survival Guide

Call for Backup

If you start to feel the stirrings of a fever, cold or sniffle, immediately form your emergency plan.

This involves contacting close acquaintances and family members to pitch in for the day.

Possibly even for the next several days. Most of the time, a “sick day” won’t just be one day, but several days or several weeks.

You won’t immediately bounce back after getting sick and will most probably get worse before you start feeling better.

This is why networking is such an important thing when you’re a single mum.

So make friends with the other neighbourhood mums and school mums; they can be valuable assets during your time of need.

It may be hard to resist the temptation to go at it alone and play the “tough single mum” card, but you’re human at the end of the day.

It won’t hurt to ask for help once in a while. Just be sure to repay the favour when someone else needs your help during their sick day.

Reschedule Everything

When you get the time to sit down, open your calendar and look at your plans and errands for the week. You will need to reschedule your to-do list and yes, this includes you day job.

Immediately file for a sick day at work when you feel a little under the weather, your boss and colleagues will just need to learn to survive without you.

People often disregard their symptoms thinking its just a cough, and then their symptoms worsen within the next couple of days. Take the necessary precautions.

Make That Doctor’s Appointment

If you can weather your symptoms with just a few pills and a comfortable bed then you may not need a trip to the clinic.

But if you need professional advice, then schedule an appointment with your doctor, and don’t forget to ask for an MC while you’re at it.

If it turns out you just have the flu, you can try a few tried and tested home remedies to accelerate your recovery.

But at the end of the day, rest and sufficient fluid intake are some of the only effective ways to speed up your recovery.

If you’re the kind to get sick often, there are some supplements that you can try to keep those flu blues at bay.

Prepare your Home

You won’t be able to get much cleaning or organising done while you’re sick. The moment you feel something’s off with your body, try and tidy up as much as you can.

Trust me your house will be a mess either way but try not worry about it. If your kids are grown, you can ask them to help keep things neat while you’re indisposed.

Having older children also means you can keep the younger ones in check.

But if you’re a new mum with a new child, you need human help to feed, bathe and change the baby.

If you have toddlers who can take care of themselves, make sure to leave food and other essentials in easy-to-reach areas.

That way they wont bother you for meals and snacks when you’re supposed to be resting.

Stock Up On Essentials

By essentials I mostly mean food since you’ll be wanting some quick and simple “sick foods“.

Preferably microwavable meals as well to make your life a little easier. Some good old chicken stock that you can eat with some pasta or better yet, chicken congee.

A good simple recipe is simply rice, onions, garlic, carrots, chicken pieces and one of those chicken stock bouillon cubes. Throw these in the slow-cooker or rice-cooker and you’re good to go.

Simple foods with simple ingredients and simple instructions ensures that you won’t slave away at the kitchen for hours.

You might also wanna stock up on canned soups and bread. Something that can be reheated without much hassle.

Rest and Recuperate

If you’re lucky, you may just end up fighting a 24-hour virus over the weekend.

Otherwise, it’s a week-long bed rest at home. If you’re up for it, change the sheets and turn on the diffusers with some eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil thrown in.

This will help you relax and get comfortable. Put away your phone and switch off the television.

With all the meds you’re taking, you should be feeling drowsy, so don’t overstimulate yourself. Let the drugs do their thing.

Single Mums Need Rest Too

You may feel a little bit guilty about shirking your responsibilities.

But you’re not being lazy, you’re resting; and probably better off quarantining inside anyway.

Single mums are unstoppable warriors, but still very much human. Sometimes coming down with the flu ever so often is your body’s way of telling you to slow down.

When we’re stressed out and overworked, our immune system may also take the hit. This leave us vulnerable to all sorts of viruses and illnesses.

So when the alarm bells ring, its time to pay attention.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or cash in on favours; you need all the help you can get.

Maybe once you recover you can treat yourself to a nice spa day; goodness knows you deserve it.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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