Mother, Baby & Kids

Second Trimester: When You Are 23 Weeks Pregnant

23 weeks pregnancy

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In the 23 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can start to listen on what is going in the outside world. He is likely to be more active and excited for every single thing he learns while (still) in your womb. Movements are becoming clearer and you will start to notice a sleep-wake cycle.

Here are any symptoms you might expect and what else is happening to your baby and your body at week 23.

My Baby’s Size at Week 23

Believe it or not, your baby is now in a size of an eggplant.

The average 23-week foetus’s length is 28cm from head to toe and weighing 540g or 1.1 pounds.

Your baby is not only getting bigger, they are also getting even cuter and starting to look more like a baby.


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Baby’s Development

A lot is happening with your baby this week. His lung’s blood vessels are developing to prepare for breathing in the outside world.

He is also becoming more familiar to the noises such as the roar of the cars or the sound of your dog barking.

His bone marrow is starting to make blood cells, and you will now be able to hear her heartbeat through a stethoscope.

Your baby has also started to develop a noticeable sleep-wake cycle, so there will be periods where he is active and awake, and at times, he is asleep and resting. You will start to notice these different periods as his movement becomes clearer. You may even be able to wake him up by your movements or by sounds around you.

Watch out and see if your bump moves when you have a warm bath or cold drinks. Exciting!

Pregnant Belly at Week 23

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A typical 23 weeks pregnant belly measures about 21 to 25 centimetres from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. During this week, you have probably gained about 12 to 15 pounds. If you are 23 weeks pregnant with twins, you should have gained at least 23 pounds so far.

By gaining the recommended amount of weight for a twin pregnancy, you will reduce your risk of preterm labour.

At 23 weeks pregnant, baby movement probably feels pretty cool. It is always a comfort knowing baby is in there wiggling around.

If you pay attention, you will get to know your 23-week foetus’s routine, such as the baby is less active when he is sleeping and a “kung fu master” when he is awake.

Pregnancy Symptoms for Week 23

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Linea Negra

The line that runs between your belly button and pubic area, known as the Linea nigra, may be getting darker.

This is thanks to the same pregnancy hormones causing other skin discolouration around your body. All of these changes will disappear within a few months after you give birth, so don’t worry.

Braxton Hicks

This appeared for the first-time last week and it looks like it is here to stay. We know it might be weird feeling your belly tightened up but it is just practising for the big day – labour.

Drink water regularly and change position to ease the pain.

Bloating and Gas

If you constantly feeling full, blame your hormones. Progesterone causes the gastrointestinal tract to slow down digestion so that nutrients have more time to reach your baby.

Unfortunately, this can be rather unpleasant for you. Make sure to drink plenty of water, eat lots of fibre and try to eat your meals slowly.

Swollen feet and legs

Due to the poor circulation in your legs, you might find your ankles and feet become more swollen than usual, especially on a hot day.

Try to exercise gently and regularly to increase circulation, wear comfy shoes and drink plenty of water. If you notice any excessive swelling, contact your midwife or doctor as it could be preeclampsia.

Shortness of Breath

As your baby grows and your uterus expands, your ribs will move upwards and outwards which means which is why it is hard for you to breath in easily.

You can do some gentle exercise, particularly pregnancy yoga. It helps to improve your fitness as well as teaching you deep breathing techniques that is good for you.

What To Do This Week?

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Get a good night’s sleep. 

It is never easy to get a good or comfortable sleep during your 23 weeks pregnancy. However, try to find some time and proper sleeping position to have a good rest. If you find it hard to get comfortable, try to slide a pillow between your legs and resting with your knees bent.

Drink a lot of water.

Keep a bottle of water by your side at all times. Staying hydrated helps maintain your additional blood volume, renews amniotic fluid, and bolsters milk production.

Though it really varies based on your body type and size you may follow the general rule of thumb – between eight to 10 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Book a Pilates class.

This mind-body discipline focuses on strengthening your core and elongating your muscles, increasing tone, strength and flexibility. Making it perfect when you are exercising for two.

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Extra TIPS to Follow up in 23 Weeks of Pregnancy

Although everything seems smooth during your 23 weeks of pregnancy, you still need to look out for the important things as below:

Take step to prevent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

During pregnancy, your body produces high level of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles, helping the uterus to expand. It also relaxes other muscles, including the ureters and the sphincters that control the flow of urine into the bladder.

This means urine can pass back towards the kidneys from the bladder, causing cystitis or a urinary tract infection (UTI). As a result of this, be aware of any symptoms including pain and burning when you wee, blood in your urine and needing to go to the toilet more often.

HOW TO PREVENT IT? Drink plenty of water and cranberry juice, ideally one that doesn’t contain sugar. Also check out your urine coloUr often. If it is dark, it shows that you are not getting enough fluids and could be setting yourself up for a UTI.

Don’t hold it in, go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge and can’t find a bathroom. Concentrate on completely emptying your bladder when you urinate, and try leaning forward when you peeing. Wipe from front to rear after you use the toilet.

Clean your genitals and the areas surrounding them, particularly after having sex. Wear all-cotton undergarments and take showers rather than baths whenever possible.

Go for Organic

Organic produce should have fewer pesticides than conventional produce. It is also likely to be fresher, since it is preservative-free and therefore more perishable.

Opt for organic produce when it is practical, but remember to choose a wide variety of fresh, ripe fruits, and veggies.

Organic foods can still be contaminated with bacteria, so make sure to cook your organic meat and poultry thoroughly and wash your organic produce meticulously.

If you are wondering, 23 weeks pregnant means that you are about six months pregnant and you are just one more month to enter the third semester.

Prepare yourself well for the big day. Before thinking of what is going to happen next week, give all your concentration only for the current week. Get to know more about your pregnancy needs at Motherhood Story.