Mother, Baby & Kids

Excessive Screen Times: Parents, Kids and The Digital Age

A quick peek into how the digital age has influenced the way kids interact! 

Going digital? Embracing the power of digital transformation? 

The unrelenting speed of digital technology transition can often catch us off guard!

The truth is that smartphones, social media and big data has changed the way we live, learn and connect. There has been a poignant shift in the way we organise our lives as new technologies have infiltrated and transformed the way we live in the 21st century. It has been a constant fixture in our daily lives! 

Some people have even been known to invest more time in technology than sleep. Do you agree to this?

A Reality Check


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Dinner is ready!

Pick up your dirty jeans and put them in the laundry!

Have you done your homework yet?

It’s time to go to bed!

You didn’t get a response.

Does all this sound familiar to you? Admit it, it is either you, or the tablet. These days, kids get so hung up with screen time to they point they cannot even take a minute to respond. Welcome to the reality of the digital age!

In fact, kids’ engagement with the Internet and digital media has grown exponentially over the last decade. Digital engagement may happen very early with the rapid diffusion of touch screen devices—including smartphones and tablets. Which brings new challenges to parent-child relationships and parenting roles.

Fun Fact: According to UNICEF, every one in three Internet users worldwide is a child! 

Digital technology has slowly but surely integrated into the everyday lives of both parents and kids.

The Fine Line Between A Need and An Addiction

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It’s awesome to have digital-savvy kids, but how much online time is considered too much? Where should the parents drawing the line? Digital technologies have become ubiquitous in the 21st century. It is growing at a fast pace. Kids are now avid Internet users and using a range of information and communication technologies. Amazing, right?

In a world that is moving towards a digital era, it is important for kids to be digital literates. Digital literacy also means understanding the limitations of technology and being aware of the risks and precautions that the use of technology requires. Your kids are engaged in intense and broadened digital online activities. Is this a need or an addiction?

That is exactly what you need to find out!

What Are The Risks of Too Much Screen Time?

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One thing is for sure, kids and adolescents are growing up exposed to both traditional and modern technologies. What does this mean? There is no way to reduce the harsh reality—they will somehow be exposed to various online risks in this environment.

Mummies, do you know who your kids are making friends with on Facebook? What do they text to their classmates?

What sites are they browsing? What are they really looking up online?

Somewhat concerning, right?

Some of the major risks include the following:

  • Easy access to illegal, violent, sexual content and harmful materials.
  • Interaction with dangerous individuals.
  • Excessive online gaming.
  • Exposure to unwanted sexual solicitation and exploitation of kids.
  • Cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Online violence.
  • Scams.

And the list goes on!

What About the Impacts on Health?

Risks of prolonged screening time can also lead to a number of health risks, including developmental problems, musculoskeletal problems, physical inactivity, obesity, and poor sleep quality.

Being glued to smartphones has been reported to be correlated with mental health issues!

How Can Parents Strike A Balance Between Giving Kids Exploration Freedom and Safety?

Photo credit: Freepik

There is no doubt about it—digital technology is transforming childhood at a rapid pace.

Innovation in technology has introduced not only new experiences for them to embrace, but also a whole new dimension to their everyday lives in a digital world that we consider to be “on the Internet.”

Parents often struggle to balance potential opportunities with fear of risk. Most of the time, they either shut their kids out of it completely or leave them to explore without restrictions. Mummies, it does not always have to be like that!

Instead, why not take an active role in your kid’s digital journey and make sure they are on the path towards “digital citizenship” and are shielded from inappropriate content and individuals?

Here Are Some Tips:

1.Educate – Teach kids to ask questions and encourage conversations about digital literacy at home.

2.Explain – Set expectations, guidelines and rules for the use of technology at home. 

3.Engage – Co-view, co-play, co-engage! Have conversations with your kids about digital stuff that does not have anything to do with the rules. Is your kid in favour of video games? Find out why, and play with them.

4.Exemplify – Be a role model in technology. Kids watch us more than they listen to us, and emulate what we do. Why not ask ourselves, do we have a problem with excessive screen times?

5.Empower – Encourage the development of digital literacy. Share with them about new apps or websites, sign up for classes, and teach them new skills.

6.Emphathise – Bear in mind that kids are growing up in a public space, thanks to social media. Be prepared to have open conversations about how hard this can be.

A Parting Thought

Weighing on the pros and cons, I would say that anything done in moderation will produce a more fruitful outcome. Parents’ challenges are far more nuanced, and they need work and time to solve. You can only inculcate good values in them and cultivate healthy habits. Now let us start making a little extra effort and bridge the gap!

A Sweet Spot?

It’s all about finding the right balance here! A perfect blend of digital time monitoring and a healthy lifestyle is important in helping your kids navigate digital spaces with confidence and composure.

Stay tuned for more parenting tips on!