Mother, Baby & Kids

First Year Toddler: Fourteen-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

A 14-month-old toddler is looking blankly at the outdoor.

Image credit: Canva

While your toddler is growing up, you are going to witness some changes in terms of his preferences as per the fourteen-month-old developmental milestones.

While discovering his personality, it is essential for you to know what you can do to support your toddler’s healthy development. This is to ensure his safety while allowing more freedom and independence during his playtime and exploration.

As we have outlined the developmental milestone that your 14-month-old toddler would achieve, we have also covered you with tips on dealing with his mealtime, safety and issue like toddler negativity.

Let’s wait no more to discover about your 14-month-old toddler!

Fourteen-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

14-month-old Sleep

Similarly in the previous months, your 14-month-old is going to have 12 to 14 hours of sleep daily. If your toddler is currently taking only one nap around 2 hours during the day, worry not.

This is simply because he is now more excited over walking to explore the world. Meanwhile, simply wait for the excitement to wear off and your toddler would soon be back to his sleeping routine.

14-Month-Old Feeding

Having around three meals and two snacks per day, your little one would need around 1000 calories or about 40 calories for every 2.5cm of his height. Alternatively, you can offer him about a quarter size of your portion and let him choose how much he wants to eat.

As you provide a variety of food groups such as fruits and vegetables, grains and protein, never stop giving your little one around 24 ounces of whole milk. This would help him to gain the calcium he needs for growth and development.

Here’s a sample daily menu that you can try out and you can always add a little twist based on your toddler’s food preferences.

As your 14-month-old toddler is exploring new food variety, it is common if he starts to refuse food that he favours in the past. Simply offer more food variety and both you and your little one can figure out what are his new favourite food.

Key Milestones In Growth

How should your 14-month-old toddler grow in terms of weight and height? Here’s the averages that you can expect from your fourteen-month-old baby.

  • Weight: Around 9.39 kg for a 14-month-old baby girl and 10.12 kg for a 14-month-old baby boy
  • Height: Around 76.45 cm for a 14-month-old baby girl and 77.98 cm for a 14-month-old baby boy

Speaking of growth, your toddler might be experience teething where he is going to have more teeth. With that in mind, you should help your toddler to brush his teeth with a soft, child-size toothbrush and a rice-grain sized toothpaste. You can consider using non-fluoride children’s toothpaste as your toddler might not know how to spit properly.

Key Milestones in Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • can take two to three steps with legs wide and hands up for balance
  • can squat to pick up objects after dropping them
  • can let go of an object and pick it up again
  • can use spoon with some spilling
  • can throw and roll balls using both hands and arms

As your 14-month-old is getting more mobile and active, it’s essential for us to ensure his safety while exploring the world. With this in mind, here are some tips that you should look into to keep him safe outside.

This infographic shares ways to ensure your toddler’s safety.

As mentioned above, it’s important to install more locks to doors and gates so that your little one can’t go out from the house without you noticing.

Additionally, the reason why you should keep your car locked at all time is to prevent your toddler to get into the car, get trapped and develop heatstroke.

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • can understand more verbal commands and daily conversations
  • can scribble spontaneously with palmer grasp of crayons
  • can use gestures and pointing to communicate
  • can understand ‘no’
  • more likely to say ‘no’ to every command or request
  • vocalises to get attention instead of crying
  • starts to imitate housework

By now, you would notice that your toddler knows around six words and ‘no’ is one of their favourites. By saying ‘no’, your toddler is trying to declare his independence. More commonly known as toddler negativity, it is actually part of your toddler’s healthy developmental phase. Thus, instead of yelling ‘yes’ back to him, you should calm down and tell him the reason behind what you wish him to do.

Additionally, here are some other ways that you can practise to minimise the nonstop “no” from your toddler:

As mentioned above, try to get your toddler in the decision making process instead of ordering him around. So instead of commanding your toddler to tidy up his toys, you may try saying:

After your play time, what should we do next?

With this, he will be able to focus on your shared goal and thus skip the power struggle.

14-Month-Old Baby Activities

As your 14-month-old is getting more mobile and active around this time, he is indeed into playing at all times! Besides getting him to play with blocks and shape sorting games as in the previous months, let’s try out other activities to have fun and enhance his development!

While pampering your toddler with skill-enhancing toys, most of the activities that you can try out with your 14-month-old are usually simple with zero fancy equipment! They are based on every day tasks and you will notice your toddler just like to imitate whatever you do.

Once your toddler sees you sweeping the floor, you might find him taking his mini dustpan to start his cleaning too!

Patience Is The Key While Dealing With The 14-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

There are just too many frustrating situations when you are dealing with your toddler. However, this does not mean that you should simply yell at him just to get him to listen to you.

Instead, try to take a deep breath whenever you are on the edge of exploding. Then, explain to your toddler about the situations patiently and provide appropriate discipline gradually.

Your effort and patience will surely pay off in terms of your toddler’s safe and healthy development.

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