At 25 weeks pregnancy, you are considered 6 months and are nearing the end of your second trimester. You still have plenty of time left in your pregnancy, but you may want to think about signing up for antenatal class.
You may also want to consider yoga or meditation, to prepare your body and mind for the final weeks of pregnancy. Let’s see what will happen in your belly and baby’s development this week.
25 Weeks Baby’s Size
He is growing very fast in there, with the increasing of 100g weight from last week which makes him weighing 700g this week. Also, your baby’s height is increasing to 33cm. Generally, your baby is about the size of an acorn squash.
Baby’s Development
Eyelids: The baby’s eyelids open for the first time around this week.
The brain, lungs, and digestive system are formed but not fully developed.
Developments that are underway include:
Head and neck: Auditory and visual systems are activated by foetal brain waves, the lips and mouth are increasingly sensitive, vision is improving with responses to light, and the eyelids can move. Permanent teeth buds are high in the gums. The nostrils are open.
Lungs: Your baby’s lungs are developing quickly, but they have not matured at this point. Cells in the lungs will produce a surfactant that will help them expand after delivery.
Blood: Small blood vessels are forming under the skin, called capillaries.
Heart: Your baby’s heart rate is now around 140 beats per minute. During gestation, the heartbeat is much faster than it will be after delivery.
Mommy’s 25 Weeks Pregnant Belly
- Weight Gain
When you are 25 weeks pregnant, weight gain can be a source of anxiety. Gaining weight slowly and steadily is what was recommended, but it is also really common for the number on your scale to jump around during this time in the second trimester.
A part of that may be due to the amount of water weight pregnant women put on in mid-pregnancy. And realistically, gaining the exact same amount of weight each week just simply won’t happen.
Similar to then you are not pregnant, there are going to be some fluctuations in gaining some weight. Any weight recommendation from the doctor during your pregnancy meaning that he wants to you gain a healthy and appropriate body weight so that you and your baby stay as healthy as possible.
What you can do is to keep up with your healthy eating habit and exercises.
Instead of stressing too much about your weight, focus on what’s going on inside your 25 weeks pregnant belly.
Foetal Movement
Your foetal movement when you are 25 weeks pregnant has become more noticeable and you probably noticing some patterns. When you are feeling a lot of kicks it means that your baby is awake, and if not, he is likely snoozing.
Regular movement is a sign of a healthy and active baby. If you haven’t felt baby move in a while and you want some reassurance that everything is okay, drink some ice water or play some music. You can even ask your partner to give you a light massage and your little one might just wake up and give you a few jabs.
Symptoms When You Are 25 Weeks Pregnant
- Difficult to move around
Now that you are getting bigger, it is understandable that it is more of an effort to move around. Do not work out when you are tired, and stop immediately if you feel pain, shortness of breath or dizziness. Don’t lie flat on your back and try to avoid contact sports.
- Heartburn