Mother, Baby & Kids

First Trimester: When You Are 9 Weeks Pregnant


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What do you think will happen when you are 9 weeks pregnant?

Well, one thing for sure your little bean has now graduated from being an embryo in week 8 to a foetus now.

Baby’s Size

Yeayyy! They are now about the size of a cherry, still small but definitely are growing. What other changes do you expect to happen? Let’s find out!


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Growth Progression

Your baby is fully formed, and his fused eyelids are closing the eyes. It will open again after 28 weeks.
The baby’s joints are working, and your baby is freely moving within the amniotic sac. He could now suck on his thumbs!
During this stage, they are double in size and their head is about the half-length of their body, apart from that their fingers are growing longer and fingerprint are slowly formed as well.

Body Changes

You may still have early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and breast tenderness.

Besides, you may start to feel bloated, and there are increased episodes of heartburn.

You may also experience dizziness and frequent urination causing bulging veins on your hands and feet, even nosebleed.

Your blood volume increases due to help protect the baby when you stand up or lie down.

Another thing you need to be careful is vaginal bleeding during your first trimester. It can occur at any time and make sure you take action when it happens as it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.

What Should You Plan This Week?

  • You must eat a healthy and balanced diet. However, taking the prenatal supplements will help provide you with any deficiency that you may have from your diet.
  • Create a baby budget. Calculate the estimated amount that you and your partner need to cover for your baby needs and more.

Tips When You Are 9 Weeks Pregnant

Tips on how to deal with heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Eat five small meals instead of three larger meals
  • Avoid lying down immediately after having meals.
  • Try to avoid spicy oily foods
  • Avoid certain trigger food such as chocolate, caffeine, tomato-based juices, vinegar or minty foods.
  • If the heartburn occurs at night, sleep with your head propped up with pillows or elevate the head of your bed.
  • Over the counter, drugs such as Mylanta and Gaviscon could help relieve your heartburn. Ask your doctor first before taking any of this medication.
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At this stage of your first trimester, a 30 minutes’ walk as your daily routine could be beneficial for you and your little growing bean.

Make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as part of your healthy and well-balanced diet. Don’t forget to exchange any toxic household products with an eco-friendly one.

Stay tuned for more write up on the first trimester and find out what happens on week 10 of the first trimester. Don’t forget to check out for the best baby items online!