Mother, Baby & Kids

Second Trimester: It’s Week 20 and You are Halfway There! (20 Weeks Pregnant)

week 20

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Now you are 20 weeks pregnant and that means you have completed half way through this pregnancy. You are officially in the fifth month of your pregnancy.

How Big is My Baby?

Your foetus is now in a size of a bell pepper with a weight about 0.26kg. No more butterflies in your stomach as all those kicks and turns are going to begin from now onward, so just be prepare for some unusual movement in the stomach.


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Baby’s Development

  • Taste: Your growing baby’s taste buds are coming along nicely. They now might begin to recognise strong flavour from the foods you eat like garlic, spicy dishes or curry.
  • Poop: Around the time you are 20 weeks pregnant, your baby’s digestive system continues to grow, and he start to develop meconium. It is the result of the amniotic fluid and other cells that he has been swallowing. It is also what will become the baby’s first poop. Some babies pass meconium shortly before birth or on the way out, but most wait until after he is born.
  • Moving and grooving: Your baby is becoming more active, moving, and floating around in there. Get ready for the kicks, mommy, I am about to get active!

Week 20 Pregnant Belly

When you are 20 weeks pregnant, your doctor will measure fundal height at each prenatal visit. Fundal height is the distance from the pubic bone to the top of your uterus. In centimetres, the fundal height should match your week of pregnancy, give or take two centimetres.

So, for example, your 20 weeks pregnant belly should be around 18 to 22 centimetres.

It should continue to increase about a centimetre each week. A higher or lower fundal height could be the sign of a pregnancy condition such as gestational diabetes, a growth issue, or a breech baby, so if it does not appear to be average, further testing may be necessary.

At 20 weeks pregnant, you may have gained around 10 pounds by now. Remember: You are aiming to gain about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Recommended pregnancy weight gain for moms of average BMI is about 25 to 35 pounds. If you began pregnancy with a high BMI, your doctor will likely advise that you gain a total of 15 to 25 pounds. If you were at a low BMI, 28 to 40 pounds will likely be the recommendation.

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Week 20 Symptoms

  • Constipation. The level of hormone during this stage might affect digestion beyond slowing down bowel movements. It is very painful or difficult, which might cause your belly to get swollen. Taking natural fibre can offset constipation problem.
  • Absent-minded. Even if you are proud of yourself on your multitasking skill or ability to stay organised, you may still find yourself having trouble concentrating or remembering your car key. Never get yourself panic over this, take a deep breath and write down everything that you are planning to do by the day. You can even save it as a reminder in your smartphone.
  • Lower Back Pain. By entering week 20 you will start to feel extra pain as you are gaining more weight due to the development of foetus. Now you need to say a temporary goodbye to your lovely heels. It is because wearing heels will change your posture which can cause your back pain to get worst. Avoid caring a heavy things or boxes. If you have no choice, then you need to bend on your knees, pick it with your hand and lift up using the strength of your hand and leg. Never bend your waist and lift with the strength of your back.
  • Shortness of breath. As your uterus grows, it can push against your lungs which might lead to shortness of breath. This symptom will be worse if you are pregnant with twins. Make sure to relax where possible and do not over exert yourself.

What Should You Do This Week

You should start to be more careful during this stage as your foetus is fully developed and starting to grow bigger.

  • Never wear tight dresses and do control your movement. Be ready to lost your sleep as your little one will start his workout every night by kicking here and there.
  • Your foetus can hear his surroundings. It is best for you and your partner to practice talking nice words to your baby.
  • Ultrasound scanning. Make sure to discuss with your doctor regarding the foetus health during this week’s ultrasound scanning. Plan your daily diet with your doctor if necessary.
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Make sure to stay healthy and safe. Stay tuned with our Weekly Pregnancy articles. Until then, visit to get the essentials baby needs.