Mother, Baby & Kids

Everything Parents Need to Know in the Year of the Water Rabbit


Another year had passed and the cycle begins anew.

This January 22nd marks a new beginning in the Chinese Calendar, bringing us new challenges and opportunities.

We are now entering the Year of the Water rabbit which is said to be a year of prosperity, peace and hope.

Many of you parents will want to make the most out of this new cycle. This includes on how to parent your child as per their zodiac animal, your health, wealth, career and relationships.

The following forecast by Feng Shui expert Joey Yap, shows you what you can expect in the Year of the Water Rabbit based on your Chinese zodiac animal.


As the Grand Duke of 2023, Rabbits will enjoy plenty of luck and wealth, especially in their career.

If there are any financial goals you wish to make, now’s the time to make it happen.

Parenting the Rabbit Child: Those born in the Year of the Rabbit are gentle, compassionate and generally well-liked.

Your bunnies will be some of the most well-behaved children you’ll ever have.

But they can also be quite timid and conservative, choosing to blend in and avoid new experiences, places or people.

If your child is held back by their fear, you can promote courage by showing just how fun it is to get out of your comfort zone.

Health: Rabbits need to be extra careful this year to avoid injury. Pay attention to your diet and cut out unhealthy foods. Extra care should be given to your teeth and bones.

Wealth: Good fortune will most likely come from the kindness of others, benefactors, collaborators and good Samaritans. Avoid being too much of a spendthrift as you may experience temptations. Budget well.

Career: Expect promotions and salary bumps this year. Workplace seniors are more than happy to lend a helping hand whenever you need it. But if you’re looking to move on to greener pastures, now is the time.

Relationships: To the rabbit single parents out there, love is in the air. So don’t be afraid to cast your net into the dating pool. Just don’t move too fast until you know for sure they’re the one.


Dragons, your luck lies in being a Good Samaritan, so don’t skimp out on any acts of kindness.

2023 is also a good year for travelling for those globetrotters.

You may struggle with loneliness in this new cycle, but it’s nothing a new hobby can’t fix.

Parenting the Dragon Child: Just like the mythical creature, Dragon children are fiery, passionate and brave.

But they can also have a short fuse. However, while they may be quick to lose their temper, their anger is usually short-lived.

When it comes to temperamental children, it’s important to teach them anger management so that they don’t scare off potential friends.

Health: Your career may cost you your mental health this year. Be sure to put your foot down when it comes to workplace boundaries to avoid burnout. Expect some indigestion, so be careful about what you eat.

Wealth: You may end up making some expensive purchases this year so expect some financial pressures this year more than usual. Business owners might find it a little harder to turn a profit as well. Have a budget and stick to it.

Career: Expect some stagnation in your career. Navigating workplace relationships can be difficult. Work on improving your professional skills by taking courses.

Relationships: Dragons may be coming off a bit too strong in their romantic pursuits. This may actually scare off potential soulmates so be sure to dial it down. Dragon parents with committed partners should fully invest in the relationship this year.


2023 presents a great opportunity to travel for career or education.

Potential mentors and sponsors may come into your life, bringing in new business opportunities.

Expect to lend some help to an elderly relative in the upcoming months.

Parenting the Snake Child: Snake children have a charming personality, and can easily sway people to their whims.

They are smart, artistic, persuasive but can also be vengeful, secretive, and suspicious.

As a parent, you may end up being lied to and manipulated often.

It’s important to teach kids early on why it’s bad to lie. But at the same time, you should also walk the talk and avoid deceiving them.

Health: Take some precautionary measures to avoid future health woes. Reduce alcohol, promote good health habits and avoid extreme sports.

Wealth: Your good fortune lies in networking and communication this year. So be sure to put your personal and professional relationships to good use to bring in more opportunities for your business.

Career: Snakes can expect smooth sailing at the workplace this year. Any problems should be swiftly dealt with to avoid future problems. Your contributions may finally be getting noticed by those in power.

Relationships: A snake single parent searching for a partner should go out on more dates to maximise their chances of finding The One. Date more and date often.


Courage and bravery are the two mottos for those born in the Year of the Horse.

Hence, now is the moment to chase those dreams.

Parenting the Horse Child: Those born in the Year of the Horse are free-spirits.

They are curious creatures who are blessed with boundless energy.

But as a downside, they can also be quite ephemeral, jumping from one hobby or project to the next.

It’s important not only to satisfy their curiosity and interest, but to also help them focus and keep distractions at bay.

