Mother, Baby & Kids

Having Back-to-School Anxiety? Get Creative & Teach Your Kids These 7 Activities to Stay Safe!

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

‘Balik s’kolah, oh oh oh balik s’kolah, oh oh oh balik s’kolah, hati girang!’

It’s not just the kids, we parents are heaving a sigh of relief, too. But unlike the carefree kids, our relief is short-lived as the big question looms…

“How can we ensure our little ones practise social distancing and sanitising habits in school?”

Let’s face it: It’s been so difficult to get full-grown, educated adults to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) released by the government, how do you think our kids will fare when they meet their friends in school? We can’t be there to tell them to wash or sanitise their hands after their school activities or keep a distance when chit-chatting with their friends.

If you’re a parent going through what we call ‘back-to-school’ anxiety, don’t worry! I’m going to share a few tips on how you can start off by instilling health and safety habits in your kids – the fun way!

Fun Ways to Stay Clean & Safe with Your Kids

Scavenger Hunt

Image by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Kids are always up for an adventure. Fuel their imagination by taking them on a scavenger hunt in the house to assemble the ultimate ‘COVID-19 Safety Kit’, which consists of their extra face mask, face shield, and hand sanitiser.

Here’s how:

  1. Place the items in different locations at home.
  2. Get them to hunt for the right things to fit into the kit.

Like any hero that’s going out to the dangerous world, they need the right tools to protect themselves. Just be sure they know when to use it!

But wait! Before the adventure begins, give your kids MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt to boost their energy. You’ll see how energetic and exciting they can be once they start to hunt for the right things.

‘Mask-Up’ Story

Now that they’ve got their kit, tell them why they must always have their masks on when they’re outside.

Image from FreePik

Create a ‘mask-up’ story with their favourite superhero or cartoon character.

  1. Face mask – because every superhero (no matter male or female) wears a mask.
  2. Face shield – when there’s an attack, a shield can bounce off almost anything!
  3. Hand sanitiser – this is the superpower juice that’ll kill bacteria and viruses; to be used on hands after completing any activity in school.

The characters can be different every time they mask-up, but the storyline can be the same. Don’t forget to twist each plot according to your kids’ favourite character.

Pssst… I’ve been using these tricks every time my kids refused to wear any of the above. And (luckily) it works!

It might be hot and stuffy behind the mask and shield, but hey, saving the world is no easy feat!

Have A Washing-Hands Song

Image by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

How do your kids wash their hands? If it’s anything like touching the water for a few seconds and just briefly rubbing their hands under running water, you’re not alone. Washing hands correctly isn’t a particularly fun activity; unless you help them make it so!

To “trick” your kids into washing their hands thoroughly, you could have a washing-hands song they can sing along to. Listen to the  Washy Washy Clean song that covers all the steps to washing hands in the tune of ‘If you’re happy and you know it’. You know you’re going to have a good time doing this with your kids!

Remember Their (Imaginary) Friend

Image from Freepik

Does your kid have an imaginary friend? Or a favourite plushie? Engage them to help you!

  1. Tell your little one that their imaginary friend/plushie has to follow them to school and be by them the whole day.
  2. Let the ‘friend’ occupy space between them and their real friends to effectively practise social distancing.

Remind them that their imaginary friend or toy needs to be by their side when they’re learning, eating, playing, or even napping – at least for the time being.

Ah-Tish-Huee And A Dab

Image from Health One Family Medicine

None of us were born with an innate sense of personal hygiene. We were all taught at a young age to cover our mouths with our hands when we sneeze or cough. Sometimes we remember, and other times, we forget.

Well, our kids are going through this stage, and one way to help them remember (and maybe giggle a little afterwards) is to teach them to cover their mouths and ask for a tissue as they sneeze!


Image from Freepik

What about coughing? They can do the same, but we think doing the dab is much cooler.

Like this:

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Suddenly, personal hygiene is not very difficult to remember; made fun with simple moves.

Hand-Sanitising Choreography

Image by soumen82hazra from Pixabay

A new viral hand-sanitising choreography by a Vietnamese dancer has caught the attention of many, and you might have come across it if you’re active on social media. Or if your kids are active on social media. Welp, as for me, hands down to my kids!

I did this with my kids and as fun as it gets, one of them started to lay down after only a few seconds.

“Mummy, it’s tiring,” said my seven-year-old who prefers to lay down on his bed more than anything.

I tricked him with a pack of MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt and in just a few moments, he became more excited and can even remember the choreography faster than us!

Create Hygiene Reminders Through Activities

Image by Andy M. from Pixabay

During the weekends or after school, consider having your kids draw posters on handwashing, sanitising and social distancing; their masterpieces can be placed on the fridge, at the sink area, and even in the living room as a daily reminder.

You can also always print out colouring templates on these topics on Google and start colouring with them as a way to bond with them. Alternatively, they can even fold paper face masks and dress their dolls and soft toys at home. Maybe you can even be their “models” for this!

Everyday Habits Before Leaving the House

Image by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Parents, don’t forget to do your routine checks on your little ones before leaving the house, too. Be sure to:

  1. Check their body temperature.
  2. Sanitise their hands.
  3. Quiz them on what they have to do at school to follow the SOPs.
  4. Talk to them about the dangers of the COVID-19 virus (they like to be treated like adults sometimes).
  5. Serve a cup of MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt for breakfast or pack a box in their lunch box to boost their energy.

Pump Up on Nutrients with MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt

Milk has earned a reputation with kids, and now with MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt, it has an additional ingredient that’ll provide extra nutrients and give you and your family the energy boost you need to power through the day. It’s high in calcium, protein, and contains a unique BonePlus formulation that aids effective calcium absorption for bone growth.

Other vitamins include vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, and D3. The minerals and amino acids inside also help metabolise carbs, protein, and fat. Most known for its many advantages, malt is loaded with essential nutrients; making it a good energy source for your growing kids as it helps to provide sufficient energy throughout the day.

Got a picture of you and your kid drinking MARIGOLD® UHT Milk with Malt? We want to see them! Use the hashtag #MilkTimeMatters and #MarigoldUHTMilk on your Facebook and Instagram posts (don’t forget to set your profile to ‘public’ for us to see).

For more information on MARIGOLD®’s UHT milk range, head to their official website today!

Mummies, remember to feed your children well and keep them safe!