Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: 12 Weeks Pregnant


Mommies, you are now 12 weeks pregnant! You are in the third month of your pregnancy, with only 6 months left to go! So what is the progress of your little baby during this week? What should you do to keep your body (and the baby healthy)? Here is our list of information on your baby’s size, growth progression, body changes and others.

Baby’s Size


Credit: Freepik

Mommies, the baby is now as the size of the passion fruit, growing from crown to rump. The baby is approximately measuring close to 2.5 inches and weighing approximately 0.5 ounces(14 grams).

Even though this may be hard to believe, but your baby is more than doubled in size during the past three weeks!

Growth Progression


For the baby, the vital organs and body parts will be in placed this week even with the genitals. But relax mommies, it is still too early to know the gender of your baby.

As much as you are excited to know your baby’s gender, you can first rejoice by hearing the heartbeat of the baby with an external Doppler device during the checkup for this week.

At the same time, the eyelids have been fully formed but they just aren’t closed tightly. The eyelids are fused together and will remain until the late second trimester.

As for the baby’s hands, they are slightly little more developed than the feet, and the arms are much longer than the legs. The little nail beds that grow recently are starting to sprout more on both fingernails and toenails.

Your baby is also starting to move a little but it is still too early to detect any movements. How exciting!

Body Changes

When entering this phase, it is normal to experience nausea and discomfort,  while having increased appetite. In this term, it is advisable for you to add extra 300 calories in your daily diet. So, make sure to eat healthily according to your pregnancy diet plan.

Besides, you will feel like bloating when eating. To relieve from a bloated stomach, eat slowly and let your body help to relieve it.

Mommies will also experience the sensitivity to smell. If certain odors bother you, try to eat food below room temperature to avoid strong odors.

If you notice spotting and bleeding on any parts of your body, immediately call the doctor especially if the symptoms are accompanied by cramping.

What Should You Plan This Week?

1. Start doing Kegel

Kegel exercise helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support your uterus and bladder. Thus,  it can prevent accidental urination during and after pregnancy.

2. Browse baby’s name

Have you started thinking about the baby’s name?  If not , this would be the perfect opportunity to think about the baby’s name.

Tips When You Are 12 Weeks Pregnant

Tips dealing with what to eat during this phase:

  1. Avoid alcohol.
  2. Be smart when dealing with seafood.
  3. Avoid raw food.
  4. Keep yourself hydrated.
  5. Refrain from eating soft cheeses such as feta, brie, blue cheese, Camembert and others.

At this stage, why not consider making a pregnancy journal with your loved ones? A well-made pregnancy journal can serve as a good memory when the baby is born.

Don’t forget to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Remember, don’t stress out too much. It is not good for you and the baby, and can be dangerous if not treated with care.

Stay tuned for more write up on the second trimester and find out what happens on week 13 . Don’t forget to check out for the best baby items online!