Mother, Baby & Kids

First Year Toddler: Nineteen-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

An Asian toddler is playing outdoors happily.

Every day will be full of new challenges for both you and your toddler as you tick off the nineteen-month-old developmental milestones. While working on his locomotor skills, your little one is going to expand more on his vocabulary.

Read on to discover more about your 19-month-old in terms of growth and development, sleep routines, feeding essentials and more!

Nineteen-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

19-month-old Sleep

Looking into the importance of sleep towards a toddler’s development, we should establish and stick to a bedtime routine. This does not only help your toddler learn to relax during bedtime, it can also help to reduce power struggle at bedtime.

Generally, your 19-month-old is going to sleep around 13 to 14 hours daily. While sleeping for 11 to 12 hours during the night time, your little one is going to have a nap around 1.5 to 3 hours during the day.

Other than illness or certain situations which need your special care and attention, you should now train your toddler to sleep on his own. You are helping him to learn how to put himself back to sleep without any assistance. Be persistent in sending him back to his bed immediately if he climbs into your bed in the middle of the night.

More tips are available below to ensure the quality of your little one’s sleep:

19-month-old Feeding

Similarly to the previous months, you should serve your toddler three main meals and two snacks every day. While offering your toddler a variety of nutritious food for each meal and snack time, don’t forget to provide him three 8-ounce cups of whole milk daily. This is to ensure that he gets adequate amount of calcium for his growth.

If you are looking for some inspiring ideas to prepare for your toddler’s snack time, you may check out the following easy and healthy snack ideas:

To make snack time more interesting, try to involve your toddler during the preparation. Get him to try spreading the peanut butter or avocado onto the toast or apple slices. Besides being excited over trying out new abilities, he would be more interested in eating too.

Key Milestones In Growth

How should your 19-month-old toddler grow in terms of weight and height? Here are the averages that you can expect from your nineteen-month-old toddler.

  • Weight: Around 10.84 kg for a 19-month-old baby girl and 11.16 kg for a 19-month-old baby boy
  • Height: Around 81.79 cm for a 19-month-old baby girl and 83.31 cm for a 19-month-old baby boy

On top of this, you should also watch out for your toddler’s teething discomfort. Your little one might have his upper cuspids and lower second molars erupting around this month.

Key Milestones in Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • able to walk backwards, sideways, upstairs and downstairs
  • able to run unaided and move in different directions
  • able to hold a container with one hand
  • able to grasp, hold and release small objects
  • able to stack up to six blocks to build towers
  • able to turn the pages of a cardboard book

Your little one is now capable of pushing and pulling toys easily and he is getting more excited over climbing around the house. Thus, make sure every corner of the table or potential threats is well-padded.

In order for your toddler to develop better coordination, balance and muscle control, you should encourage your little one to stay active physically. Try out these activities to enhance your toddler’s physical abilities.

If you are wondering how to structure your toddler’s daily physical activities, here’s how the experts recommend doing so:

  • 30 minutes of structured physical activities led by caregivers
  • 60 minutes of unstructured physical activities supervised by caregivers (active free play)

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • may understand 10-50 words
  • able to use more action words along with constructing simple phrases
  • able to understand directional words (e.g. up, down, under, out and in)
  • enjoys imitating his caregiver’s actions
  • enjoys pretend play
  • starts to recognise differences among his toys and item sizes
  • looks at you when something happens around him (e.g. heard a loud banging sound)

Due to his curiousity and enthusiasm, your 19-month-old is going to experiment with his actions to discover the consequences. For instance, he might whack you or his siblings on the face out of the blue.

It is common for toddlers between 19 to 21 months to show aggressive behaviours like hitting, biting, or scratching. Never give your toddler a long lecture on his misbehaviour. Instead, patiently explain to him why his behaviour is inappropriate and move on to other activities.

19-Month-Old Baby Activities

Thanks to the sorting activities for the past few months, your little one is now starting to able to compare and organise things. Rather than stacking plastic rings randomly on a stick, you would realise he is trying to put them in order, from the largest to the smallest.

Therefore, you should involve your 19-month-old in more exciting and meaningful activities with the assistance of household tools and educational toys. Speaking of selecting toys for your toddler, be sure to choose toys that are safe. Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider before purchasing toys for your toddler:

On top of this, simply continue to nurture your child into his development and take every opportunity to read, dance and play together. To help you better during your toddler’s play time, try out the following thrilling and stimulating activities with your 19-month-old.


Self Love For Your Parenting Life While Paying Attention To the Nineteen-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

While being excited over your toddler’s cool milestones and growth, all of us know that it is hard to keep up with his rapid growth and energetic life. So, it is essential to look after yourself too in order to cope with parenting for a long term.

Do not hesitate to ask for help from your spouse and other family members to take over for around two to three hours. With that, you will be able to relieve your stress and recharge yourself.

As mothers, we should never feel guilty over getting some ‘Me’ time.

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