Mother, Baby & Kids

10 Must-Have Items in Your Nursing Bag, Especially for Working Mummies

Juggling a 9 to 5 while you’re nursing can seem like an uphill battle.

Between work responsibilities and making sure your baby is well-fed, it can seem like you’re pulled in two different places.

For working mums, direct breastfeeding may not always be possible.

So, the next best thing is indirect feeding or combination feeding.

This means expressing at the office and taking your yield home afterwards to feed your child via bottle.

So having a dedicated nursing bag, even when working at home, is a good hack for those busy days. You have all you need in one place when you need it.

This means less time wasted hunting around for three different things while your child is crying for food in the other room.

Here’s what every working mum needs in her nursing bag and why you need them.

10 Things Working Mums Need to Have in Their Nursing Bags

Nursing Cover

A nursing cover or blanket is every nursing mother’s best friend, especially those who are on the go.

It provides much-needed privacy allowing you to breastfeed discreetly in public places.

When it comes to shopping for a nursing cover, you must take into account Malaysia’s hot weather.

Choose one that is made with lightweight and breathable material.

One that offers sufficient coverage while allowing your baby to breathe comfortably without overheating in this humid climate.

Breast Pads

One common complaint among nursing mums is breast milk leakage.

Even after breastfeeding or expressing, some breast milk may still leak out even when you’re sitting at your desk during work.

To avoid any accidents while at work, it’s important to invest in high-quality breast pads.

These come in both reusable (washable) and disposable versions.

In short, breast pads collect excess breast milk that may leak out. They fit inside your bra and prevent milk from seeping through your clothes.

When shopping for breast pads, look for one that are comfortable, hypoallergenic, and provide excellent absorption.

Lanolin Cream

Frequent breastfeeding can often lead to sore and cracked nipples.

This is usually why many nursing mums opt for combination feeding or indirect feeding.

But even if you’re exclusively pumping, there’s still a chance that you may experience sore nipples.

This is where lanolin cream comes in.

Chock full of hydrating factors, lanolin cream can help moisturise and heal cracked nipples. Soothing irritation, speeding up wound healing and alleviating pain.

Apply a generous amount after breastfeeding for much needed protection.

Breastfeeding Equipment

For working mummies who express milk, having the right breastfeeding equipment is important.

Your nursing bag should be stocked with a reliable breast pump, bottles, and storage bags.

Invest in a quality breast pump that suits your needs, whether it’s a manual or electric one.

Additionally, keep a set of sterile bottles and storage bags handy for convenient milk collection and storage.

These equipment require the most maintenance out of all your necessities, so make sure to keep them clean and sterilised at all times.

Heating/Cooling Pad

Breast engorgement and blocked milk ducts is unfortunately a normal occurrence among nursing mums.

Especially those who don’t express regularly while in the office or don’t have time to do so.

So, a heating or cooling pad can provide fast relief if not total recovery.

Don’t forget even expressing can take a lot out of you, so it’s always good to rest.

A heating pad or warm compress doesn’t only help improve milk flow but can provide some relief as well.

Conversely, a cooling pad or cold compress can alleviate swelling and inflammation.

These versatile items are essential when addressing any discomfort that you may experience during your breastfeeding journey.

Wet Wipes

Wet wipes are a must-have for nursing mums.

They come in handy for quick clean-ups and hygiene maintenance, both for you and your baby.

Opt for alcohol-free wipes that are gentle on your baby’s delicate skin.

Make sure they’re free of harsh chemicals too that may irritate your baby’s delicate skin.

Having a pack of wet wipes within reach ensures you’re always prepared, even when you don’t have access to water and soap.

Alternatively, you can use a rag, which way eco-friendlier and more economical than wet wipes.

They can be washed, reused and take up little space.

Stock Up Your Nursing Bags, Mums

As a working mummy who is committed to breastfeeding, having a well-stocked nursing bag is crucial.

These must-have items mentioned above will help you navigate the challenges of balancing work and breastfeeding with preparedness and convenience.

By equipping yourself with these essential tools, you can continue to provide the best care for your baby while maintaining your professional commitments.

Remember, you’re always a mother first and a working woman second, so prioritise your breastfeeding journey before all else.

You’ve got this, mummies!

Take the Biggest Breastfeeding Pledge now, mummies! Stand a chance to get a Certificate of Recognition and a goody bag worth RM100* to be collected during the #motherhoodBFF Breastfeeding Celebration Event!

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