Mother, Baby & Kids

Second Trimester: 18 Weeks Pregnant

week 18

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If last week your baby was more active within the amniotic sac, what would be another exciting development(s) when you are 18 weeks pregnant? Here are the things that you will be going through this week.

How Big is My Baby?

Your little champ is growing really faster. He is weighing about 198g and 5 and a half inches long from crown to the rump.

He is now as big as a sweet potato. He is big enough that in the next few weeks, you will feel him twisting, rolling, kicking, and punching. How exciting!


Baby’s Development

  • Eyes

Your baby’s retina may be developed enough to see lights. Even if you hold a flashlight to your belly, he will react to it. It could be the first interaction between you and your baby.

Besides that, he might be busy practicing napping skills, sleeping and waking throughout the day.

  • Finger print

When you are 18 weeks pregnant, the fingerprints of your baby is developing. Pads of fat accumulating on the fingertips and toes will turn into distinguishing swirling lines.

  • Genital

Also, your baby’s genital is fully formed and properly placed. Isn’t that amazing?! You can finally check for your baby’s gender during your next ultrasound scanning.

  • Nerves

His nerves will now form a protective cover of myelin which is vital for his nervous system to develop and function properly after birth. It plays a key role in the health and function not only of neurons, but the brain and the rest of the nervous system, too.

Mommy’s Pregnant Belly & Body Changes

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  • Circulation of changes

When you are 18 weeks pregnant, your body is going through a lot of circulation changes such as increased blood volume and rapidly expanding blood vessels. These changes can cause your blood pressure to drop, which can leave you feeling lightheaded. Thus, be extra careful during this stage.

  • Weight gain

You are recommended to gain about 1 to 2 pounds during this week for mothers with average BMI; be it for a single pregnancy or twins!

Let your doctor know if you have any concerns with your weight gain so far. Any drastic or sudden weight gain or weight loss could be signs of a problem.

  • Stronger movements of your baby!

If previously you feel slight tiny rolls and flips, this week, you may notice stronger movements and even some kicks!  However, this may be different to each mom and each pregnancy. Thus, you don’t have to worry if you don’t feel any movements during this week.

Symptoms when You Are 18 Weeks Pregnant

  • Nasal Problems. You might experience some nosebleeds and congestion during this week. This happens because of a surge in hormones and increased blood volume during pregnancy.
  • InsomniaLast week you might go through weird dreams, while this week you might have trouble sleeping. You will start to think everything that is going on in your life and your expanding belly that causes you to have sleeping problems.
  • Leg Cramp. You may experience this when you are 18 weeks pregnant, especially at night. Make sure to drink enough water and stretch your calf muscles before going to bed to alleviate the symptom. A warm bath or a massage may help too.

Your To-do List

  • Avoid strenuous workout. Say NO to strenuous exercises such as upside-down “bicycles,” shoulder stands or flat-on-your-back positions after the fourth month. Also, avoid deep-knee bends, back bends, jumping, bouncing and heavy dancing as well. It is a NO-NO!
  • Ultrasound scan. Since your baby’s genital is fully developed and in a right position, it is recommended for you to get ultrasounds check with your doctor to know your baby’s gender.
  • Sleeping PositionChoose the right sleeping position. As your belly is expanding, you will find it is really hard to get that nice sweet position to sleep. Choose to sleep on your side with an extra pillow under your back. This will help you to get a better sleep than being an owl at night.

Little Tips for The Week

  • Time with partner. Similar to previous weeks, spend more time with your partner or for yourself. Enjoy this as much as you can by traveling or go for a romantic dinner with your partner.
  • Baby shopping. It is the time for baby shopping! You might have done your ultrasound and know your little one’s gender, so what are you waiting for? Make a list and get some of the essential baby items that you REALLY need first.
  • Get up slowlyLow blood pressure is common during pregnancy, so get up slowly from a seat or when you lay down. Avoid yourself from standing for a long time. Drink more water as always and also, make sure to take a bath in a not-overly-warm water.
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Pregnancy is exciting and can be hectic at the same time. All you can do is to be patient and go with it. Trust me, it is all worth it in the end.

Stay tuned for the exciting baby’s development in week 19 of your pregnancy. Meanwhile, be a member of our New Mom program to get a lot of useful tips and advises, as well as special promotions and gifts from – everything for your little ones!