Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: Mummy, You Are 6 Weeks Pregnant

Amazing! Mummy, it’s your week 6 of pregnancy and many things are hitting up your mind on the upcoming weeks. Don’t worry, mummy, we will help you go through this together.

Baby at Week 6

Baby Size in 6 Week Pregnant

Now that you are 6 weeks pregnant in your first trimester, your little bean is growing very fast and now in a size of a pomegranate seed.


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Not to mention, a 6 weeks foetus is on another important milestone:

  • The areas that will become the eyes and ears have started to project as bumps.
  • Tiny buds are forming that will grow into arms and legs.
  • The neural tube begins to close over that will become your baby’s spinal cord.

Not to worry your little bean is protected inside the amniotic sac that we mentioned in the previous write up. It is the home for your little bean until he/she is born.

6 Weeks Pregnant: The Development Progress

This week will be a busy one for your baby. It is the beginning of the embryonic period (week 6 – 10). Where all your baby’s important organs will start to develop.

It is during this period that your baby will be sensitive to any negative factors such as alcohol, nicotine or other chemicals.

This week’s major developments would be the nose, mouth, and ears that you’ll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape.

Their heartbeats will be about 100 to 160 times a minute.  It is almost twice as fast as yours, and the blood is beginning to course through their body.

The intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. As well as their pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones.

Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, which is about the size of a lentil or a pomegranate seed. Your baby has tiny webbed hands and feet shaped like paddles.

Your little bean tongue and vocal cords are beginning to form. Their heart could be seen with an ultrasound.

Your doctor could measure your baby’s CRL (crown-rump length), which is the measurement from the top of the head to the rump during the ultrasound.

Body Changes for the Week?

You may start to notice other symptoms such as morning sickness. More than 50% of pregnant women will experience this. Unfortunately, nausea and vomiting could happen at any time of the day, even during the first trimester of week 4 or 5 of your pregnancy.

Some women will notice certain things or smell makes nausea and vomiting worse. For instance, particular food or cooking, even in some women the smell of their partner!

What Should Be Your Plan This Week?

  • Plan your first antenatal visit with your doctor. At this stage, your doctor will confirm your due dates either by your last menstrual date or ultrasound if you are not sure of your last period.
  • Blood investigation will be done to check for blood type, your haemoglobin level and screen for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis. It is also important to know your blood group and Rhesus type either positive or negative. Being Rhesus negative may have implications for your pregnancy, especially in the future if your partner is Rhesus positive.

Tips When You Are 6 Weeks Pregnant

  • Eat small but frequent meals.
  • Consider changing your toothpaste!
  • Drink ½ hour before and after meals, not during meals.
  • Avoid spicy and oily foods.
  • Sniff lemons or ginger.
  • Drink lemonade.
  • Eat some salty potato chips to settle down the stomach.
  • Eat dry crackers early in the morning when you wake up.
  • Unable to swallow the big prenatal pills? Why not try the chewable one with folic acid pills.

During this stage, you will be experimenting with which morning sickness remedies are the best for you to cope with it. Your morning sickness could probably worst from time to time during this first trimester. So, make sure to find the right remedy that works for you.

Stay tuned to find out what happens on week 7 of the first trimester of your pregnancy. You could also read other articles from us while waiting for the next. In case you already done it why not, check out for all the wonderful baby stuff and needs you can purchase online on our online store!