Mother, Baby & Kids

Your Child’s First 1,000 Days: The Importance of Nutrition

Do you know that your child’s nutrition journey starts during your pregnancy? Because their organs start developing from this time. Hence, the first 1000 days of a child’s life is a crucial period of time to ensure their healthy growth and development. This means the first 207 days during your pregnancy, following 365 days from your child’s first year and remaining 365 days in their second. If you want your child to maintain a healthy weight and normal growth, consume and provide them with the right nutrition especially during the first 1000 days of their life.

Yes, maternal and prenatal nutrition, and what the child eats during the first two years of their life (the first 1,000 days) have a life-long influence on their brain development, immune system, growth and metabolic programming. As such, beware of your child’s nutrition during this crucial period of time when your child is undergoing rapid growth and development.

Say ‘No’ to Added Sugar During Pregnancy

Cravings or not, each mother-to-be needs to know that high sugar consumption during pregnancy may cause child obesity.

No mincing of words there because according to a study on 1,078 mothers and their kids, mothers who took more sugar-sweetened beverages during their pregnancy had higher chances of seeing their children battle obesity when they entered primary school.

There is an association between mothers drinking too much sweetened beverages during pregnancy and reduced cognitive skills in the child, too. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid sugary drinks.

Say ‘No’ to Added Sugar in Early Childhood

Toddler food does not have to be bland, but it has to be wholesome and low in sugar. Sugars are harmful to young children because early exposure to added sugars can lead to addiction to sweet food. Research also found that sugar causes a metabolic disorder that leads to obesity, hypertension, lipid problems, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 Diabetes.

The American Heart Association (AHA), after reviewing existing research and consulting experts, released a report recommending that children and adolescents limit their intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) to one cup that is fewer than 8 ounces per week. They should also consume less or equal to 25 grams of added sugars per day, and because there is minimal room for nutrient-free calories in the habitual diets of very young children, avoid added sugars in the diet of children younger than two years old.

Why Organic Nutrition Matters

According to an Annual Review of Public Health by Simon Fraser University in Canada, the blood-brain barrier of the developing brain is not fully formed, hence, more permeable to toxins than the matured brain. Plus, the brain also takes longer than other organs in the body to develop fully.

During this window of development, the child is more vulnerable to toxins, which carries a high chance of impacting their growth, especially the brain and nervous system (reference). They may experience adverse side effects such as disruption in human hormone balance, developmental problems, and interference with the reproductive system. Additionally, they may also increase the incidence of cancers (reference).

If you didn’t already know, we are exposed to chemicals and toxins all the time. These stem from environmental chemicals like household products, air pollutants and the very food we consume. Then there are other chemicals found in pesticides which will burrow their way into our food, synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics found in non-organic meat, among others.

On the other hand, organic food is farmed without the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals. Unlike conventional farming, organic farming is free from the usage of antibiotics, GMO, chemically synthesised pesticides and fertilisers and growth hormones.

Therefore, choose organic foods to reduce early exposure of toxins and harmful chemicals to your child!

Choose Organic Nutrition, Choose No Added Sugars, and Choose HiPP JUNIOR

How do you have peace of mind when you can’t prepare food for your child as you zoom about your daily undertakings?

HiPP is an expert in paediatric food founded more than 120 years ago. As a pioneer of organic farming and one of the world’s largest processors of organic raw materials, HiPP is always committed to producing premium organic quality milk and food for children.

Image credit: HiPP

HiPP JUNIOR Organic Growing-up milk is an organic milk formula for 1 to 3-year-olds inspired by science and nature.

HiPP uses only 100% organic milk lactose, and hence, it is free from added sugars. It also contains organic galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), a natural dietary fibre to support healthy intestinal flora.

It also uses premium certified organic sources of nutrition, free from GMOs with no use of chemically synthesised pesticides and insecticides, no artificial hormones or growth hormones and no artificial fertilisers.

Fully imported from Germany, it holds the highest organic quality and exceeds the European Union Standards. The HiPP owner guarantees this personally with their HiPP Organic Seal.

They have a reason for such high trust in their product as HiPP has strict quality control from raw materials to finished product – that is, up to 500 controls!

Start Them Young

Remember, your child’s health begins now and will last their lifetime. Build a nutritious foundation with HiPP JUNIOR! It is too easy for your child to be introduced to sugar-filled food nowadays. For starters, we suggest you get your hands on HiPP JUNIOR’s organic growing up milk. To purchase, visit HiPP Malaysia’s official website.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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