Mother, Baby & Kids

Third Trimester: 36 Weeks Pregnant

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What? One month left? Oh my goodness, I am sure you cannot believe this; time did travel so fast. Here are what you and your baby should be doing at 36 weeks pregnant! Shall we get started?

How Big Is My Baby?


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A baby in the 36th week of pregnancy should weigh about 6 pounds and be about the length he will be when he is born. You can compare his size to a head of Romaine lettuce.

Development of the Baby at 36 Weeks Pregnancy

Week by week, he gets chubbier and more prepared for cuddles! In terms of this week’s developments, he would have accomplished the following:

  • Size and Skin

His skins have been plumping up over the last few weeks, most likely to look like the baby you will see in a few weeks.

Furthermore, his size is taking up space in your womb, allowing him to travel less than before.

Nevertheless, you should continue to monitor his movements and kicks to ensure that he is in a good health.

  • Skull bones

Except for his skull, as we all know, all of his bones are developing. This is to make it easier for him to pass into the birth canal.

In some cases, the baby’s head will be misshapen shortly after birth, but this will not last forever. It will regain its round shape several hours or days after his grand entrance.

What Does My Body Look Like?

1) Body Checkups

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Several aspects will be tested right now when you go to your doctor’s appointment. She will monitor your weight, blood pressure, and fundal height in addition to your baby’s location.

You should also expect the cervix to be examined to see if it is ready for labour.

2) Extra pressure on your pelvic and bladder

If you have not felt any pressure or only a little pressure on your pelvic and bladder in the past, it is possible that you will this week.

As I previously said, this occurs because your little bean is dwindling as the day approaches.

So he must be putting a lot of pressure on that area, but you should be thankful because you can breathe easier now that he is not cramping up around your diaphragm and lungs.

Symptoms You Will Experience During Your 36th Week of Pregnancy

You will experience the same symptoms, so bear with them. You are almost ‘done’ with all of this.

You will soon no longer have to deal with these issues. Here are the signs that you will most likely experience before the day comes:

  1. Urination on a frequent basis
  2. Swelling of the legs
  3. Sleeping is difficult
  4. Your limbs are numb
  5. Lower back pain is distinctive
  6. Braxton Hicks Contractions
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Just make sure to keep doing Kegel exercises and avoid putting more pressure on your body parts by standing or sitting for an extended period of time.

Besides, keep adjusting your bed (making it as comfortable as possible) so that you can cope with the difficulties of sleeping at night.

Not to mention, keep track of the contractions so you know whether it is just practised or the real thing.

Your Bucket-To-Do List

As for now, there are a few things you would like to sort out, such as:

  • Survey the room options that are available at the hospital or birthing centre.

If you need more privacy and need a private room for you and your baby, this is the time to start looking into the availability.

  • Baby clothes and linens should be washed

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Preterm labour is not unusual, so you should be prepared by washing all of your future baby’s fresh clothes and linens.

Even if there are no symptoms of preterm labour, you should wash them when you have free time.

  • Learn how to feed your baby

You have three choices for feeding your newborn baby. The first is breastfeeding, the second is formula feeding, and the third is a combination of the two. Discuss this matter with your doctor and seek her advice before deciding which option is best for you.

Additional Tips For 36 Weeks Pregnant

#1) Download a birth plan

#2) Take enough vitamins daily

Vitamins are important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Make an attempt to eat at least 85mg of vitamins every day.

Vitamins can be derived from a number of foods, including citrus fruits, bananas, broccoli, and tomatoes.

However, if you have heartburn, you should stop eating citrus fruits. When you are deficient in this nutrient, your doctor will recommend supplements to ensure that your body has an adequate supply.

#3) Do exercises

Continue to do Kegel stretches, yoga, or even swimming. Exercise is beneficial to pregnant women and can help in the delivery process.

Furthermore, you can begin doing perineal massage right now (it can prevent you from having third or fourth-degree tear during the delivery process).

#4) The nursery’s finishing touch

For those Mummies who are creative, artistic, and enjoy decorating, this might be the perfect time to put the finishing touches on your baby’s nursery set. His crib, hanging toys, adorable walls, and many other things.

#5) Keep an eye out for his kicks

Some would ignore this, but you should keep an eye on your little dove’s ‘flyings.’ This is one way to ensure that he is stable and in good shape.

#6) Do not worry about his position yet

Even when the mum is 36 weeks pregnant, the baby can still be in the breech position in some situations.

Please do not take this seriously for the time being; he will return to a head-down role in the coming weeks. So, keep calm and make sure your emotions are in control.

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