Health: Horses can expect a clean bill of health this year. But pay attention to your heart and stomach. A good diet and exercise routine should do the trick.

Wealth: Business owners can expect some new opportunities, bringing with it some much needed profit. You may cross paths with a money guru, so don’t let the opportunity pass you by to learn some financial secrets.

Career: Dedication is key for Horses this year in the career department. Promotions and pay bumps may be on the horizon as long as you keep working hard.

Relationships: To the Horse parent, you can expect some stability and harmony in your love life this year. New romantic opportunities await those who are single as well.


Goats will experience a new wave of creative energy, which is good news if you’re working in sales or marketing.

There will also be more motivation, energy, and even the possibility of getting noticed in your career.

Parenting the Goat Child: Just like Rabbit children, Goat kids are well-mannered, calm and considerate.

They are gentle souls who prefer to stay inside and be alone with their thoughts.

But all that introspection also means Goats are prone to bouts of moodiness, depression and negativity.

Help distract them with plenty of hands-on activities and moral support.

Health: Pay attention to how much rest you’re getting; work-life balance is key. Avoid any extreme sports to prevent unwanted injuries.

Wealth: Business owners can expect some luck when it comes to building wealth. But avoid making high-risk investments, even if the potential rewards are great.

Career: Those born in the second half of the Year of the Goat may be getting a promotion at work. Continue working closely with superiors and maintaining good rapport.

Relationships: Any Goat single parent can expect some blooms in the love department. When it comes to romance, patience is a virtue. Avoid spending too much on date nights.


Monkeys can expect lots of help and support this year.

But don’t underestimate your own cunning, talent and potential when it comes to problem-solving.

Parenting the Monkey Child: Monkey children are the life of the party.

They are playful, friendly and have an abundant of enthusiasm.

But all this playfulness can also often bubble over into mischief-making.

If you find your toddler enjoys pulling too many pranks, or just being too hyperactive in general, help them channel their boundless energy with creative projects.

Health: The worst that awaits you this year is probably the common cold. But focus on stress management to avoid high blood pressure.

Wealth: Opportunities for wealth-making are abundant, just be conservative in your investments and spending. Be humble with your money and budget well.

Career: Monkeys can expect some hurdles at the workplace and promotions may be scarce. Try your best to get along with the higher-ups.

Relationships: For the Monkey single parent, an accidental romance may blossom this year but make sure you’re starting off on the right foot. If all is good, keep your new love under wraps for now and take things slow.


Leave the haters behind Roosters, because there will be no shortage of those this year.

Focus on your finances and goals. Take extra safety precautions when travelling, like getting insurance.

Parenting the Rooster Child: Rooster children have magnetic personalities.

They are unconventional and have natural leadership qualities.

But they can also be a bit self-centred, and pardon the pun, a little cocky.

Teach them kindness and humility while giving them plenty of opportunities to help, console and share.

Health: Roosters should watch out for colds and other respiratory disorders this year. Boost your immune system with lots of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods, vitamins and supplements.

Wealth: Money-making may be a bit inauspicious this year especially if you’re just relying on your natural talents. Work hard, persevere and be on the lookout for opportunities.

Career: You may be travelling a lot for work this year. If you’re thinking of a career switch, now’s the time to make your move. Those working in sales and marketing should avoid risky strategies.

Relationship: Roosters may experience a little bit of a dry spell in the romance department this year. For Rooster single parents looking for love, this is not a sign to give up. Keep fishing around in the dating pool and you may just take home a winning catch.


Dogs can rely on their supporting network of powerful and loving people to help them get out of sticky situations.

Scholars and academics can also expect an auspicious year for making new discoveries.

But beware of negative nellies that may pop into your life.

Remember to stick to your goals and trust your instincts.

Parenting Your Dog Child: Dogs are fiercely protective and loyal, but they can also be extremely sensitive.

Conflicts in their environment can lead to temperamental behaviour. They may run off to their quiet corners to wallow in their bad mood.

Remember to cultivate a safe, harmonious and compassionate home when you have Dog children in the house.

Health: Exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for keeping health issues at bay. Especially those caused by stress and exhaustion from work.

Wealth: Dogs can expect some stability in their finances this year. But avoid overspending and be extra vigilant about planning out your purchases beforehand.

Career: Work stress may be inevitable but ignore the drama and work on yourself. Be on the lookout for opportunities to expand your career. Collaborate often with colleagues to learn handy skills.

Relationship: The Year of the Rabbit brings good news for all Dog single parents searching for their other half. Your lucky stars are aligned for finding true love and committing to a relationship.


