Mother, Baby & Kids

Screen Time During Pregnancy: How Much Is Too Much?

pregnant mum screen time

Let’s talk about screen time, mummies!

We all love our gadgets, right? Whether it’s scrolling through social media, binge-watching our favourite shows, or Googling everything under the sun about pregnancy, screen time has become a big part of our daily lives.

And let’s be honest, when you’re pregnant, those quiet moments on the sofa with your phone or tablet can feel like a well-deserved break.

But have you ever wondered how much screen time is okay during pregnancy?

It’s something worth thinking about because spending too much time glued to a screen might have some unexpected effects on both you and your little one.

No worries, though! We’re going to break down everything you need to know about screen time during pregnancy.

The Physical Stuff: What Too Much Screen Time Can Do

Tired Eyes and Sleepless Nights

Have you noticed that your eyes start to feel tired or dry after staring at your screen for a while?

That’s called digital eye strain – and guess what? Pregnancy hormones can make your eyes feel even more sensitive.

When you’re pregnant, your body is already working overtime, so adding eye strain to the mix isn’t exactly ideal.

Plus, all that blue light from screens can mess with your sleep.

It can interfere with your melatonin levels, making it harder for you to wind down and fall asleep.

So, what can you do?

Try switching on ‘night mode’ on your devices in the evening to reduce the blue light.

And if you can, give yourself a screen break at least an hour before bedtime.

Ouch! My Back and Neck

Let’s be real, pregnancy already brings its fair share of aches and pains, especially in your back and neck.

But if you’re spending too much time hunched over a screen, it can make things worse.

Poor posture from staring down at your phone or sitting awkwardly at your desk can add to the discomfort.

Quick tip: Try to sit up straight and use cushions or supports to keep your posture in check. And hey, why not do a few light stretches every now and then? Your body will thank you!

More Screen, Less Movement

It’s tempting to settle into a comfy spot for hours of screen time, but siting for long periods can lead to a sedentary lifestyle – something you definitely want to avoid during pregnancy.

Lack of movement can lead to issues like poor circulation, and even increase the risk of gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.

A little bit of physical activity goes a long way.

Even short walks around the house, stretching, or some gentle prenatal yoga can make a big difference in keeping you and your baby healthy.

How Screen Time Affects Your Baby

Stress and Overload – It Can Add Up

You’re probably already doing everything you can to give your baby the best start in life, from taking your prenatal vitamins to eating healthily.

But did you know that your stress levels can also affect your baby’s brain development?

It’s so easy to get caught up in stressful content when you’re spending lots of time on your devices.

Constant exposure to stressful or overwhelming content, like negative news or endless pregnancy advice, can ramp up your stress hormones, which is not great for either of you!

Here’s what happens: stress during pregnancy can interfere with the development of crucial brain regions like the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and emotional regulation.

This disruption can also lead to challenges in the child’s emotional regulation, cognitive development, and social-emotional skills later on.

That’s why it’s important to be mindful and take regular breaks from screen to protect your peace of mind!

Try to stick to positive, calming content when using your devices. Your baby’s brain will thank you for it.

What About Electromagnetic Radiation?

You’ve probably heard about electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from all the gadgets we use – smartphones, Wi-Fi, and even TVs.

You might not think much about it, but yes, it’s something to keep in mind during pregnancy.

Here are some ways how it can impact your little one:

  • Foetal Temperatures: The placenta – that incredible organ connecting your baby to you – can actually absorb EMF radiation from smartphones. This can lead to a rise in foetal temperatures. The placenta is like a superhero that transfers nutrients and oxygen to your baby, so any change  in its temperature might affect your baby’s metabolic processes and blood flow.
  • Risk of Miscarriage and Premature Birth: And then there’s the timing of your pregnancy. If you are exposed to high levels of EMF radiation, you have an increased risk of miscarriage before 10 weeks and are more likely to give birth prematurely (before 36 weeks). This is because EMF exposure may alter the mother’s hormone production, which could potentially lead to issues like changes in the baby’s heart rate and nervous system development.
  • Long-term Effects on Your Little One: You might be wondering – could your screen habits during pregnancy affect your baby after they’re born? Spending a lot of time on your phone while pregnant might be linked to certain developmental issues later in childhood. A metanalysis found that mums-to-be who use their mobile phones at moderate to high levels during pregnancy might be more likely to have children who experience hyperactivity, speech problems and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

