Mother, Baby & Kids

Nutrition for Toddlers: Vegetables

child eating vehetable

Before this, we covered which fruits are safe for toddlers and which aren’t. This time, we’ll be exploring our favourite greens!

Vegetables are known as superfoods for kids. But, are all vegetables safe for toddlers to eat? Well, not all greens are. In fact, some may cause them harm instead. So, which vegetables are toddler-friendly, should be consumed in moderation, and should be avoided?

Let’s explore it together, shall we?

Safe Vegetables for Your Toddlers

Baby corn

New mummies can feed their toddlers with baby corn from as early as 6 months old. Baby corn contains many nutrients which helps improve your toddler’s digestion and immune systems. This vegetable is crunchy and tastes sweet, which are great for your toddlers.


Beets are great for your kids! They are rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins, and folate. Beets also contain vitamin C and copper which helps enhance your toddler’s absorption of iron. Additionally, this green can also boost your toddler’s energy.


You can start including broccoli into your children’s meal as soon as 6 months old. Broccoli has many beneficial nutrients which helps improve your kids’ bones, teeth, and vision development.

Brussel sprout

Brussel sprout is safe for your toddler to eat. This green is rich in vitamin K which helps improve your toddler’s blood circulation. Brussel sprout is also high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.

Button mushroom

Your children can have some button mushrooms too! These mushrooms have vitamin B and folate which are great for your toddler’s growth. Button mushrooms can also enhance your toddlers’ metabolism.


Mums can feed their children with some cabbages. Cabbage can help to improve your toddler’s immunity and vision health. These vegetables can also promote healthy brain and bone development.


Mamas can introduce carrots to their kids from as soon as 6 to 8 months old. Carrots have vitamin A which is great for your toddler’s vision. They are also easy to digest.


Your little ones can have some cauliflowers. Cauliflowers contain many essential nutrients which are great for your toddler’s overall health. They are great to improve your toddler’s immunity, intellectual and visual development. You can start feeding them cauliflowers from as early as 6 months of age.


It is fine to feed your kids with cucumbers! Cucumbers can help to relieve constipation and stomach discomfort. These greens are rich in vitamin C which helps to promote your toddler’s iron absorption. Additionally, cucumbers can also improve your toddler’s immune system.


Celery is great for your kids. Celery contains essential nutrients which are great for your kid’s overall health. It is also rich in fibre which promotes your toddler’s digestive health. Just remember to not feed your kids with raw celery as the fibre in them might be too strong for your little ones.

Oyster mushroom

Mummies can feed their toddlers with oyster mushrooms too. These mushrooms are yummy and contain many nutrients which helps to ensure your toddler’s healthy development. Oyster mushrooms can also help improve your toddler’s immunity and energy.


You can give potatoes to your little ones too! Potatoes are rich in nutrients which can boost your toddler’s energy level and immunity. In addition, potatoes may also promote your kid’s development and growth. They can also help them maintain a healthy digestive system.


Mamas can introduce carrots into their kid’s diets from as early as 6 months old. Spinach can help to promote your toddler’s bones and teeth development. Additionally, spinach may also improve your kid’s hair, skin, and body.


Your kids can consume tomatoes too. They are rich in vitamin C which can boost your toddler’s immunity. Additionally, tomatoes also have folate which are great for your toddler’s brain development.

Consume in Moderation


Your toddlers need to consume yams in moderation. Yams are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which are great for your toddler’s immunity. They also contain many fluorides which helps to protect your kid’s teeth.

Sweet potato

Mamas should feed their children with sweet potatoes in moderate amounts. It is safe to feed your children with sweet potatoes from as early as 6 months of age. These vegetables are high in minerals and vitamins which are great for your toddler’s development.

Pickled cabbages

You may feed your toddlers with pickled cabbage in moderate quantities. Pickled cabbage might have nutrients but it may also cause digestion problems. Remember to only give pickled cabbages to kids that are aged 10 months and above in small amounts.

Avoid these Veggies!


You cannot feed your toddlers with horseradish. This is because horseradish is toxic and can cause discomfort. Horseradish might lead your toddlers to develop some health problems such as digestive issues, allergic reactions, and skin irritations.

Green chili

You need to avoid feeding your kids with green chilies. They might be too spicy for your toddler’s palate and might cause inflammation to their mouths.

Aloe vera

Your toddler should not consume aloe vera. Aloe vera might cause digestive problems like diarrhoea, and stomach ache.

Your toddlers need to consume safe vegetables!

As vegetables are great for their overall health, you should try to include those greens into your toddler’s meal. Here are some vegetarian recipes that you can try.


Check out which herbs are toddler-friendly and which should be avoided here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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