Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: 4 Weeks Pregnant – Growth Progress, Body Changes & Symptoms

First Trimester: Week 4

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It’s your 4th week of the first trimester, and your little bean is now growing. At this stage, your little bean is called a zygote. It looks like a ball of 32 cells.

During this time, you can confirm if you are officially pregnant or not with a pregnancy test kit. Yay! Congratulations on your little bean!

If it says you aren’t but you may be showing symptoms, don’t worry as at home pregnancy tests may be inaccurate sometimes. So, wait for a few days before testing again with another urine pregnancy test, or you may opt for a blood test.

At this stage of your pregnancy, your doctor may not schedule any ultrasound until you reach your 8th to 12th week of pregnancy. But you may still be curious how your little peanut is doing—and that’s where we come in!

Let’s find out more about your foetus when you are 4 weeks pregnant, shall we?

Baby at Week 4

First Trimester: 4 Weeks Pregnant

Growth Progress

This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. From now until 10 weeks, all of your baby’s organs will begin to develop, and some will even start to function. As a result, this is the time when she’ll be most vulnerable to anything that might interfere with her development.

Right now, your baby is an embryo the size of a poppy seed consisting of two layers: the epiblast and the hypoblast—from which all of her organs and body parts will begin to develop.

The primitive placenta is also made up of two layers at this point. Its cells are tunnelling into the lining of your uterus, creating spaces for your blood to flow. This will ensure the developed placenta will be able to begin providing nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby from the end of this week.

The amniotic sac will be your little bean’s home for now. The amniotic fluid will cushion her as she grows. The yolk sac produces your baby’s red blood cells and helps deliver nutrients to them until the placenta has developed and is ready to take over this duty.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced at a high level by the placenta at this time. It helps to thicken the mother’s uterine line, preparing it to support the growing embryo. It also sends signals to the body to stop menstruation. The hCG level continues to rise up until 10 weeks of pregnancy.

What Are the Changes When You Are 4 Weeks Pregnant?

Amniotic sac: By next week, this cavity will envelop the embryo and continue to house your baby throughout your pregnancy.

Embryo: All of your baby’s organs and body parts will develop from the two layers of cells that now make up the embryo—the epiblast and the hypoblast.

Pregnancy Plans During Your 4th Week

  • Perform a urine pregnancy test. If is it negative, you could wait for another week to retest. Alternatively, you may ask your doctor to do a blood test to detect the pregnancy hormone called B-HCG.
  • You should already be taking a multivitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. Once you’re pregnant, you’ll need a bit more—600 mcg a day—so switch to a prenatal vitamin if you haven’t already.
  • You should see the doctor reconfirm your pregnancy.
  • Don’t forget to consider a certified nurse-midwife in case anything happens.

4th Week Pregnancy Symptoms

  1. Bloated stomach – expect a bit of bloating, particularly in your abdomen as your body is preparing itself for a rapidly growing foetus for the next several months.
  2. Light bleeding or spotting – this spotting is called implantation bleeding, which is normal for some women. However, if there’s a lot of blood and it lasts longer than two days, immediately go to the nearest clinic.
  3. Breast tenderness – just like your abdomen, your breasts are starting to prepare for the arrival of the baby. The number of milk glands will increase and the fat later thickens, which causes your breast to enlarge.
  4. Moody – during this week, you may be easily triggered and encounter many wild shifts. A message to the husband: Please be prepared and be extra patient with your wife during this trimester.
  5. Morning sickness – some mothers may experience morning sickness. The condition varies from one woman to another; some may experience mild nausea while others may have it more severe with vomiting.
  6. Fatigue – this is a normal part of the pregnancy. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling exhausted, tired and fatigued most of the time as your body is preparing to support your little one.

Other than that, be prepared as you could lose interest in something you typically love—your favourite food could suddenly become your worst enemy when you are 4 weeks pregnant. Weird pregnancy craving will likely be a thing for you too.

Tips to Surpass the 4th Week Safely and Gracefully

The symptoms of the 4th week shows that the journey with your baby while memorable, is not going to be easy either. Going through the 4th week of your pregnancy journey requires keen attention and care towards yourself. Here, we share some tips that can help you to undergo this week safely and enjoy it to its fullest.

  1. Eat whole foods while maintaining a proper meal schedule.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol.
  3. Do not smoke.
  4. Start taking prenatal vitamins under your doctor’s supervision.
  5. Regularly exercise to keep you and your baby healthy. 
  6. Start wearing a supportive bra for sore breasts.
  7. Stay hydrated, but you may have to cut your liquid consumption a little to avoid frequent bathroom visits.
  8. Try eating frequent meals in small amounts to avoid nausea. 
  9. Test the levels of hCG hormones in your body, which confirms your pregnancy.
  10. Download a pregnancy app to track your pregnancy milestone in future stages.  
  11. For any uncomfortable scenario, visit your doctor at the earliest.

Supplements to Take During Your 4th Week

While symptoms may be in control if you follow the tips above properly, you need to take supplements to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy. Here’s a supplement checklist for you. 

Vitamin C

It is essential for the healthy growth of your baby. Doctors recommend having fruits and vegetables that include vitamin C.


Although your little star is only a zygote this week, you must take care of its physical and mental growth from this stage. Iron helps to transport oxygen to your and your baby’s body. And it helps to develop the baby’s normal cognitive functions. 


It is one of the most important prenatal supplements that provide enough supply of different vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals. You can take one soft gel capsule daily only after consulting with your doctor. 

Folic Acid

Since the first trimester is vulnerable for you and your baby, you need to be careful. Your baby’s brain and spinal cord develop in the 3rd and 4th weeks. Birth defects may occur at this time. Adequate folic acid supplements help to prevent the risks of birth defects like spina bifida, etc. 

Commonly Asked Questions At the 4th Week of Pregnancy

How do I know my pregnancy is okay at 4 weeks?

While ultrasound is not possible at this stage, a home pregnancy test can show a positive result. Also, you can go for a blood test under a doctor’s supervision to ensure the levels of hCG hormones in your body. 

Does a baby have a heartbeat at 4 weeks?

We understand that you’re eager to listen to the cute lub-dub of your baby. But it usually is not prominent in the 4th week. You can listen to it through a vaginal ultrasound after 5 weeks of pregnancy. 

What does a foetus have at 4 weeks?

In this week, the cell balls split and develop an embryo which is going to transform into the proper shape of your baby and a placenta. Your unborn baby’s developing brain and spine at this point are called the neural tube.

As development progresses, the top of the neural tube becomes their brain, and the rest of the tube becomes their spinal cord. Your baby can sleep well, protected by the amniotic sac and fluid. 

Can you feel kicks at 4 weeks?

No. Be patient, dear. You can feel your baby’s first moves, including kicks only after 16-25 weeks—the baby’s development comes to a standard end after this period.

How do you feel at 4 weeks pregnant with twins?

If you’re carrying twins, symptoms like nausea and breast tenderness may be more intense than in a single-baby pregnancy. But it cannot be confirmed until the doctor performs the ultrasound at 6-9 weeks of pregnancy.

Want to know what happens on the 5th week of the first trimester? Stay tuned!

In the meantime, be sure to check out to fulfil your every need relating to motherhood and in preparation for your unborn baby!

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