Mother, Baby & Kids

Don’t Ignore This: The Dark Side of Apple Cider Vinegar Exposed


Image credit: Canva

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is said to help people lose weight and help with acid reflux, among many other things.

But is there really no dangers to it at all?

Well, there is and you’d be surprised with how many things apple cider vinegar might do to your body.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar

Image credit: Canva

According to dietitian, Beth Czerwony, she said that apple cider vinegar (ACV) is apple juice that’s been fermented twice.

From the nutrition facts label, ACV doesn’t show high amount of vitamins, minerals or even calories.

Why are people raving about it?

Well, raw ACV contains:

  • acetic acid, which can kill harmful bacteria
  • natural probiotics or good bacteria that can help improve your immune system and gut health
  • antioxidants which  are naturally occuring substances that can prevent damage to your body’s cells

Reasons Why People Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

There are supposedly, many health benefits of apple cider vinegar and that includes:

1. Losing Weight

ACV is known to have appetite-suppressing properties, according to a research.

It is said that when consumed before a meal, it has the ability to reduce appetite, increase feelings of fullness and expedite the sensation of satiety and potentially aiding in the management of obesity.

2. Controlling Diabetes

Another major use of ACV is its ability to lower blood sugar levels.

It also improves insulin sensitivity and the body’s blood sugar response.

3. Glowing Skin

Apple cider vinegar is said to also be helpful for your skin.

According to University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ACV is claimed to:

  • balancing skin pH
  • exfoliation
  • reducing hyperpigmentation
  • stimulating circulation

4. Improving Heart Health

According to Med Mate, it also can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which boosts your heart health.

It also contains the antioxidant chlorogenic acid that prevents bad cholesterol particles from getting oxidised, which is an important step in developing heart disease.

Negative Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

Eliza Savage, a dietitian and other experts weighed in on the possible negative side effects that people might overlook and that includes:

1. Upset Stomach

As vinegar is acidic, some people might not tolerate it well.

Not everyone would experience this issue but if you have ulcerative colitis, inflammation in your digestive tract or you’re just prone to stomach aches, you’ll probably want to steer clear.

3. Changes in Bowel Movements

As ACV is made from fermented apples, it contains pectin.

Pectin, according to Eliza Savage, is a soluble dietary fibre that acts as a natural gelling agent.

That pectin can help bulk up your stool, promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and reduce inflammation.

It sure is great but if you consume too much, you could experience diarrhoea.

The ACV might pull water into the bowel.

This means that your stool might come out watery and more frequently in the form of diarrhoea.

3. Affecting the Kidneys

According to Amanda Baker Lemein, people with pre-existing kidney issues should not consume it.

Foods with higher levels of acid have been linked to the progression of kidney failure.

If you already have kidney issues, you might need to consult your doctor before trying ACV as it might cause additional damage to your kidneys.

4. Uncomfortable Bloating

Apple cider vinegar delays stomach emptying.

What this means is that it reduces the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the lower digestive tract.

Yes, it does makes you feel fuller longer.

However, delayed stomach emptying might sometimes cause bloating, gas and nausea.

5. Acid Reflux Symptoms


If you’ve experienced acid reflux, you might already be cautious of overly acidic foods.

That includes apple cider vinegar, which falls between a two and a three on an acidity scale of zero to seven.

More ACV, means more stomach acid and with more stomach acid can heighten or increase the burning sensation for people who already experience heartburn or reflux.

6. Increasing Appetite

It is an appetite suppressant but according to Leslie Bonci, people who drink a lot of diluted ACV might actually end up hungrier because vinegar is low calorie.

You’ll feel for the moment that you’re having it because you’ve just consumed a gallon of water.

However, when you pee it out, you’re going to get hungry, quick.

7. Tooth Enamel Erosion

Image credit: Canva

Diets high in acidic foods, like fruit juices and citrus fruits, have been shown to lead to damaged tooth enamel.

Tooth enamel erosion is definitely something you want to avoid, but once it happens, there’s not much you can do besides cosmetic repair procedures.

8. Low on Potassium

Another side effect you should be wary of is hypokalaemia, which happens when potassium levels drop too low.

Hypokalaemia can lead to cardiac arrhythmia or an irregular heartbeat.

When you have a low potassium count, you might also experience muscle cramps, weakness and fatigue.

ACV has the ability to lower your potassium levels, especially if you over-consume it.

9. Interactions With Certain Drugs

As apple cider vinegar can lead to delayed stomach emptying or gastroparesis, it can be a major problem if you take certain medications that need to pass through your body and absorbed in a certain time frame.

Extra caution needs to be taken if you’re taking diuretics, insulin, blood pressure medications and laxatives.

If you have type 1 and 2 diabetes, you might need to consider consuming it as gastroparesis can lead to difficulty controlling blood sugar.

Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar Safely

If you still want to consume apple cider vinegar and you’ve consulted with your doctor and got the green light, Eliza Savage recommended to start with one to two teaspoons of diluted ACV with 250 millilitres of water.

Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted.

To avoid teeth enamel erosion, you can drink through a straw and rinse your mouth with water after consumption can also help.

If you have any more concerns, you can always ask your doctor about it and stay healthy.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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