Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: You Are 8 Weeks Pregnant!

Finally, you are 8 weeks pregnant! What other changes are going to happen on this week? What is the size of your baby at 8 weeks?

Baby’s Size

Your little bean now is the size of a raspberry. Pretty impressive, right? Let’s check out the growth progression, the foetus body changes, symptoms, and tips of the week.


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Baby at Week 8

8 Weeks Pregnant: Baby’s Growth Progression

This week development and growth are focused on your little raspberry’s hands and feet. It developed into webbed fingers and toes, the eyelids almost cover the eyes, breathing tubes.

It extends from the throat to the branches of the developing lungs, and the “tail” is just about to be gone.

The brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect, forming primitive neural pathways.

You may be daydreaming about having a boy or a girl, but the external genitals still haven’t developed enough to reveal your baby’s sex.

Either way, your baby is about the size of a kidney bean and constantly moving and shifting, though you still can’t feel it.

Your baby’s head is larger compared to the other parts at the moment, and the baby’s face is beginning to take shape.

This stage already determines the baby’s sex but still could not be seen from an ultrasound.

Body Changes

Brain: The nerve cells in your baby’s brain are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

Eyelid: Translucent eyelids now practically cover your baby’s eyes.

Hand: Your baby’s hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over the heart. The fingers are still slightly webbed but growing longer.

Knee joint: Your baby now has knees, and her feet may be long enough to meet in front of her body.

8 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms 

  • Morning sickness – Feeling nausea and vomiting from time to time during this week.
  • Food and smell aversions – You may be bothered by certain tastes and odours, which make your stomach feel as if you’re on a roller coaster ride.
  • Diarrhoea – Your digestive system is more sensitive now, so make sure to eat healthy, clean and nutritious food.
  • Frequent urination – You will face this symptom throughout the rest of your pregnancy as your baby grows and putting pressure on your bladder.
  • Abdominal cramping – It is associated with the growth progression of your uterus. Unless the cramping is severed, immediately asks for doctor’s consultation.
  • Back pain – 8 week pregnant gives you a very disturbing back pain. This is because your back muscles are working a bit harder in order to accommodate your growing uterus.
  • Light spotting – Make sure the spotting is only a few drops of blood at a time. If you notice heavier bleeding, head over to the nearest clinic.

What Should You Plan This Week?

  • Start reading up on pregnancy books. Visit a nearby bookstore or buy online.  You could also google online regarding pregnancy.
  • Get more dresses that comfort your belly as it is expanding.

Tips When You Are 8 Weeks Pregnant

Image credit: Adobe Stock
  • Eat healthy and balanced food
  • Breathing exercises
  • Try to get enough of sleep at least 8 hours/night
  • Take afternoon naps
  • Do exercises
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid sleeping pills or stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol

You may experience crazy pregnancy cravings at this stage of your first trimester. But healthy eating habit is still a must!

Click if you missed out our 7 week pregnant piece.

Don’t forget that you are eating for two, so make sure to eat an extra 300 calories per day. Make a dentist appointment as dental care is essential as well during pregnancy.

Stay tuned to find out what will happen on the 9th week of your first trimester. You can go check out for all the baby needs as preparation before your little one become part of your family soon.