It looks to be an auspicious year for Pigs to do what they love most: enjoying all of life’s pleasures.

All is well and good with your wealth, just be careful about engaging in dangerous activities to avoid injury.

Parenting Your Pig Child: Pigs are warm-hearted, honest and forgiving. They are some of the easiest children to raise.

But their innocence can also cause them to be a bit naïve.

It’s important to promote a healthy level of scepticism and be sure to ensure they’re well-educated.

Pig children are also quite clumsy so be sure to teach them about safety and danger.

Health: Pigs can expect to enjoy phenomenal health this year and even an improvement in any previous conditions they may be experiencing. Just remember to eat clean to avoid digestive issues.

Wealth: Your fortune is tied to your generosity this year, so be extra giving and you shall reap the rewards. Try not to be too competitive in your money-making efforts. Avoid new or risky financial decisions.

Career: Be wary of office politics and do you best to avoid workplace drama. Acquire new professional skills to build your career.

Relationship: Pigs can expect their friendships to flourish this year. There may be even be the promise of new love somewhere on the horizon for the Pig single parent searching for a new partner.


2023 is shaping up to be a great year for Rats.

Keep in mind to really take this time to enjoy what life has to offer.

You may be on track for a promotion at work, along with some auspicious returns for any investments or business you may have.

Be open minded to other’s views to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Parenting Your Rat Child: Rat children are clever, inquisitive, and observant.

But they can also be possessive and stubborn, often having a hard time in sharing toys and other belongings.

Some Rat children can also be pessimistic and timid, so teaching them some leadership skills can also be good.

Health: Your liver and kidneys may be at risk this year. Lack of sleep may result in stress so be extra mindful of your physical and mental health.

Wealth: Expect some financial woes in the near future from unforeseen expenses. Plan your finances wisely and take care of your health to avoid medical bills.

Career: Cultivate a healthy work routine to keep your mind focused. Be more mindful to avoid mistakes that may upset your bosses.

Relationship: A love interest may be waiting in the wings for you this year. But don’t be too overenthusiastic or this might scare them off.


A challenging year awaits all Oxen.

Ignore any gossipy and fake people trying to put you down. Surround yourself with loved ones who you trust.

You will come out of this trying period stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Parenting your Ox Child: Ox children are practical, determined, and relentless.

But with their steadfastness also comes a certain level of stubbornness.

It can be hard to persuade (or rather dissuade) an Ox child once they make up their minds about something.

The worst thing you can do is be too strict. Instead, give them options so they can exercise some level of control.

Health: Forego outdoor activities (particularly forests). There’s a high chance of you getting injured in one of these places.

Wealth: Beware for financial scams and avoid signing up for investment schemes. Spend your money wisely and in moderation. Resist the temptation to splurge.

Career: There may be not many opportunities to shine at the workplace this year. Consider taking on new responsibilities to show people what you’re truly capable of.

Relationship: Things are looking up in the romance department for Ox single parents on the lookout. Don’t rush into a relationship until you’re sure the other person has no ulterior motives.


Tigers can expect a balanced year ahead, so the world is your oyster.

Those seeking treatment can expect to find a good doctor.

Circumstances are also favourable for travel, just remember to take extra safety precautions.

Parenting Your Tiger Child: Tigers are spontaneous, ambitious, energetic and fearless.

Just like roosters, tiger children are natural born leaders.

But they can also impatient and impulsive so it’s important to teach them the value of patience.

Moreover, because of their energetic nature, tiger children need plenty of space to move around.

Be sure to give them plenty of physical activity to channel their energy in productive ways.

Health: Be wary about overstraining your muscles to avoid injury. You may also experience some stomach or breathing problems, so visit a doctor if this happens. Take extra care of your body.

Wealth: Tigers need to protect their wealth this year because things aren’t looking too well for your finances. You may lose some of your wealth and people may take advantage of your money. Be extra wary.

Career: Work place competition is at an all-time high and others may be doing better than you. Continue doing your best.

Relationship: The promise of new friendship or romance in the opposite gender may be on the horizon for the companion-searching Tiger single parent. Remember to focus on emotional stability first.

Have A Prosperous New Year Ahead

There you go mums, here’s your 2023 zodiac predictions courtesy of Joey Yap, astrologer and Feng Shui expert!

Don’t forget to share this with your loved ones so they can get a heads up about what’s waiting for them this Year of the Water Rabbit.

Motherhood wishes you and your family a Happy Chinese New Year full of love and prosperity, Gong Xi Fa Cai!