Mother, Baby & Kids

Third Trimester: When You Are 30 Weeks Pregnant

30 weeks pregnant

Image from Adobe Stock

Dear Mommy, you are 30 weeks pregnant, which means you have 10 more weeks to go! How would you feel; do you get extra excited these days? Yes, you should! You only left with a few more weeks before you can see your baby. Read on to know the details when you are 30 weeks pregnant. 

How Big is My Baby?

Right now, your baby is nearly 3 pounds and about 10 ½ inches long. His size is like a cabbage. For the next seven weeks, he will gain half a pound every week. 


Image Credit: farmersalmanac

Baby’s Development During 30 Weeks

  • Brain

Along with previous organs’ development, your baby’s brain is growing gradually. More grooves and indentations appear on his brain where those shapes are functioned as storage for brain tissue. These will help him to be able to live smartly outside your womb later. 

He will hiccup even more, and you may feel rhythmic movement occasionally too! 

  • Skin and hair

During 30 weeks pregnant, his skin will get less wrinkle since he is developing ‘baby fat’ which helps to keep him warm once he is born. 

Furthermore, lanugo or fine hair that has been covering his skin will start to disappear during this period. But, there are certain cases where there are babies who are born with lanugo on their shoulder, their back and ears; which is normal. You will find out how much lanugo sheds of your child during your delivery soon. 

What does My Body look like?

While in this stage of 30 weeks pregnant, your emotions might be unstable sometimes. Feeling anxious and stress as your due date is approaching is not abnormal I can say, but you should not let them drown you. 

You must do something to overcome it like relaxation activities. These will help you to feel better. For example, you should get a body massage, prenatal yoga, listen to music with your eyes close, and others. 

If something is bothering you, do not hesitate to share it with your significant other. Sharing and talking with your partner heals your unstable emotion. 

WARNING: Please be ready that early pregnancy symptoms might come back and annoy you. But, nothing to worry because these are normal and everyone is facing it differently. 

Symptoms that You Will Face In 30 Weeks Pregnant

  • Braxton Hicks

As mention in the previous week, this contraction is called practice contraction; where it is a kind of preparations for labour and delivery. Please note that this is not the sign that you are ready for labour because you would only feel tightness around your abdomen. 

When you are exhausted or dehydrated, this contraction will occur regularly and usually happen during daylight. It is quite tricky to tell whether the contraction that you are facing is a practice or real one because Braxton Hicks can get stronger when you are approaching your due date. 

Do contact your doctor if the contractions seem to happen frequently than usual. He or she can assess the symptoms and tell you whether it is the time for your delivery or not. 

  • Itchy Skin

Itchiness on the abdomen and over the stretch marks is common as your belly is growing bigger and bigger and your skin is stretching. Just apply moisturizing lotion on the drying skin and drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated

  • Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is annoying; even if we are not pregnant. One of the tips to cure it is to stay hydrated if it attacks you and take medications if needed. But if it is getting severe, you should go to a clinic or hospital and check with the medical practitioner. 

  • Shortness of Breath

You are most likely to feel this ever since you are entering your last trimester. But then, you will feel breathing is much more comfortable in your last month or two of your pregnancy because your child is ‘moving down’ to your pelvis. 

Your growing uterus is cramping your diaphragm and your lungs; that is why you would find difficulty in breathing. You may adjust your position and practice a deep breath to help you breathe normally. 

p/s: Do consult with your doctor if your breathing patterns are getting severe or if you are experiencing chest pain. 

Your Bucket To-do List

 Here are some things that you are advised to do when you are 30 weeks pregnant. 

> Travel during pregnancy

Mommy is allowed travelling during these 30 weeks pregnant after your doctor gives a ‘green light’ to do so. Just take note on several things such as:

  • There are no complications happen like vaginal bleeding and low-line placenta.
  • Make sure to take vaccines for certain diseases if you are travelling to countries that have those diseases.
  • Check with your airlines, whether you are allowed to do so. 
  • Stay hydrated and always massage your legs and feet to avoid thrombosis. 

> Eat well

You are well noted that eating a balanced and nutritious diet is a must, and it is super crucial if you are pregnant. It is not only for the growth of your baby, but it is also your health and sustain your energy. 

One of the essential nutrients that you must take is calcium (1000 mg per day) where it builds bones and teeth of your baby. There are many sources of calcium like dairy products, dark greens vegetables and fortified cereals. Your healthcare provider may prescribe supplements for you if there is any deficiency in your diet. 

Some would say, you must eat for two; which is a myth. Just follow your doctor advice. 

> Start counting “the kicks.”

If you have not started to count your baby’s kicks, you may begin now. This is one of the ways to track his activities and movements. 

Sometimes you would feel extra kicks from him, but there is a day where he moves less; do not worry because maybe he is sleeping all day long! But if you are worried and have any concerns, just speak to your doctor. 

> Planning for child care.

While resting or having your me-time, start to jot down about your child care. If you are a working woman, then you should begin to recce on potential child care providers, Google the nearest and trusted nursery or ask your family or doctor for their recommendations. While if you are a full-time housewife, you may plan your daily and weekly routine.  

Additional Tips for 20 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some additional tips for mommy who are in her 30 weeks of pregnancy. 

  • Survey a car seat

A car seat is a must once you have kids. At this moment, you would search for an affordable car seat for your upcoming baby. Choose wisely!

  • Maternity photoshoot

It is up to you whether you want to do it or not, but this is a kind of priceless treasure of your motherhood journey. You may do it with your partner, but if you have an extra budget, you can hire a photographer for it. 

Remember to stay hydrated, active and eat a balanced diet. Exercises will not harm your baby but in fact, will help you during your labour and delivery soon. Kegel or pelvic floor exercise is a recommended one. 

Stay tuned with our Weekly Pregnancy articles complete until the 40th week!