Mother, Baby & Kids

Third Trimester: 34 Weeks Pregnant

34 weeks pregnant

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Approaching the due date is like riding a train to a destination. You are now at 34 weeks pregnant, and you have another 6 weeks to reach before your baby is going to make his debut.

Let’s see his progress and several changes that would happen to both of you!

How Big Is My Baby?


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He is now 4 and a half pounds weight, which is equal to 2.3kg. From head to toe, he is 43 to 46cm long or 12 inches long. You can imagine his size to the size of a cantaloupe.

Baby’s Development During 34 Weeks Pregnant

During this week, he is growing even bigger and bigger and there is only a little space left in that nest.

  • His movements and position

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As he is growing and there is only less room left, you can notice that he is less active than before. This is because he cannot move as much as he can like in the previous weeks since the space inside your tummy is getting ‘packed’.

He would still move around or kick but a bit lesser than before. Your doctor may conduct an ultrasound for you during this week because she would like to check on the position of your little bean.

He is supposed to move in a position of head-down and getting closer to your pelvic.

  • Colours of his eyes

For Asian people like us, we would not be wondering much about the colour of our babies’ eyes since most Asian will have dark brown or brown eyes.

The colour of the eyes depends on the amount of the melanin’s pigment that presents in their eyes.

Usually, the baby that has a pair of blue eyes are born with little pigment or no pigment at all. So, if he is born with more pigments, then he will likely to have darker eyes.

It depends, but it may change as well; the colour and also the shade.

  • His testicles

This only applies if you are carrying a prince. Both of his testes are expected to drop into its ‘sack’ by now.

We call the ‘sack’ as the scrotum. In some cases, the testicles will not move down into the scrotum before birth but do not worry much because they will be in place when he is 6 months old.

Pregnant Mother’s Body Development

34 weeks pregnant means that you are now pregnant at 7 to 8 months already. There is something that you would need to beware of such as:

  • Signs of preterm labour

Preterm labour means you are delivering the baby earlier than the expected date. Since he is not fully developed yet, this may cause health problems to your baby. It could be happening to you so you should watch out for these signs:

  1. Mild abdominal cramps with or without diarrhoea
  2. Increase in the amount of discharge
  3. Change in vaginal discharge — watery, bloody, or with more mucus
  4. Constant dull backache in the lower back
  5. Regular or frequent contractions
  6. Your water breaking, which could be a large flow or just a slow stream

You should be extra careful with these signs if you carry for twins because the possibility of having preterm labour is slightly higher than when you carry for one. Just directly contact your doctor if you are facing any of these signs.

Symptoms During 34 Weeks Pregnant

Right at this moment, Braxton Hicks contractions will be happening to you; frequently. But you must be aware and know the differences between practice and real contractions.

If you cannot differentiate them, do not hesitate to ask your doctor about this as she will help you.

Other symptoms that may occur are:

  • Enlarged breasts

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This is one of the most expected symptoms ever! Why? Because it is where the food for your baby is stored.

So, for sure it will grow bigger especially in the last trimester. You may feel some discomfort because the skin around your breast is stretched and your bra is getting tight.

Gently apply some moisturizer and stock up on your maternity and breastfeeding bra.

  • Pelvic pain

If in the previous weeks, you would experience difficulties in breathing because the little dove was cramping around your abdomen and diaphragm but right now you won’t face that; no more.

Why? This is due to the fact that he is now marching down south, so the ‘north’ area is spacy but not the ‘south’ area. This will cause you to discomfort where you would feel pelvic pain and even pressure on your bladder.

Avoid standing too long and if things getting severe, go check with your doctor as soon as possible.

  • Swollen ankles and feet

Standing too long with a heavy ‘thing’ carry around on your body will cause your feet and ankle to swell up.

Avoid putting more pressure on your legs and feet, reduce the period of standing and make sure to put on a pair of comfy shoes; it will help you to reduce the pain.

  • Constipation

There are several factors of constipation and for sure it will make one feel uncomfortable while facing it. There are several useful alternatives to tackle this matter.

First and foremost, make sure to stay hydrated. Next, you may try fruit juice and take high fibre food like fruits, vegetables and wholegrain bread. This will help you to defecate easier.

Some say simple exercises may also help to avoid constipation. Last but not least, practice taking small portions with more frequent meals instead of large portions with lesser meals – it will improve your digestive system.

Your Bucket-To-Do List

Double-check if you have done this yet or not:

  1. Complete gear and essential needs for your baby
  2. A car seat; if and only if you have not decided it yet.
  3. Visitors at the hospital after you have given birth; closest friends and family members would be fine but too many of them can be tiring and exhausting too. So, start to think about this.

Additional Tips For 34 Weeks Pregnant

These are some useful tips for you during 34 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Introduce the upcoming newborn to other children.
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It is undeniable that there will be some changes in the family’s attention after the newborn baby comes out. And it is also undeniable that older siblings will feel some sorts of jealousy since you and your partner will focus more on the little newborn.

Start to introduce older siblings so that they will learn to get to know and love their little brother even he is still in your womb.

Avoid taking this matter as ‘nothing to worry’, you would regret it later if you choose to do that. Plus, treat your kids fairly.

  • Take sufficient amount of calcium in your diet

Not only for the growth of your little dove’s bones and teeth, but it is also for your health.

Your doctor may prescribe you with prenatal vitamins or supplements that contain calcium but it is also advisable for you to eat foods that are high in calcium too. Examples of them are dairy products, leafy green vegetables and calcium-fortified juices.

You may be thinking over and over on what to put in that bag. Yes, I do agree that there are so many things to be sorted out in packing up this bag, but solve your problem by referring to this list here!

Stay tuned with us at Motherhood Story for weekly updates of pregnancy and don’t forget to follow us on our Instagram and Facebook too!