Mother, Baby & Kids

Pregnancy Food: Dairy

Previously, we covered the herbs that you can consume and should avoid during your pregnancy. This time around, we are going to discuss dairy products!

Dairy products are also essential during pregnancy. This is because this superfood provides many essential nutrients for us. But pregnant mums should be aware of their dairy consumption as it might affect you and your developing baby. So which dairy products are safe to consume during pregnancy and otherwise?

Let’s discover it together, shall we?

Dairy Products You Can Consume During Pregnancy


Pregnant mums can eat tofu. Tofu is high in protein which is suitable for vegetarian mums. Tofu also contains calcium which can help in strengthening your baby’s bones!


Mums-to-be can eat yoghurt as it aids in improving your digestion system. Yoghurt also contains many calcium and vitamins. But if you have digestion problems or are lactose intolerant, better to cut or reduce the yoghurt intake.

Soy milk

It is very healthy to consume soy milk during pregnancy as it contains a lot of essential nutrients. It improves your immunity and helps with the baby’s brain development. Click here to know more about soy milk!

Bean curd sheet (Yuba)


Mums-to-be can eat bean curd sheets, too! Yuba is high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and protein. All of these are good for both mum-to-be and baby. It promotes the baby’s nervous system and eases fatigue. At the same time, the pregnant mum can also benefit from its overall nutrition whilst avoiding high blood pressure.

Cow’s milk

Mums-to-be can consume fresh cow milk. It provides you with calcium and moisturises your skin! Mums need to be pretty too, right? Cow’s milk also aids in developing your baby’s bones and nervous system.

Goat’s milk

Mums-to-be can drink goat’s milk. But you have to make sure it is not raw. It  nourishes you with protein, calcium, and minerals. These can help boost your strength and immunity.

Frozen tofu

Expectant mum should eat frozen tofu as it gives you many essential nutrients needed for your pregnancy.

Hard bean curd

You can eat hard bean curd during pregnancy. It contains calcium and vitamin A. These nutrients help to build your immunity and baby’s bones. However, please be careful with shop-bought ones which may contain high salt content.

Maternal milk

Mums-to-be can consume maternal milk. It has numerous nutrients that will help with your postpartum recovery. It’s not necessary to drink maternal milk if you practice a healthy pregnancy diet, however, you are free to consume it! Click here for more information on maternal milk for pregnant mummies!


Pregnant mums should consume ghee in moderation. It contains many vitamins which are good for your pregnancy, however, it also has a high amount of fat content. This might cause you to gain more weight than recommended which can lead to numerous negative health effects.

Ice cream

Pregnant mums might crave ice cream, too! But you have to consume it in small quantities as it has a high level of sugar and fat content. However, it still has a small amount of nutrition. That said, if you want to eat them, please watch over your intake.

Fried gluten balls

Mums-to-be can only eat a moderate amount of fried gluten balls. This is as it is difficult to digest and might give you heartburn.

Fish tofu

Mummies-to-be can consume fish tofu, but in limited quantities only. This is as it contains high salt content and preservatives. As such, do remember to monitor your intake.

Chinese fermented bean curd

Mums-to-be can eat Chinese fermented bean curd. However, in a moderate amount only as it is rich in salt content. Chinese fermented bean curd also has phytoestrogens that can lower the risk of heart disease, menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis.


You should avoid consuming unpasteurised cheese. If it’s already pasteurised though, then you are safe to go. Cheese is high in protein and other nutrients which helps boost your physical strength and metabolism. It also helps in preventing constipation and diarrhoea. The calcium in cheese develops your baby’s brains and bones. However, you have to consume it in moderation. Make sure to watch over the salt content.

Avoid at all cost

Camembert cheese

Pregnant mums should avoid eating camembert cheese. This is as it might contain listeria bacteria.

Blue cheese

Mums-to-be need to avoid consuming unpasteurised blue cheese as it contains bacteria listeria, Do observe the label at all times before consumption. If it doesn’t show pasteurised milk or raw milk, then you should avoid it at all costs!

Brie cheese

Expectant mums should avoid eating brie cheese. It is soft and uncooked cheese which carries listeria bacteria.

Goat  cheese

Please do not eat unpasteurised goat cheese as it contains listeria bacteria.

Feta cheese

Mums-to-be should avoid eating feta cheese. This is because it has listeria bacteria. You need to avoid the unpasteurised version as it might be contaminated.

Consume safe dairy products during your pregnancy!

Dairy products are a great source of calcium and protein. Thus, it is essential for a healthy pregnancy diet as it helps to strengthen your and your baby’s bones. If you cannot take dairy products, please consume substitutes such as vegetables. Remember to always practice a healthy pregnancy diet as you are eating for two now.


Now that you know which dairy products to consume and avoid during your pregnancy, check out some healthy pregnancy desserts recipes here.

Check out which meat and poultry are safe to consume during your pregnancy and which you should avoid here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.
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