While the impact of EMF radiation is still being studied, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

It’s not something that happens to every child, of course, but it’s a good reminder to be mindful of how much time you spend in front of screens while pregnant.

Limiting screen time can benefit both you and your little one!

Easy Tips for Healthy Screen Time

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

First things first – it’s all about balance.

We’re not saying you need to ditch your devices entirely – after all, they’re handy for looking up pregnancy tips, keeping in touch with your loved ones, and even finding prenatal exercises.

But setting some screen time boundaries can help you strike a better balance.

Try things like:

  • Screen-free zones: Keep your bedroom or dining area screen-free.
  • Tech-free time: Schedule specific hours when you won’t use any screens.
  • Distance is a key: Use speaker mode or air tube headsets for calls.
  • Break it up: Take a break every 20-30 minutes, especially if you’re using screens for work or leisure.
  • 20-20-20 rule:Experts suggest that every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, and look at something 20 feet away.
  • Turn off non-essential notifications:To lessen the temptation to continuously check your phone, turn off notifications from non-essential apps.

It’s all about giving your eyes (and your mind) a well-deserved rest.

Move, Move, Move!

We know it’s tempting to curl up with your tablet for hours, but staying active during pregnancy is super important.

Remember, even gentle exercise can make a huge difference in how you feel!

Whether it’s a walk around the block, some stretches or a short prenatal workout, moving your body can help improve circulation and boost your mood.

Plus, it gives you an excuse to put your phone down for a bit!

You can also mix in some movement with your screen time – whether it’s getting up to stretch, taking a short walk, or doing some light exercises during your favourite shows.

There are even apps designed to help you stay active during pregnancy – just don’t let the screen time overtake your workout!

Mind Your Media, Mums

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Pregnancy can be a rollercoaster, and it’s easy to get caught up in a wave of information online.

So, be picky about what you’re watching or reading.

Stick to positive, educational content and avoid anything that makes you feel stressed or anxious.

It may be watching a funny show, scrolling through some positive affirmations, or using your screen time to research relaxation techniques.

Whatever you choose, just make sure it lifts you up rather than stressing you out.

And if you’re still feeling overwhelmed? It’s totally okay to switch off and take a break.

Posture Perfect

When you’re spending time on your devices, it’s important to be mindful of your posture.

Sitting in awkward positions can worsen the aches and pains that pregnancy often brings. Here are some physical tips to help:

  • Avoid placing your phone directly on your belly or keeping your laptop on your lap for long periods. Instead, use speaker mode, a hands-free device, or prop your phone up on a table to keep it a bit further from your body.
  • Consider using a table or desk with the screen at eye level to avoid slouching when you’re working on a laptop. Add a cushion or support behind your lower back if you need to.
  • Try to stand up and stretch every so often, or switch between sitting and standing positions. If possible, use a standing desk or just take short breaks to walk around the room. This helps with circulation and reduces the risk of discomfort.

Finding the Right Balance

So, how much screen time is too much during pregnancy?

There’s no magic number, but it’s all about finding the right balance that works for you.

Too much screen time can lead to tired eyes, a sore back, and stress – none of which you need while you’re growing a tiny human!

But with a few simple tips, you can enjoy the best bits of technology without overdoing it.

Remember, pregnancy is a time to nurture both your body and mind. So, take those well-deserved breaks, connect with your baby, and keep things in perspective.

You’ve got this, mummies!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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