Mother, Baby & Kids

Emotional Changes During Pregnancy

Emotional Changes During Pregnancy

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Emotional changes or mood swings during pregnancy are rather common. But what causes us, women, to have such episodes of mood swings that always happen out of nowhere? Those episodes of mood swings will affect our relationship with others as we tend to be very unpredictable with the mood swings we are experiencing. As we all know, we will go through a lot of changes in both physical and emotional state.

A pregnant woman has to go through never-ending morning sickness while coping through the unpredictability of their mood swings. It is indeed a tough phase for every pregnant woman to go through it. Apart from our mood swinging, you know what else is swinging? Our hormones. How is that? Well, the fluctuating hormones in the body could have affected the level of a neurotransmitter, which is a brain chemical that controls our mood. Little did we know mood swings usually happens during the first and the third trimester of pregnancy.


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Emotional Changes During Pregnancy

How To Cope?

Coping with these mood swings episode can be tricky. Although, we know the fact that it is perfectly normal to be experiencing such mood swings during pregnancy. Slowly we need to accept it.

It is a great time to keep a diary for us to take note of things that upsets us. Avoiding the factors that trigger the mood seems to be a solution for most people. But truth be told that during these phases if it annoys us, it will keep on annoy us no matter how hard we try to avoid it. It is called mood swings for a reason, plus it happens out of nowhere.

Another trick is to let out the feelings. If your surrounding isn’t the people for you to vent out your feelings. You could use the same diary to express your feelings. It may not be a human who can give an ear to listen, but at least you let it all out, and it made you much relieved than before. If that doesn’t help why not, you take things off by watching a movie at home or find something to distract your mind. During this stage, we need a lot of moral support from our loved ones. A lot of reassurance needed!

Get enough rest and sleep as it does more to your body emotionally and physically than we know. With enough rest, you can control your body and yourself. Don’t forget to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.

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When To Consult The Doctor?

The best moment to consult the doctor will be when your mood swings persistently worsen even after two weeks. The thoughts of having suicidal and self-harming will increase if you diagnosed with such mental illness in the past. If you are someone that ever experience depression or even anxiety but not yet diagnosed, you should consult the doctor for further assistance.

At the same time, you will be experiencing the difficulty of sleeping and also unable to fully concentrate and might suffer from short term memory loss. Even if you did not experience any symptoms, but you feel something odd, you are free to see the doctor for your assurance.

How about that? I hope we have helped you in a way for you to cope with those emotional changes and mood swings you are going through while striving to have the safest and healthiest pregnancy you always hope and want.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on our blog. Why not, while you are waiting for more content from us check out for all the pregnancy needs you need before you went to labour. We got all the product specially cater to you and your future little ones.