Mother, Baby & Kids

Pregnancy Food: Beverages

woman drinking coffee

Previously, we covered which seasoning and sauces are safe to consume while you’re expecting and which should be avoided. In this piece, we’ll be looking into beverages!

Are you pregnant and unsure of what you can and cannot drink during your pregnancy?

Have no fear! We are here today to share all the necessary information which you may need to know. Drinking enough water is significant especially if you are pregnant. You need to stay hydrated because it affects your baby’s development too.

Now, let’s explore which are the beverages you should drink during pregnancy and which to avoid, shall we?

Top Beverages to Consume While Pregnant

Mineral water

Pregnant mums must drink mineral water. Or at least filtered and boiled water, if not. You should avoid drinking tap water as they are unsafe to consume. Just make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.

Barley water

Expectant mums should also consume barley water. It can help to remain a healthy pregnancy and supply nutrients that are beneficial for your baby’s development.

Orange juice

Orange juice is safe for your pregnancy. It contains many health benefits which are good for your immunity and skin. In addition, it also boosts your baby’s teeth and bones development and prevents iron deficiency anaemia. However, you should avoid adding sugar to it as doing so might increase your blood sugar levels.


To all the Milo lovers, I have good news for you: You are safe to consume Milo during your pregnancy! Just remember to consume the beverage in limited quantities and omit the additional sugar or condensed milk as the Milo powder already comes sugared. You can try to replace Milo with cacao powder and a little hint of honey or coconut sugar to cut the sweetness.

Sparkling water

You are safe to consume sparkling water during your pregnancy. This is because it is significant to stay hydrated during this critical time. Sparkling water can also help relieve some digestive issues.

Sugarcane juice

Mums-to-be can drink sugarcane juices as they are high in minerals and vitamins. However, you should avoid them if you have gestational diabetes.

Sweet-sour plum juice

You can have some sweet-sour plum juices during your pregnancy. They have essential nutrients which can help you to prevent osteoporosis and constipation. However, you should consume them in moderate amounts. This is because they are high in sugar content.

Water chestnut juice

Pregnant mums can drink water chestnut juices too. They have beneficial nutrients that are great for your pregnancy.

Honey stewed pear

Expectant mums can also drink honey stewed pear. It can aid your constipation during pregnancy, But, do not consume too much of it. This is because it has a high level of sugar content.

Yoghurt drinks

Yoghurt drinks are safe for pregnant mums. But you need to drink them in moderation. They can help to improve your immunity and gut health, while also promote intestinal function. Just remember to be careful with the sugar content.

Soya bean milk

Soy beans contain numerous nutrients that are good for your baby’s development and growth.

Coconut juice

Pregnant women can consume coconut juice too. It can keep you hydrated while also preventing constipation and heartburn.

Moderation is Key

Bubble tea

I know some mums-to-be may be huge ‘boba’ lovers, but you should try to limit your bubble tea consumption during pregnancy. This is because ‘boba’ has high fat and sugar content. It might also containt harmful flavourings or artificial colouring which are not good for your pregnancy health.


You can have coffee but in small quantities only. You cannot drink more than a cup of coffee per day. This is as it contains caffeine which can increase your heartbeat and blood pressure. This in turn can cause nausea and dizziness during pregnancy too. So refrain yourself from that cup of coffee.

Herbal tea

Image credit: Pexels

Mummies-to-be should be careful with herbal tea during pregnancy. You should consult your doctor before consuming them. This is because it might contain harmful herbs during your pregnancy.

Lime Juice

Lime juice is safe to consume during pregnancy. But in limited quantities only. They can help to strengthen your teeth during pregnancy.

Green tea

Pregnant mums can have green tea in moderation. It can improve blood circulation, aid digestion, and reduce swelling during pregnancy. However, it has caffeine and polyphenols which might harm your baby’s development. So remember to consume green tea in moderation.

Iced lemon tea

You should consume them in moderate amounts. Lemon tea can improve flavonoids and antioxidants in your body. However, they have high sugar content which is not good for pregnancy. You should also try to avoid buying store-bought ones as they have even higher sugar content. Try to make homemade decaffeinated tea and add some lemon juice into it to suit your taste instead.

Apple cider

Expectant mums should also avoid consuming apple cider. This is as it can be very acidic and may not be good for your pregnancy health.


You should try to avoid soda during your pregnancy too. Plain soda is rich in carbon dioxide which might trigger excess gas buildup. On another hand, other sodas contain high sugar content.


Expectant mummies cannot drink cola. It has no nutritional value in them. They also have high caffeine and sugar levels which are unsafe for your baby. Avoid consuming cola at all costs during your pregnancy.

Energy drink

You cannot drink energy drinks during pregnancy. These beverages contain high levels of caffeine and taurine which are unsafe for you and your baby.


Do not drink beer during your pregnancy! It contains alcohol which can affect your baby’s health. Beer might also destroy your baby’s brain cells and cause deformities or mental retardation. You need to remember that alcoholic drinks might cause miscarriage. So avoid them at all cost.


Sake is unsafe for mums-to-be as they contain alcohol too. They might cause damage to your baby’s central nervous system. Additionally, they may also cause some health issues for you and your foetus.

Pu’er tea

You should avoid consuming pu’er tea as it might have contamination with mold and bacteria. And as a tea, it also has caffeine content. This is not good for you because too much caffeine might cause harmful side effects for your pregnancy.

Only consume safe beverages during your pregnancy

As you are aware, you need to stay hydrated to have a healthy pregnancy. You can try other options aside from plain water, but not the ones that bring harm to your pregnancy.


Now that you know which beverages are safe to consume while pregnant and which aren’t, take a look at this list of pregnancy friendly desserts you may try here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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