Mother, Baby & Kids

Third Trimester: 37 Weeks Pregnant

37 weeks pregnant

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The day is around the corner, three more weeks to go where you are now 37 weeks pregnant.

How do you feel Mummies? Super excited? How about Daddy? And how about Grandpa and Grandma?

But first, let us take a look at Mummy and the little bean’s progress this week.

How Big Is My Baby?


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Your baby is around the size of a Swiss chard, weighing about 2.9kg and reaching 48cm from crown to rump.

Baby’s Development During 37 Weeks Pregnant

For your information, he is currently developing more dexterity in his fingers, enabling him to hold onto smaller items such as his little toes or nose.

He is also sucking his thumb, which is a sign that he should be fed soon.

  • His full body

Despite the fact that he now resembles a baby, he is still growing during this period.

Normally, the baby would gain half an ounce every day, with fat thickening right under his skin and indirectly plumping up his skin these days.

Regardless of the fact that his mummy is in her 37th weeks of pregnancy, he is also considered in the early stages.

When his mummy reaches the 39th weeks of pregnancy, the baby is confirmed to be in full-term.

  • Response to light

Besides that, he is now smart enough to detect lights even when he is in that tiny nest. He will turn to face the blinding light of the outside world.

What Does My Body Look Like?

If you are expecting twins, triplets, or even more, it is a good idea to keep an eye out for signs of preterm labour.

As compared to those that just bring for one, there is a higher risk of having an early arrival.

In pregnancy, the weeks do not neatly reflect how many months you are.

So, at this moment, there is a chance that your cervix will dilate and ‘the door’ (mucus plug) that shielded your uterus from infection will be opened right now.

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The mucus plug is usually some extra vaginal discharge that comes out as a clear, pinkish, or slightly bloody fluid.

This means that your due date is not far away. In certain situations, the mucus plug will be discharged hours, days, or even weeks before the day arrives.

In some cases, Mummies are completely unaware of what is going on. If you are unsure if the fluid is a mucus plug or not, call your doctor for clarification.

Symptoms That You Will Face During 37th Weeks of Pregnancy

There are some symptoms that you will experience in this 37 week of pregnancy that is similar to those experienced in previous weeks—contractions, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath.

Keep an eye on the contractions. If it feels worse than normal, consult your doctor right away. Other symptoms you may experience include:

  • Nausea

Experiencing nausea this week may be a warning that labour is on its way.

Those who are experiencing this may be able to resolve it by eating many small meals rather than three big meals. Certain foods, such as rice, toast, or bananas, will also help you deal with nausea.

  • Snoring

Snoring is a common symptom that you will experience because the mucus membranes in your nasal passages begin to dry out as your hormones shift, causing some changes in your breathing.

Maybe you would not have any problems with this, but your partner will. To combat it, stay hydrated and use a humidifier in your bedroom.

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  • Unstable on your feet

When your belly grows bigger and your body weight increases, your centre of gravity shifts, causing you to lose your balance more quickly.

You can find it difficult to move about at times due to a variety of factors such as extra weight from your baby, the placenta, amniotic fluid, and others.

When your baby ‘marches down’ south to your pelvic region, your body weight distribution will change again, so the most important thing you can do is be extra cautious while you stand on your feet.

Avoid performing strenuous tasks or transporting large items.

Your Bucket-To-Do List

You can check this to-do list to help you prepare for his grand entrance:

  1. You need to pack your hospital bag right now. Get ready as early as you can.
  2. Prepare some quick meals that you can reheat in the fridge because I am sure you will not have time to prepare once he is born.
  3. Double-check on his nursery gears and essentials that you have not bought yet.
  4. You should also consider using a waterproof bedsheet to shield your mattress from water if it breaks when you are sleeping.
  5. Stock up nursing pads and bras; it will be your saviour soon.
  6. And do not forget, the diapers too! Psst, you can get most of these at at 
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Additional Tips For 37 Weeks Pregnant Mother

  • Birth position

You may try a variety of different types of labour position based on your interests. You should do your own research or consult with your doctor.

You should inquire about which position is the most appropriate, preferred, or comfortable. Ask about the advantages and disadvantages of each position.

  • Options to feed your baby

If you are a full-time housewife, breastfeeding will not be a ‘burden,’ but if you are a working mother, this will affect you at times.

You may need to pump milk before going to work. So you better determine which method you will use to feed your baby.

Working mothers usually give their babies powdered milk, but some breastfeed their children as well. They may bring the pump to their office and store the milk in the office’s fridge.

  • A must-need-thing

Some parents can overlook one item: car seats. Please install a car seat in your vehicle for your baby’s protection.

If you cannot afford a brand new one, you can purchase a used one from family or friends.

  • Ask for help

You will be tired and unable to do housework on your own for the first few weeks after giving birth. You should make a list of groceries and activities and ask a close friend or siblings to run errands for you.