Mother, Baby & Kids

Third Trimester: When You Are 28 Weeks Pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

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You are finally in the third trimester. I am pretty sure that Mummies are getting extra excited. You can start to feel the baby’s movement more frequently and everything. And of course, I can tell that you are curious about what is the progress of your baby when you are 28 weeks pregnant.

How Big is My Baby?


Image Credit: healthline

In this state, the size of your baby is like the head of lettuce. Can you imagine ? Your baby is growing bigger but very cute and tiny at the same time. His weight would be around 2.5 pounds or 1.13kg, while the measurement is about 10 inches long. 

Baby’s Development During 28 Weeks

At 28 weeks pregnant, there are several developments that are happening to your baby including his reaction towards the light, his brain’s function, and also extra physical movements. 

  • Reactions towards light

While growing in the womb, the baby can now open and close his eyes. He is able to recognise the light even if he is in the womb where light does not penetrate directly. In fact, he will move or turn around to change his direction from the light. Plus, his eyelashes are also growing right now. 

  • Brain’s progress

As for his brain’s development, he is now able to control his body temperature. Even though the functions of the brain have not completed yet, the major parts are working and developing well. 

  • Movements 

His positions can also be varied; sometimes his head is facing down or his feet and buttocks are pointing down too. This is known as breech. While you are 28 weeks pregnant, you can feel or see which direction he is facing during your ultrasound appointment. The doctor or medical practitioner will explain to you about this.

When you are 28 weeks pregnant, your baby may experience unusual positions too, but you don’t have to worry. Soon he will change the position back to the normal one.

This is the right time for you to track down his current movements (and more to come soon!). You may start counting his little kicks and in fact, he would be more active while you are resting or after having a meal. 

What does My Belly look like?

Over time, along with the development of your baby, you will notice the increase in the size of your belly as well.

Since the little one’s weight is increasing, you would feel tired more easily. During this stage, you should gain more weight too. You should ask your doctor whether you are gaining normally or not.

During this week, you must keep track of your eating styles. Make sure to eat healthily and on time; not only for the baby but also for your own energy during this stage of pregnancy.

Avoid bad eating habits like fast food, raw food, and others. If you are craving for some of the non-beneficial foods, make sure to control your appetite – eat in moderation. For best results, just hold your cravings for a while. 

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In the meantime, doctors or medical practitioners may suggest you to take prenatal supplements or pills in order for your body to have a sufficient amount of calcium and iron.

Finally, keep your body active in moderation or based on suggestions from your doctor because it will not only keep your body fit but also boost the level of your energy too! 

Symptoms When You Are 28 Weeks Pregnant

There are several common symptoms that most 28 weeks pregnant women will have to go through. Here are some of them: 

  • Back Pain 

You will gain more weight, as well as your baby. Since you are now in the last trimester, so your body is preparing itself for labour and delivery.

All the muscles, joints, and ligaments will start to loosen down and indirectly cause you to have lower back pain, especially when you are taking stairs or getting in or out of your car. But, if this pain is getting serious, you must consult your doctor immediately.

Avoid wearing high heels or wedges. A comfy flat or slip on would be better. 

  • Shortness of Breath

From time to time, you are going to feel shortness of breath. This is because your uterus is expanding along with your baby’s development.

Therefore, your abdomen will get a bit ‘crowded’ because the internal organs are cramping in that limited space where it will put pressure on your lungs; thus, the reason why you would face difficulty in breathing. 

Adjust your body posture to give enough space for your lungs to expand while breathing, then it will be easier for you to breathe normally.

  • Haemorrhoids

Having haemorrhoids during this period is normal because your expanding uterus is also putting pressure veins that lead to pain and itchiness around your rectal area. Haemorrhoids will get worse if you are having constipation. That is why you are advised to practice good eating habits and stay hydrated throughout the day. 

  • Braxton Hicks Contraction

Braxton Hicks or also known as ‘false labour’. It is like a ‘practice’ before the real labour contraction kicks in.You would feel tightness in your abdomen and sometimes lead to major pain but don’t worry it will not make your cervix open. 

  • Frequent Urination

This symptom will appear two times during your journey of becoming a mother. First, during early pregnancy and secondly during the third trimester. This is due to the fact that your baby is giving some pressures on your bladder which makes you pee frequently.

Even though this may be quite disturbing, don’t try to cut back on your water intake and avoid wearing panty liners.

Your To-do List

 Here are some of the things that you are advised to do when you are 28 weeks pregnant. 

  • Count his movements

Start to count his kicks and turnings. He will regularly be active after you finish your meal. The normal movements in 2 hours are 10 but if there is a time when you can’t feel his movement, probably he is sleeping. 

  • Do Kegel exercise

Doing Kegel exercise will benefit you in so many ways. Your pelvic floor muscle will get stronger and it will improve your bladder control. So, better late than never. Start your Kegel exercise now! 

  • Plan your next pregnancy

Career women will likely plan their next pregnancy because they need time to raise their kids and get back in achieving their goals. In this period, you may consult with your doctor on what kind of birth control that you may practice or apply.  

Additional Info for 28 Weeks Pregnant

It is undeniable that worrying about the labor and delivery process are the things that would bother you; especially if you are a first-timer.  You might get anxious and curious more and more. To ease your worries, here are some of the questions that you can ask your doctor during the next consultation:

  • I’m afraid I’m bothering you with my questions or false alarms. How do I know when to call you and when to relax?
  • Is a decrease in my baby’s movement normal around this time? What causes those times when my baby seems to move less?
  • I’m thinking of having a birth plan. What should I include?

Plus, below are some tips that you might consider during this week: 

  • Sign up for childbirth or breastfeeding class for first-time mommy. 
  • Make sure to have the doctor’s contact number for a precautionary step – save to your mobile phone or put it on your fridge.

You are doing great mommy, keep on practising positivity, and stay motivated. Make sure your mental health is also well managed because it is as vital as your physical health.

The time is around the corner and I can guarantee that you are excited about that – while waiting for the time to come, stay tuned for more pregnancy and parenting tips with us at Motherhood Story.