Mother, Baby & Kids

Second Trimester: One Step Forward and You Are 19 Weeks Pregnant

week 19 pregnancy

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Welcome to week 19 of your pregnancy. Your belly is slowly and steadily getting bigger to accommodate your developing baby. And all of that growth may be leading to growing pains this week.

Getting pregnant is never easy. You are going through a lot of things every day from the beginning to the end of your pregnancy.

Entering week 19 will surely give you more challenges and new experiences. Let’s read through this week progress of baby’s growth and the changes in you.

The Baby’s Size

Your baby is now in a size of a mango. Yes! That little champ is growing bigger and bigger, weighing around 240g and is 15cm longer.


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Little Mango’s Development

  • The sensoryThe baby’s brain is starting to develop its receptors for the five senses. The sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are all getting ready for the big day in world.
  • Body growthBaby’s arms and legs are more proportional to the rest of the body now that you’re 19 weeks pregnant. And the hair might be starting to grow on the scalp.
  • Protective coatingYour baby is growing a soft and protective coating called vernix caseosa, or cheesy varnish. This help to prevent baby to get wrinkle in the amniotic fluid, and also help them make a smooth way through the birth canal during delivery.

Pregnant Belly 

At 19 weeks pregnant, you have probably put on between 8 and 14 pounds so far. Thus, weight gain might be one of your main concerns. If your weight gain is higher or lower than what it should be, seek for your doctor’s advice.

Sudden or rapid weight gain could be a sign of preeclampsia, which needs to be treated ASAP. Also, inability to gain weight could mean that your baby is not getting enough nutrients.

Week 19 Symptoms

  • Abdominal painsYou will have this discomfort in the lower part of your pregnant belly. It is due to the muscles stretching to accommodate the growing baby.
  • Dizziness or light-headednessThis happen because your growing uterus puts pressure on your blood vessels. Even dehydration and hunger contribute to your light-headedness.
  • Stuffy noseThose pregnancy hormones can often cause swelling in your nasal passages which makes it hard to breathe.
  • Blurred vision. Although this sounds super scary, rest assured as it is a common and normal side effect, caused by a build-up of fluid in your eyes. Try not to worry too much, but make sure you inform your midwife.
  • Still hungry? This is a sign that your baby is growing and you need energy (thus, more food!) to support them. Keep your handbag stocked with healthy snacks always.

To-Do List When You Are 19 Weeks Pregnant

  • Get some fibre. Eat a healthy amount of fibre, and drink lots of fluids. Introduce yourself slowly if you are new to fibre.
  • Eat small but consistent. Fuelling up on six small meals a day or three moderate ones plus two or three snacks will not only keep your nutrition levels constant to better nourish your baby. It even prevents your digestive system from getting overload, keeping gassiness in check.
  • Prenatal massage. It is safe to get a rubdown, but don’t just pick any massage therapist. Choose one who is well versed in the dos and don’ts of prenatal massage.

Tips When You Are 19 Weeks Pregnant

  • Ask about yeast infection. Having so much going on every day with this pregnancy, the one thing that you should be concerned about is yeast infection. You are more likely to experience this during pregnancy and it is something that you can never avoid. Try to consult your doctor and ask for any possible treatment.
  • Find a childbirth class. While you probably won’t be taking a childbirth class until your third trimester, do the research now, as there are many options and some classes may have wait list.
  • Warm bath. It is never wrong to get yourself to a warm bath after all the tiring day. Not for long, at least a 15 minutes warm bath will give you the best relieve from back pain and ligament pain.
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Every journey is amazing and every journey is equally tiring. Without any hustle, there will never be memories. Pregnancy is a very big part of life for every mom-to-be. You will learn many things emotionally, mentally, and physically during pregnancy, which makes every mother becomes stronger and bolder.

Stay tuned with for more tips and guide regarding parenting, pregnancy and children.