Mother, Baby & Kids

Second Year Toddler: Thirty-Three-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

An Asian toddler is walking around with her backpack.

Your little one is now moving one step closer to three as you work through the thirty-three-month-old developmental milestones. As he walks and talks to explore the world every day, you might still need to bear with his tantrums. This is how he is trying to express his sense of independence.

Thus, what else can you expect from your 33-month-old toddler? Read on to find out more on his sleep routine, meal preparations along with other milestones that you can get ready for.

Thirty-Three-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

33-month-old Sleep

Similarly to the previous months, your 33-month-old toddler would need 13 to 14 hours of sleep daily for optimal brain and body development. This consists of 1.5 to 3 hours of daytime nap and 11 to 12 hours of night time sleep.

If your little one refuses to sleep separately due to the fear of the dark, worry not. This is actually quite common at his age. As he is now very into the world of pretend play and imagination, he would think that a dragon from his bedtime story might appear during his sleep.

While he does not yet know how to differentiate between fantasy and reality, he might also feel insecure due to some changes in his daily routine. Perhaps he is now going to a new daycare centre.

Here are some takeaway tips to help your toddler to outgrow his night fears in a few weeks or months:

33-month-old Feeding

When it comes to food and nutrition, your little one might change his appetite from day to day. Worry not, you can look into his overall nutrition intake on weekly basis, not just on daily basis.

A 33-month-old toddler needs three main meals and two snacks daily. Serve your toddler with a variety of food options like fruits and vegetables, grains, protein and dairy products. He should also consume 16 to 19 ounces of skim milk and other low-fat dairy products such as yoghurt and cheese.

Find out more about what and how much your 33-month-old should eat here:

Key Milestones in Growth

Besides being independent, your toddler is going to grow physically as well. So, how should your 33-month-old toddler grow in terms of weight and height? Here are the averages that you can expect from your thirty-three-month-old toddler.

  • Weight: Around 13.47 kg for a 33-month-old baby girl and 13.97 kg for a 33-month-old baby boy
  • Height: Around 92.46 cm for a 33-month-old baby girl and 93.47 cm for a 33-month-old baby boy

Key Milestones in Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • can pedal a tricycle
  • can run and stop without any fall
  • can dress and undress himself with minimal help
  • can turn a knob and unscrew a cap
  • can complete simple puzzles
  • can build towers with blocks

Your 33-month-old toddler loves physical play as he runs, climbs and messes up with his toys throughout the day. Therefore, bring your toddler to the playground as often as you can. Seeing your toddler enjoying the swings and slides is going to bring you so much joy during the process.

You can equally expect your little one to run and stop without tripping and falling. He is capable of avoiding obstacles while he is walking or running around.

Looking into his fine motor skills, he would have so much fun with completing puzzles and building towers with blocks. He would love to scribble and draw simple stick figures with pencils, markers and crayons.

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • might can use up to 900 words
  • starts to learn his first and last name
  • can understand sentences with two or more ideas
  • likes to ask questions to discover ‘why’
  • learns to form logical connections in his daily life
  • expresses the sense of independence
  • likes playing with peers

Your toddler might establish his sense of independence by picking the clothes that he wishes to wear on the particular day. By allowing your toddler to make some age-appropriate decisions in his life, he would learn that he is capable of expressing his opinions and have some control over his lives.

On top of this, you will see a big leap in your toddler’s thinking skills. He would start to understand that the sky with dark clouds might mean the rain is coming. He might also tell you that you need an umbrella when he sees rain.

Furthermore, he is getting more interested in sorting objects based on how they look, feel and what they do. This shows that he starts to understand more about time, space, size and quantity.

If you wish to enhance your toddler’s growing thinking skills, you can:

33-Month-Old Toddler Activities

Unlike his first year and his early second year, your little one enjoys playing with other peers. He might even have preferred playmate to share his toys with.

Other than that, he may even have an imaginary friend. Thus, you can equally try out these activities to fire up his imagination and skill development:

Respect Your Toddler’s Individuality Throughout the Thirty-Three-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

Establishing rules and boundaries is necessary at times so that your toddler could enjoy his play sessions without compromising his sleep and nutrition. However, it is also essential to allow some freedom and control over what clothes to wear, which peer and what toys to play with. With this, your toddler would know that he is capable of making decisions in his daily life and at the same time, can be dependent on you at times when he needs to.

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