Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: When You Are 11 Weeks Pregnant

Now you are entering the 11th week of your pregnancy. You are now about two months and two weeks pregnant. This is the last phase before you enter the second trimester. And when you are 11 weeks, your baby has been quite busy growing this week. You still can’t tell the baby’s gender but the ovaries are developing if your baby is a girl.

Baby’s Size


Image credit: Freepik

Currently, the foetus is about the size of a Brussels sprout. Isn’t it magnificent? The average length of the foetus is now two inches and the weight is about 0.33 ounce (9 grams).

Baby’s Growth Progress

As the baby start to develop muscles, the baby’s facial feature is slowly maturing. The ears are now moving toward their final position on the sides of the head, and the sides of the head and the eyes set wide apart with eyelids fused shut.

The genitals are starting to form as well but still, it is too early to know whether the baby is a girl or a boy.

Tiny buds that will eventually become teeth are also developing. The head makes up half of the total body length at this stage.

In this phase, the baby needs a lot of nutrients, as the red blood cells also increase along with the growth of the placenta.

Your Body When You Are 11 Weeks Pregnant

  • Bloating and Burping

The pregnancy hormone, progesterone, causes the smooth muscle tissue to relax, which slows down the digestion in your body. This is why you will feel bloated and it causes a cramp or two (or more).

The good news of this process is, it is giving the nutrients from the food you eat more time to enter your bloodstream and reach your baby.

  • Tummy Grumbling aka hungrier.

During this week, you might be feeling a bit hungrier compared to usual— and that is good. It is a sign your morning sickness is easing and your appetite is gearing up to help you nourish your body and your baby.

But don’t go overboard just because you’re eating for two. Try to gain weight efficiently by choosing the most nutritious foods during pregnancy and minimizing the junk.

At 11 weeks pregnant, your lower abdomen is probably just starting to protrude a bit too — though you likely still look less like you are pregnant

  • Food Cravings

Are you craving for food? No worries, this is normal. Almost 50% to 90% of pregnant women experience food craving throughout their pregnancy.

The expert believes that having these cravings is your body’s way of obtaining what it needed, while some believe it is just some dynamic hormonal changes.

Whatever the reason, make sure that what you eat is healthy and nutritious.

Your Plan(s) When you Are 11 Weeks Pregnant

When you are 11 weeks pregnant, it is advisable for you to take about 80 to 85 milligrams of vitamin C, to aid in the growth development of the baby’s teeth and bones. You can eat oranges or other citrus fruits such as berries, tomatoes, or broccoli to boost up your vitamin C intake.

Tips When You Are 11 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some healthy tips when you are 11 weeks pregnant:

  • Yoga

Prenatal yoga is good for you. It helps you to be more relaxed as it can reduce mom-to-be anxiety and depression which can lead to premature birth and post-partum blues.

  • Always wash your hands!

Please wash your hands at least 20-30 seconds in order to fight the germs on our hands. The germs are making you more vulnerable to stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, and cold – which may affect the baby as well.

If you frequently catch a cold when you are pregnant, you are risking your baby to develop asthma disease. You can also use alcohol-based sanitizer to clean your hands from the bacteria.

  • Eating nuts.

Shout out to nut lovers! Nut is a high-protein snack that can greatly enhance your unborn child’s immunity towards nuts allergies. Nuts are full of vitamin E and other important minerals such as copper, zinc, magnesium and even calcium.

  • Keep your smile bright.

Be sure to keep brushing your teeth and well-flossed. In between cleanings, chew sugarless gum to help reduce plaque buildup. Poor dental care can lead to premature birth.

Image credit: Freepik

What do you think of those changes in your body during pregnancy? Does it do wonders for you? Share with us your thoughts and experiences.

Until then, stay tuned for more information when you reach 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you are preparing for your little one’s essential needs, look no further, and head over to today!