Mother, Baby & Kids

First Year Toddler: Twenty-Two-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

An Asian toddler is playing with educational toys

While it seems like you have just been through your first milestones checklist, here you are now to tick off the twenty-two-month-old developmental milestones with your toddler.

This month, you would realise that your 22-month-old is showing you more sense of independence and eagerness to try out new things. He would also start to develop his personality and eating preferences.

In this 22-month-old toddler guide, we will cover you with the milestones that your little one can achieve by now and ways to deal with his sleep, healthy habits and many more.

Twenty-Two-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

22-month-old Sleep

When it comes to your toddler, you do not need to feel uncertain about how much he should sleep every day. Simply stick to his sleeping schedule as the previous months: 13 to 14 hours of sleep daily with 11 to 12 hours of night time sleep. He would enjoy a 1.5 to 3 hours of day time nap, too.

If you happen to hear your toddler screaming or crying without waking up in the middle of the night, worry not. He is just experiencing night terrors during his sleep. Instead of waking your toddler up, you can try out these alternatives to comfort your little one:


22-month-old Feeding

Your 22-month-old is going to do well with 3 nutritious main meals and 2 snacks every day. While your toddler might sometimes skip a meal or snack time, it is fine as long as he enjoys a variety of healthy food.

Besides offering your 22-month-old nutritious food, you can help him to cultivate good habits to keep him at a healthy weight.

Let’s look into how you can encourage healthy habits in your toddler:

If you wish to provide better meals for your toddler, you can equally learn more about the nutrition that your toddler needs in vegetables, grains and potatoes, meat and poultryegg and legumes on Motherhood Story.

Key Milestones in Growth

As your little one acquires more and more skills, he is growing physically as well. So, how should your 22-month-old toddler grow in terms of weight and height? Here are the averages that you can expect from your twenty-two-month-old toddler.

  • Weight: Around 11.52 kg for a 22-month-old baby girl and 11.75 kg for a 22-month-old baby boy
  • Height: Around 84.84 cm for a 22-month-old baby girl and 86.11 cm for a 22-month-old baby boy

Key Milestones in Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • can run in short bursts
  • can start to kick and throw a ball
  • can walk backwards
  • can balance on one foot while holding onto a chair or a wall
  • is equipped with better finger dexterity

Though your toddler is going to show off his running skills both indoor and outdoor, be aware that he is still learning how to slow down and stop while in motion. Thus, if you wish to have your toddler to run freely with minimal threat, you can take him to open spaces such as the park.

On top of this, your little one is constantly improving his fine and gross motor skills with hand, finger and wrist movements and better muscle coordination. He is now capable of building tower blocks, stringing beads, weaving shoelaces in and out of a box and even unscrewing caps.

So, let’s enhance your toddler’s skills by setting up a play area for him with the following items:

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • can speak basic words
  • can build a small tower out of blocks
  • can relate simple actions to reactions
  • can name objects and the people he knows well from pictures
  • can point to and name more than five body parts
  • can recognise shapes and orientations
  • can start to put toys back where they belong
  • can understand rules and restrictions
  • engages in pretend-play with toys
  • throws tantrums

At this stage of your toddler’s learning, he is going to benefit tremendously through listening. Besides reading story books with repetitive words and phrases, you can equally play more nursery rhymes and talk more to your toddler.

Other than exploring his surroundings, do not be shocked if you see your little one touching his private parts. It is common for both boys and girls; thus, you should not make a big deal out of it.

Simply explain the concept of privacy and tell him that it is not appropriate to touch his private parts when he is in public places. Alternatively, you can distract him with other toys or attractive items.

22-Month-Old Toddler Activities

As usual, play is going to help your 22-month-old to develop and enhance key skills and understanding about his surroundings. Are you looking for inspirations to keep your toddler entertained and educated?

Keep boredom away with these exciting activities:

Besides these activities, you can purchase suitable toys for your little one too. While deciding which toys are appropriate, avoid toys labelled for age 3 and above as these toys may lead to choking hazard or other risks for younger toddlers.

Some safe toddler toys that you can consider include:

Whenever your toddler is exploring his new toys or learning a new skill, respond enthusiastically and positively to his improvement and good behaviour.

Handling Tantrums with Understanding Along with the Twenty-Two-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

When your little one is around 22 months old, he is experiencing a lot of new emotions. Therefore, he may not know how to express them appropriately. This may cause frustration that further leads to tantrums and aggressive behaviour.

However, we need to be more understanding as he has not developed much self-control over his frustration. Instead of venting your anger towards your toddler, keep calm and encourage him to ‘use his words’ to express his feelings.

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