Mother, Baby & Kids

Baby First Aid Experts Advise Parents to Hide Bath Plugs


Recently, ex-paramedic, Nikki Jurcutz, shared on Instagram the story of Archie.

Archie is a two-year-old boy that could have drowned because of a bath plug.

The Danger of Bath Plugs

Nikki shared the story of a traumatised mother to warn other parents to keep bath plugs out of reach from little kids.

The mum was woken up at four in the morning by her four-year-old shouting that his brother was in the bathroom and needed help.

The two-year-old Archie was naturally cheeky and adventurous.

Archie had pulled up a stool to climb in the tub, put the plug in and turned the tap on while everyone was sleeping.

The mother found him in the water, still dressed with his nappy on.

The mother shared that the water was overflowing and had flooded the bathroom.

Image credit: @tinyheartseducation on Instagram

She said that the scariest part of it was that Archie looked like he tried to get out on his own and with time, he got tired.

He was found kneeling on his knees and falling asleep in the water.

She then added that she has now kept the bath plugs hidden when it’s not being used and urged other parents to do the same.

She noted that many other parents shared that they never would have thought of hiding it away.

Other parents also admitted that they left their bath plugs somewhere near the tub.

Thankfully, little Archie is fine but if she was a few seconds late, it would be a different story.

Drowning Is the Leading Cause of Death

From the World Health Organization, it is said that drowning is third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide.

It is estimated that there are 236 thousand annual drowning cases occurring worldwide.

The major risk factor for drowning is age.

The highest drowning rates are among toddlers aged between one to four years old.

It’s one of the top five causes of death for people aged one to 14 years old for 48 countries.

Keep Your Bath Plugs Hidden

In this particular case, it is advised that you hide your bath plug away if you have a tub.

You can also make sure that the water in tubs or any other objects that can collect water are completely drained out.

Archie’s mother also purchased an alarm sensor to put on his door so when it opens, it sends an alarm.

You can also teach kids swimming as early as one year old, according to

It Could Happen to Anyone

Archie’s story serves as a reminder for parents to keep kids safe by reducing the number of risks that could put them in danger.

However, a lot of the people were annoyed that the parents weren’t aware of what was happening.

People need to realise that drowning can happen to anyone at any time and unlike the movies, drowning is silent.

It only takes a small amount of water and under a minute for someone to drown.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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